Official Jon Gruden Thread XV

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My fellow Vol brethren are getting played so hard it is not funny....

I'm not saying there is no chance, but this Bray character is FOS. Ooooohhhh, the AD and Lamonte's office are monitoring this site. For what? If Gruden wanted to coach here it wouldn't be such a huge secret.

I agree, I haven't given up all hope but Yay4bray doesn't have a clue. He is just throwing it out and then will make up some big story about how it fell through if it doesn't happen. "Teach a class" yeah right...
I'd honestly rather have the OG's not leak info if it meant souring any slim chances of landing gruden if he really is that upset about the leaks (understandable, he has another job right now). I've jumped off the Gruden train but I have some small hope a miracle will happen.

If Gruden wants Tennessee and Tennessee wants Gruden, message board chatter ain't gonna stop nothin.
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I don't know. I don't think Y4B does either though. Dale Jones would be my guess. The guy who is sharing didn't elaborate.

So you heard today that Gruden is still contacting coaches about joining him at UT? And one of them used to live in Knoxville?
Why would they possibly care what people are posting here?

While I don't know if he's trolling or not, VN is one of the most commonly cited boards for UT rumors and fan reactions. If rumors are true about Gruden upset about leaks, it doesn't take a huge jump in logic to figure out they would be reading here for who is leaking info.

You read my mind
Just know that it's someone the VN loves. That's as far into it as I'm allowed to go without giving away my source.

The AD and Lamontes office are stalking this board hard.

I believe that last sentence explains a lot. DTO, Jay, Oldvol, 'Boro have all gone 'silent', so to speak. Even though a couple of them have posted since last Friday, things have been extremely vague and almost non-existent. I believe word was put out to shut it down if we want things to end up where the majority of us want.

I'm trying to remain patient and keep the faith.

Wow, are people really falling for this?

I think people are just hoping that there is a chance that Gruden is coming. While I question any "insider" information at this point, I'd rather believe the ones that say he's coming instead of the guys that say he's not (hence why I'm here). And the other coaching options kind of scare me unless a sleeper pops up.
Coasty I sent you a friend request. If this thing ends I would like to keep up with you. You have been one of my favorite posters. No Homo!!!

thanks accepted and yes man...stay in touch...who knows maybe we get Gruden and I have to buy everyone a beer
I'm wait and see myself. YayforBray may actually be getting sources. He may not be. What I do know is talks with Gruden are defninitly not over yet, and thats good enough for me to believe he is a possiblitly. The same way Strong Fisher etc are.
Yes, and other than the few friends I have here the hilarity of his posts are what keep me entertained at least.

Dude, not too long ago you were one of the "insiders" in the Gruden threads and were sharing info just like the rest. And a few days ago you turned on your sources and are now mocking folks who still believe that Gruden might be the new UT HC? How about you take a walk and find a new place to hangout.
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