Based on on cell placement in your image, select the last nm and first nm cells together and apply new rule.
1) Choose 'Use a formula to determine..."
2) Enter the following as formula:
= OR($E2>=5, $F2>=5)
3) Choose desired format
4) Apply
5) Hopefully it works and you can copy down in columns A & B
Ahh, yes. If you click in any of the A or B cells that has the formatting, then click Conditional Formatting button--> Manage Rules...
There will be a range listed under Applies to...
Change that range to include the full set of cells to apply e.g. =$A$2:$B$10
Click Apply
One final question on this. If I add rows (new hires), will the formatting take that into account and automatically adjust to include those new rows?
Game day blouses!!!
All week I've been listening to Arkansas sports radio with Bo Mattingly and Tyler Wilson. They have had several professional callers call in (fox, cbs,espn, etc) to discuss this weeks games.
All of them picked Oklahoma to win except some Vegas guy that they interviewed yesterday. He picked the Vols to win. 37-24.
They kept saying we don't have the depth to beat Oklahoma. We don't have the talent to beat Oklahoma.
I hope our boys make a statement today, and it shuts these people up!
Go Vols!!!!!