Official Jon Gruden Thread XV

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I hope these Gruden guy's are right, i really do. I'm curious to see if the guy can make it at the college level. Hart has put out the mother load of all smoke screens if Gruden is hired. $100,000+ in jet fuel, in the process of offering another coach and completely left everyone inside the ad in the dark.

Has anyone actually verified that Hart has left Knoxville? I know there were reports of him heading out to a private hanger, however all the reports of him actually talking to be coaches seem to be getting shot down. I wonder if he's just hanging out in the hanger playing poker with Gruden and Lovie (I think he had to land to refuel) or something...fooling everyone.
Does anyone have ANY information who this babyvol is? I know babyvol has been reliable in the past, but what is babyvol's connection to UT? Why does everyone hang on babyvol's every word as if it's gospel?

Just passing on what I have "read." Someone said that babyvol has a connection to Haslam. I have also read that he is a former employee in the AD. I am pretty sure that LWS said that baby has very good info. If you trust LWS, then you should trust baby.

I have heard more third hand info from a couple of people since Friday, and I am even more sure that Gruden was very much in play. Not sure what happened and if that is a permanent decision.


Someone had text messages of Gruden at Webb filling out paperwork. Any confirmation on that?

Yea, my bother-in-law told me this last night too. He also said someone's wife that works in the AD said its Gruden too.

My brother-in-law's reliability: well he has been right in the past, but I wouldn't put him at 50% reliable yet.
I'm here because I haven't seen any true sign from UT or an anybody else that anything or anybody is off the table. If the anti-grudes don't like this thread they can go somewhere else or keep believing people quoting sources close to the AD. The fact is the AD hasn't said SQUAT. GO VOLS GET US A WINNER!!:rock:
Freak, i hope when gru hired you'll throw this out to the media rucker, hyams etc and say told ya so!!! I think we all deserve it
No one yet.

I'm not sure how much of a chance we really have with Gruden. I refuse to leave, though, because I'm puzzled at the handling of the situation and want some closure. There are too many questions left unanswered. Why hasn't Gruden issued a 'from the mouth' denial? Why did the AD (seemingly) wait more than a week before engaging other candidates? Why do all the current candidates feel like they're attached to their current schools?

I'm not trying to paint a sure-fire picture of Gruden getting hired. I AM saying there's an awful lot of weird smoke coming from all parties...
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I hope these Gruden guy's are right, i really do. I'm curious to see if the guy can make it at the college level. Hart has put out the mother load of all smoke screens if Gruden is hired. $100,000+ in jet fuel, in the process of offering another coach and completely left everyone inside the ad in the dark.

We're also saving a lot more than we would by hiring a search firm.
Where is skeeter getting $100K+ in jet fuel? Hard to believe that UT's jet would cost more than $2,500/hr. Are we to believe that Hart has logged 50+ hours of flying in 14 days?
Freak, i hope when gru hired you'll throw this out to the media rucker, hyams etc and say told ya so!!! I think we all deserve it

The media should get a big dose of crow from the fans, but I don't think this was the first VOLS forum to call Gruden to Tennessee, if it happens of course.
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Just passing on what I have "read." Someone said that babyvol has a connection to Haslam. I have also read that he is a former employee in the AD. I am pretty sure that LWS said that baby has very good info. If you trust LWS, then you should trust baby.

I have heard more third hand info from a couple of people since Friday, and I am even more sure that Gruden was very much in play. Not sure what happened and if that is a permanent decision.

Cool, thanks for the info! Was wondering. I'm still holding out hope that Grude may be in play. Still no official denial from UTAD or Gruden.
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