Official Jon Gruden Thread XV

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That's what it is, Arky realizes what you have to do and is close to signing Peterson, and UT chokes yet again and refuses to pay money for atop tier coach and straps us with another Jimmy Sexton coach to fill his pockets with money and I'm sure Hart will backload it witha huge buyout. Same old UT F it up approach. We are never going to get close to what we were.

Petersen to arky? Yea right. I don't care what website is reporting that it ain't happening. Gruden to tn is way more likely than that.
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We all are man, I get it. But of the legitimate possibilities left, he's top notch IMO. I was all about Gruden but the fact is that ship has sailed.

This man is correct.

The ship has sailed - it is currently housing Gruden and headed for Knoxville Marina.
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Look. I am tired of Tennessee being the proving Ground for coaches. This is such a huge step down from Gruden. I honestly can't believe the AD has set his sights this low. There are other bigger name hires that could have been made.
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I think this could be a smoke screen. Think about it. We are being monitored by the super secret thread overlords. They have noticed the recent upswing in the positive attitude towards the possibility of Gruden still being a player. So what do they do? They push the smokescreen button and float the Charlie Strong rumors out. Bingo we're at the bottom of the roller coaster again.

I would love to see JG here as much as the next person, but we would'nt pony up the money, its as simple as that. Not mad at you but lets put some honesty to this, If he wanted to be here he would, whats wrong with having a presser and saying I am your new coach, but I am finishing the MNF season first. Fans know, recruits know, all is good, seriously, is the mystery stuff really needed?
Check out what SBV just posted on the Strong is hired threat. I would quote but don't know how. SIAP.
Since a lot of you are asking - my stance on Gruden/Coaching Search in Gernal:

I do still think Gruden is possible. Way to much contradicting information out there. Inside the AD there is a lot of conflicting info - from people who should know either way.

I think Strong is a real possibility as well.

Honestly, I still believe it's Gruden - but I will wait to see who is officially announced instead of trying to react to all of the noise.

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We all are man, I get it. But of the legitimate possibilities left, he's top notch IMO. I was all about Gruden but the fact is that ship has sailed.

Maybe so...but as I stated before Gruden is just symbollic of the type of coach we are all looking for.
Urban Meyer Timeline
December 4, 2000
Meyer takes HC job at Bowling Green

December 6, 2002
Meyer tells The Bowling Green Sentinel: "We are nowhere near what we can do here. That's what's driving me right now. Everybody's worried about those other places; nothing's going on."

"I was contacted by one, but I'm not interested. I love it here. We have a lot of work to do. That's the bottom line."

"With recruits, that's been for two years, even before we won. [They say,] 'that guy's not going to be there very long; that's silly ... The future is fantastic here ... I'm proud to be the football coach here. Once they get to know me, know my family, know how important it is to have continuity, my kids going to school somewhere."

"I think you all but guarantee that you are one of the top two, three teams in the league every year if you get that [new athletic facility] here. I feel so strong about the academics, about the community, the environment, about the people. It's the last piece; it's a significant piece."

December 11, 2002
Meyer leaves Bowling Green and takes HC job at Utah.

November 14, 2004
Meyer tells The New York Times "I'm chicken. It would be excruciating to leave. When I left Bowling Green, it was the worst three months.'"

November 15, 2004
Meyer tells The Deseret News: "I plan on coaching here for a long time."

November 17, 2004
Meyer tells The Deseret News "I plan on coaching at Utah next year. There's been no contact made. Period. It's almost comical. We're playing the biggest game in the history of the school and we're talking about that. That's nothing to do with nothing.

November 18, 2004
Shelley Meyer gives her employer 2-weeks notice

November 18, 2004
Meyer tells The Deseret News, "There's been no contact and I really don't anticipate any. I'm certainly not looking for a job. I love where I'm coaching."

November 18, 2004
Meyer tells a young boy on the Urban Meyer Coach's Show, "I plan on being the coach at the University of Utah next year."

November 30, 2004
Meyer tells The Deseret News (When asked about Florida) "All I keep saying is I plan on being the coach here at Utah."

December 3, 2004
Meyer leaves Utah and takes HC job at Florida

December 8, 2004
Meyer tells "This is a place you can put your feet down for a long time. It's over [moving every 2 years]. I'm not doing this again."

October 1, 2009
Signs contract extension with Florida through 2014

December 26, 2009
Announces he will resign following the Gators' Sugar Bowl appearance on New Year's Day, citing health concerns and the desire to spend more time with his family.

December 27, 2009
Announces that it will only be a leave of absence

March 17, 2010
Ends his leave of absence and is back as HC of Florida

December 8, 2010
Announces for the 2nd year in a row that he will retire at the end of the season, for the same reasons he had cited a year before: health and family concerns.

January 31, 2011
Less than a month after coaching his final game at Florida, Urban Meyer takes a new job as analyst at ESPN.

November 22, 2011
Despite numerous reports of a 7 year $40 million deal, Meyer tells ESPN "I have not been offered any job."

November 27, 2011
Meyer leaves ESPN and takes HC job at Ohio State.

Holy cow. If that doesn't sound familiar..... taken from Cliffnotes.

Been waiting for this...thanks.
I would love to see JG here as much as the next person, but we would'nt pony up the money, its as simple as that. Not mad at you but lets put some honesty to this, If he wanted to be here he would, whats wrong with having a presser and saying I am your new coach, but I am finishing the MNF season first. Fans know, recruits know, all is good, seriously, is the mystery stuff really needed?

It was a joke my friend. The
this looks like a repeat of a few years back....getting turned down by some coaches that some UT fans would like to see on the sidelines and taking a "CHANCE" on a guy??
If Strong can win or not is yet to be seen I mean how many Conference Championships does Strong have? How about how many BIG bowl victories? Just a snooze fest of a hire for me.....of course we all have our own opinion but this just happens to be my thoughts
I would love to see JG here as much as the next person, but we would'nt pony up the money, its as simple as that. Not mad at you but lets put some honesty to this, If he wanted to be here he would, whats wrong with having a presser and saying I am your new coach, but I am finishing the MNF season first. Fans know, recruits know, all is good, seriously, is the mystery stuff really needed?

imho, I do not think the $ was ever the real issue. Unless it is losing the ESPN $, so he needs to wait. If Dooley went bowling it would have been better timing.
More than the man .....Gruden is the idea!
The idea of ferocity, competitive spirit...of excellence.
that is what we need here at UT .....right now!

Strong no doubt is a good coach, and MAY be a great coach eventually. But we need someone to harness all this energy we see here on Volnation.

We need to be ignited...Strong's just not THAT hire!
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Maybe so...but as I stated before Gruden is just symbollic of the type of coach we are all looking for.

He definitely is, but it's not happening. I'd love to be wrong but it's clear anyone posting on this board that had "inside" info on here has proven to be full of it. Strong is an excellent recruiter and has turned Louisville around (I know, I know in the big east). But the fact of the matter is he has won. That's more than we can say for Dooley. His track record is much, much better than Dooley's and to compare the two is absurd.
Gruden 100%

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I can't believe people aren't jumping all over what SBV wrote. Two weeks ago we would have killed an innocent puppy for that post. At least a guilty one.
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