Official Jon Gruden Thread XV

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Hopefully, GruXV will be the clincher. XIV was rough.

Actually, I think XIII was by far the worst. XIV brought out the Negagrudes and trolls, but emotion wise, XIII was when the announcement from the agent came out and the emotions were running high because everyone thought it was going to be called on 30 November.

I cannot imagine what this place is gonna be like if we get to Gruden XX lol
If strong strong staying?.... Then it had to be gruden no way boosters give all this money for dooley pt2
Well this is my first post. I've been lurking and reading all of this and all I can say is ...... 100% GRUDEN .......

As I warned someone earlier ... this thread is a strong drink...please simply sip a little at a time, it will sneak up a new drinker
Actually, I think XIII was by far the worst. XIV brought out the Negagrudes and trolls, but emotion wise, XIII was when the announcement from the agent came out and the emotions were running high because everyone thought it was going to be called on 30 November.

I cannot imagine what this place is gonna be like if we get to Gruden XX lol

XIV and XIII were both badddd
Ok, well I can say this, I cannot get past Stephen Hargis putting his 23 year career on the line with his information being 100% fact.

Honestly, I enjoy this board, but without his story, I would have also jumped off this "train" when the agent annoucement took place.

I had received third hand info from two different people that confirm part of Hargis' story. I actually believe it to be partly true...that Gruden had an offer in hand. I don't know if staff salary was the issue or not. I also heard that Hart wanted to retain several current staff members, and JG was not 100% on board with that.

There are probably only about a half dozen people that know the true story. Everyone else is just speculating. At this point, I don't care about the "why." I just want to know who our coach will be.
Seems like the Gruden frenzy died down just as predicted by the OGs. Didn't they all say there would be a directed effort to kill the rumors? Isn't it instructive to see the chilling effect Lamonte's slap down, coupled with the continued poo-pooing by the local media, have had on the rumors? Hell, I didn't even listen to Tennessee Sports Radio myself today, and normally I am an addict. I think the masses have been largely pacified, lulled into a state of begrudging resolve that while we probably aren't getting Gruden, whoever we get will be a damn sight better than Dooley. It's just too quiet now. I am 100% convinced that we are simply biding our time until the remaining contract issues are cleared up and the time for announcement is more convenient for Gruden to become the next head coach of the University of Tennessee.
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Well...I did get this close to him yesterday. Lol


Close enough for pic!
Not flaming either of you, but couldn't the same be said of you?

You were all in, trolling and stoking the flames, and now you're out to bring down morale and hanging around for no good reason.

I don't believe that personally, but I'm just saying. You can't point at Y4B and accuse of him of doing something that you too could be accused of doing.

No one should be telling anyone to GTFO unless they are a mod, although I don't see much point in hanging out in a Gruden thread if you don't think Gruden is coming.

My two cents. :hi:

Fair enough, but if you cannot see a difference between my posts and Yay4Brays posts then I am more ashamed and embarrassed than ever. I do not think I sounded like that guy, and am not trying to get anyone down. Not my goal at all.
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There are really two camps in this:

1.) Those that believe the OG's have legit sources:

2.) And those that don't.

Group two will never be swayed, nor should they. In this day and age, it's all too easy with anonymity online forums provide to hop on, claim "sources", and either run and hide when proven wrong or find yourself twisting your inside information at the last minute when it doesn't play out the way you initially said it would. To some degree, that looks an awful lot like what many of the OGs are now doing.

That being said, regardless of someone's credibility on here - no one is ever 100% accurate in predicting anything online, at least that I've seen during my years on online football forums. Some may have great track records, but no one bats 1000. Now, typical "whiffs" happen quite often, over small things - positional coaches, recruits committing, etc. When it comes down to it, there are simply too many ways for folks to back out of agreements that looked like they were happening merely moments before. It's all left to choice of that individual, and by the time any information travels down the he-said, she-side line (to us consumers on the forum), there's no way to bank that the person in question still has the same mindset towards their decision that they initially did.

Highly paid, credible people who get paid for this process - the Jim Wyatts, Chris Mortensens, the La Canforas, all whiff, arguably, way more than they nail anything from the getgo. It's just the way these things work.

Now, this situation is just all of what I mentioned above, amplified by ten. The only people who truly know 100% of what's likely happening have more zeroes in their bank accounts than most of on these forums combined. It's just too high profile, and if you're not new to following sports - there's a process that these things always go through. We're now seeing, and a part, of that process.

With all due respect to the OGs, I just can't take them too seriously anymore now that we've crossed the threshold where rumors of potential candidates came up to the point where we're legitimately looking to make a hire. There's too many conversations back and forth between agents, the coaches, our AD - etc to ever stay truly, fully in the informational loop. In addition, it doesn't help their case that multiple insiders on here have either recanted their initial promises of optimism, moved on to new theories, or (as in YaY4Bray's case) have so few post accounts/no background on here that you're foolish to even take them seriously. It doesn't help them that most of these folks so eager to push phrases like "done deal" or "dead deal, move on" typically feel the need to drive-by, make vague statements, and wait for 5+ people to beg them to spill more, only, yet again, to make vague statements that are barely revealing any specific information.

It's up to us, as readers and posters, to wade through everything, decide what we think is bogus, and believe what we think isn't. Saying that, I'm pretty confident that no one on these forums has any real information pertinent to the coaching search at this point in the process that can't be just as easily deduced by following the reports of credible journalists and using your own intuition in how the manner of all of this is going down.

Those of you hanging on every word the OG's say then get mad/upset when it's not what you want to hear - you're doing this to yourself. It pretty much comes down to two camps at this point - initially three. Those were those saying Fisher (who's now likely out of the running), Those saying Strong (believe it when I see it), and those still saying Gruden (which I'm all for, but no one still saying this has given me any reason to feel like they know anything more than the rest of us).

Quite frankly, pick your poison folks. Believe what you want, but odds are, your opinion is just as valid at this point in the process as anyone else's. It's too big of a move for every other person under the sun to know what's going on, and those people that do, surely won't be so loose-lipped to let every detail spill out on a forum.
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Fair enough, but if you cannot see a difference between my posts and Yay4Brays posts then I am more ashamed and embarrassed than ever. I do not think I sounded like that guy, and am not trying to get anyone down. Not my goal at all.

I agree.
So what coaches do you think can turn it around? With a lot of the high targets SEEMINGLY staying at their schools....Fisher, Gundy, Strong...say these are out of the picture who can get it done that the fan base won't storm the streets searching for Hart

Strong is not staying at his school imo, and neither is Gundy.

I think Strong to UT and Gundy to Arkansas (at least that's what LWS said on TOS.)
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