Official Jon Gruden Thread XV

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I'd honestly rather have the OG's not leak info if it meant souring any slim chances of landing gruden if he really is that upset about the leaks (understandable, he has another job right now). I've jumped off the Gruden train but I have some small hope a miracle will happen.

The problem with this is that Gruden has to know that info will leak when both sides have been talking for this long. This is 2012 when social media runs the world. Word gets around. If he really was serious about info not leaking, he would have told Hart back in October that he was interested and would make some private calls, but that he would not talk until Decemeber __.

I was hopeful, too, but I don't want to be let down again. So, I am going the other way.
Just know that it's someone the VN loves. That's as far into it as I'm allowed to go without giving away my source.

The AD and Lamontes office are stalking this board hard.

Where do I apply for that job?? I have multiple years of experience, and am fluent in internet acronyms.
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Do you think Hart's repeated trips to the jet hangar are to feed Gruden? Does Hart have him locked up?
That's why Hart hasn't been interviewing anyone for the HC position. He is too distracted reading the VN coaching rumors threads

And resisting the urge to create an account to be the ultimate inside source and clear his name in from of the angry mattress burning mob!
To western. What's the good word?

The good word is that there are intelligent reasonable people who are well-connected that still believe that Jon Gruden to Tennessee is not in doubt. At the same time, skeeter is credible too. So that's the bad word. Someone is getting misinformed.
I think so!

I guess you really can't believe what anyone says. But, if Bray is truly teaching classes, then he is most likely not VolReporter. VolReporter was up at the Grey Cup last week and providing some details.

I truly think some of these folks have "sources," but the problem is that sources aren't always right and make their own conclusions.
I'm wait and see myself. YayforBray may actually be getting sources. He may not be. What I do know is talks with Gruden are defninitly not over yet, and thats good enough for me to believe he is a possiblitly. The same way Strong Fisher etc are.

What Y4B posted was already posted near the end of the last thread. It was a quote pulled from another site. No idea if Y4B has any sources or just riding this.
I can't find any source that has a Beechcraft King Air 350 Turbo Prop costing anywhere above $2,000/hr. So, skeeter is trying to have us believe that Hart has spent over 50 hours having the plane fly in the coaching search. That is at least 3.6 hours of in-air time every day since Dooley was fired.

No way.
you forget about the dancing girls and adult beverages
Yes, and other than the few friends I have here the hilarity of his posts are what keep me entertained at least.

Carter. You know this place is, pound for pound, the best place on the interwebz.

It's like one of those ridiculous mystery novel series. Even though the premise of the plots are outlandish, the characters are cliche, and there are copious grammatical errors, if you have nothing better to do, you'll read it till the end.
The good word is that there are intelligent reasonable people who are well-connected that still believe that Jon Gruden to Tennessee is not in doubt. At the same time, skeeter is credible too. So that's the bad word. Someone is getting misinformed.

I hope its skeeter.. long live tha gru
Dude, not too long ago you were one of the "insiders" in the Gruden threads and were sharing info just like the rest. And a few days ago you turned on your sources and are now mocking folks who still believe that Gruden might be the new UT HC? How about you take a walk and find a new place to hangout.

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