Official Jon Gruden Thread XV

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Just know that it's someone the VN loves. That's as far into it as I'm allowed to go without giving away my source.

The AD and Lamontes office are stalking this board hard.

I really hope I am wrong, I want Gruden just as bad as the next guy...Can't trust info anymore. First Lovie is on the plane, Shannon Hired....Gruden is "done deal"....Just can't get my HART broke again.
Just know that it's someone the VN loves. That's as far into it as I'm allowed to go without giving away my source.

The AD and Lamontes office are stalking this board hard.

Well, if that's the case, then let it be known (again) that I want Gruden! Bring him to Knoxville, and our 8 season tickets will definitely be renewed for next year! :) I'm super important and stuff!
Just know that it's someone the VN loves. That's as far into it as I'm allowed to go without giving away my source.

The AD and Lamontes office are stalking this board hard.

well, in that case. Hey're a douche. You know why.
I'm starting to believe in this delayed info going on here. The sticking point in the TFP article was assistant money right? And he said on radio the two sides were far apart. I'm wondering if it was Gruden pushing hard for them to pay C. Morris's buyout and they said no. And now he has to find a new OC. Anyone else?

Or covering the rest of the assistants which are coming from the NFL. Bisiccaa at special teams and Raheem Morris at DC.
Just know that it's someone the VN loves. That's as far into it as I'm allowed to go without giving away my source.

The AD and Lamontes office are stalking this board hard.

You had me going before that last comment. That's completely absurd. You think they like the gif's?
I love how you could read Richt's words after the roughing call on McCarron. "That is bull crap." I don't like Georgia and never will, but you have to give the man some credit. He is a quality human being. I am not sure some Georgia fans realize what they have, but it has been a theme that he just can't get over the hump. I will point back to one year that he made a big mistake when he decided to plit time between D.J. Shockley and Greene (I think). Shockley was Richt's first big recruit, and I think he felt he had to play him. They lost one game that year against Florida by one score, and Shockley threw a pick 6. That was the year he could have won it all.

I noticed that too. Awesome.
Has anyone considered that maybe it's not an elaborate smokescreen, that maybe there's a lot of truth what's really happening?

I can't imagine Hart not being for Gruden. It would be the biggest hire in the history of AD's and he'd get the credit. It's always been a longshot, an I'll see it to believe it deal. Everything that has been done so far, IMO, was to buy time to see if the longshot Gruden deal could in fact be made. They probably had a deadline of Nov. 30th to work on it, but Hart couldn't wait any longer to start his search and when it wasn't done with Gruden, that was everyone's sign it wasn't happening. Doesn't mean that Haslam hadn't made enough progress to drop it altogether, just meant they weren't close enough for Hart to put off a real search any longer.

Meanwhile, Haslam and some others are still trying to work through the Gruden issues, convince him, and deliver him to Hart. Just because Gruden has agreed to the terms and basic outline of the deal doesn't mean it's anywhere near done in a mega deal such as this because the devil is in the details. It's not a smokescreen, it's the reality of the situation. Either they will work out the Gruden deal and he'll say yes, or Hart will announce the results of his coaching search.

Just my speculation, but it's the only way to explain Hart's actions as well as all of the conflicting information that has been out there and is still out there. Basically, I think there are two deals being worked on - the big money is trying to deliver Gruden and Hart is conducting a real coaching search so if TN is left at the altar, they don't have to reach Derek Dooley2.

I don't know how many times I have to say this but the timeline is fluid until everything is resolved. It's getting closer.

I've guessed this week sometime for almost two weeks now. Ill stick to that until I hear otherwise.

What doe's it mean if there is nothing this week?
I'm starting to believe in this delayed info going on here. The sticking point in the TFP article was assistant money right? And he said on radio the two sides were far apart. I'm wondering if it was Gruden pushing hard for them to pay C. Morris's buyout and they said no. And now he has to find a new OC. Anyone else?

This intrigue is driving me nuts....and not the joke
Just know that it's someone the VN loves. That's as far into it as I'm allowed to go without giving away my source.

The AD and Lamontes office are stalking this board hard.

Well the only person I can think of based on your tidbits of info would be Chief.

My fellow Vol brethren are getting played so hard it is not funny....

I'm not saying there is no chance, but this Bray character is FOS. Ooooohhhh, the AD and Lamonte's office are monitoring this site. For what? If Gruden wanted to coach here it wouldn't be such a huge secret.
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Quick smokescreen to throw off the smokescreeners!

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I'd honestly rather have the OG's not leak info if it meant souring any slim chances of landing gruden if he really is that upset about the leaks (understandable, he has another job right now). I've jumped off the Gruden train but I have some small hope a miracle will happen.
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