Trying to conditionally format cells based on a number in an adjacent column of cells. I've already applied conditional formatting to certain cells to highlight using the simple "Greater than" conditional formatting. But I want the names to highlight once a number in the adjacent cells reaches a certain point. I.E.
You can see the number highlighted in column E. I want the names in that particular row to highlight as well once that number in either E or F reaches greater than 5.
Trying to conditionally format cells based on a number in an adjacent column of cells. I've already applied conditional formatting to certain cells to highlight using the simple "Greater than" conditional formatting. But I want the names to highlight once a number in the adjacent cells reaches a certain point. I.E.
You can see the number highlighted in column E. I want the names in that particular row to highlight as well once that number in either E or F reaches greater than 5.
Sure...I think.
ETA: I'm pretty sure there's a custom formula for what I want it to do. I just don't know how to format it.
Based on on cell placement in your image, select the last nm and first nm cells together and apply new rule.
1) Choose 'Use a formula to determine..."
2) Enter the following as formula:
= OR($E2>=5, $F2>=5)
3) Choose desired format
4) Apply
5) Hopefully it works and you can copy down in columns A & B
This is all the payment I would need.
Go Oklahoma State!!!
LULZ. Happy to help and glad you caught my mistake with criteria.
A nipple ring though?
I've got to figure out how to apply that conditional formatting to the entire Column A and B without having to retype it with the different cells. Right now it works for the first row, but I'll need to apply is against the entire sheet.
Say that again in English, por favor.Ahh, yes. If you click in any of the A or B cells that has the formatting, then click Conditional Formatting button--> Manage Rules...
There will be a range listed under Applies to...
Change that range to include the full set of cells to apply e.g. =$A$2:$B$10
Click Apply