Official Jon Gruden Thread XV

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Hyams just said his source asked him about a coach and whether Hyams had heard anything about said coach (Balima at Wisconsin) being considered. Hyams told his source that he had not heard that Balima was in consideration.

The point is that Hyam's supposed "source" is asking Hyams about the coaching search!!!

Really, I mean really!!!! The "Source" asking Hyams for info.
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Whomever the coach is, even Gruden, we have to give them time, more than one or two years, to get UT back to Fla, Ga, and Ala caliber. I think we can all agree with that.
Grude Evening Everyone!

Just got home from the grocery store and had an interesting experience..I had just picked up some gallons of water on the drink aisle..As I made my way down the aisle, I looked to my left and there were some bananas sitting right in the middle of some soda 12-packs..Obviously they weren't in the correct spot..It was meant for me to stumble upon them..STICKY BANANAS!:rock:
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Fair enough, but if you cannot see a difference between my posts and Yay4Brays posts then I am more ashamed and embarrassed than ever. I do not think I sounded like that guy, and am not trying to get anyone down. Not my goal at all.

Like I said, I don't personally believe you've been trolling.

But this is an anonymous forum. You were 100% full speed ahead, now you're 100% in the other direction.

Good info? Bad info? Trolling?

They all look the same. Same thing with Y4B and other drive-byers.

No one knows. I'm putting my chips in with the OGs and logic, which dictates we either:

1. Have Gruden in some shape, form, or fashion (smokescreen city, wasn't finalized but now is, whatever)


2. Had Gruden, blew it, and now we're absolutely, positively, 100% screwed.
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Hargis said that they were not that far apart and should be able to compromise on amount.

FYI Tenn is currently paying assistants 3.5 mill.

Gruden reportedly wanted 4.5 to 5 mill for his guys.

Therefore we can surmise that the parties would have met somewhere in the middle, lets say 4.2 mill which isnt really that bad.

Well, let me say this. I can't believe that it is all just about money. I have to think that JG is having reservations about a college gig. I am not passing this as fact because no one really knows. But, if what I heard Haslam pledged for the next 4 years and if what people are "speculating" that Peyton has pledged, then a squabble over $500k for a staff won't happen. I know money is money, but I heard some serious money being pledged.
How's it going Lex? Question for you...with Fisher and supposedly Strong no longer interested in leaving their schools, what's the timetable you think Gruden could be hired before Hart runs out of options with interviewing coaches?
I had received third hand info from two different people that confirm part of Hargis' story. I actually believe it to be partly true...that Gruden had an offer in hand. I don't know if staff salary was the issue or not. I also heard that Hart wanted to retain several current staff members, and JG was not 100% on board with that.

There are probably only about a half dozen people that know the true story. Everyone else is just speculating. At this point, I don't care about the "why." I just want to know who our coach will be.

Exactly my point. This is why (at least to me) there are serious issues with this whole Gruden situation.

Simple to me...

Hargis is 100% that Gruden had contract in hand, be it a "soft/verbal" contract or "physical".

Lemonte is 100% Gruden did not and this is "fantasy" talk that a contract had even been discussed.

We may never know, but I sure do want to.
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Grude Evening Everyone!

Just got home from the grocery store and had an interesting experience..I had just picked up some gallons of water on the drink aisle..As I made my way down the aisle, I looked to my left and there were some bananas sitting right in the middle of some soda..Obviously they weren't in the correct spot..It was meant for me to stumble upon them..STICKY BANANAS!:rock:

Stories like these make it great to be a Vols Fan.
Hyams just said his source asked him about a coach and whether Hyams had heard anything about said coach (Balima at Wisconsin) being considered. Hyams told his source that he had not heard that Balima was in consideration.

The point is that Hyam's supposed "source" is asking Hyams about the coaching search!!!

Really, I mean really!!!! The "Source" asking Hyams for info.

sounds bout right for hymns
What I don't understand is how so many people can say its over so quickly just because someone who gets paid to lie and say whatever it takes to help his client out Grudens agent is the one that said its a fantasy yada yada yada didn't come from Gruden .... Soon as that was said bama people threw their hands in the air and run away ... Imo it has to be Gruden who else is left that can rectify the train wreck that was once known as TENNESSEE FOOTBALL .......GBO...... Now with that said Hart do your d@mn job and hire the man .....
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Strong is not staying at his school imo, and neither is Gundy.

I think Strong to UT and Gundy to Arkansas (at least that's what LWS said on TOS.)

I don't see Gundy at arkansas. It's 1.5 hours away from where he coaches now.
still in. Not really sure why, just a feeling. Could be the feeling of not liking plan b,c, d etc. and I just like it in this thread. one thing for sure, it is never boring, no matter what shift!
I think if no coach is annouced this week I will be convinced that Gruden is still in play.
How's it going Lex? Question for you...with Fisher and supposedly Strong no longer interested in leaving, what's the timetable you think Gruden could be hired before Hart runs out of options with interviewing coaches?

No earthly idea.

Timelines are only a issue if it isn't Gruden.
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Well this is my first post. I've been lurking and reading all of this and all I can say is ...... 100% GRUDEN .......

Offical Jon Gruden Thread Support Group....meetings every Thursday, 7:00PM.

Hi my name is tomq_123 and I'm a Grudenite.

Hi tomq_123...

I've been following the VolNation Offical Jon Gruden threads since Thread I and around 8-9 I went all in 100% we were getting Jon Gruden as the University of Tennessee head football coach. I believed all the info posted by the OG's and spent days upon days watching the threads and hitting the F5 key on my browser. Thread XIII was very painful and I reached rock bottom. I no longer believed and was resigned that UT would hire Dooley 2.0

However, y4b in Gruden Thread XV has me excited again. However other OC's say he's FOS. I don't know what to believe anymore. If you can't believe things posted on a internet forum as being true, all life no longer has any meaning.
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Has anyone heard from Stephen Hargis. This guy may lose it if he finds out his source was pulling his leg.


That movie is EPIC!
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