Official Screw Your Cable Company Thread

DISH has picked up both SEC and the LONGHORN network..

Direct TV has been playing too many power games lately. The weather channel fiasco for example. I'm giving them till the beginning of July and I'm done. I think DISH is going to get a lot of business in the SOUTH (considering Charter, DTV and Comcast are not carrying it) and I don't want to be put on some long waiting list.

I am with you I am fixing to say fffffffffffffffffffff DIRECT, no weather channel and no SEC NETWORK SO FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF THEM.:the_finger:
You do realize the reason direct dropped weather channel is because they wanted too much money and did not want too raise rates
Any definitive proof on this? I have nothing but good things to say about EPB. If this is true, which I don't see why not, It would be just another good thing to say about EPB.

Yes I just got service set up last week. I asked specifically. It's going to be offered free if you have the gold package. Or can be picked up in the sports package.
I am with you I am fixing to say fffffffffffffffffffff DIRECT, no weather channel and no SEC NETWORK SO FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF THEM.:the_finger:

DTV has The Weather Channel...I watched it this past week when all the storms were rolling in... that was just a temporary disconnect when they were negotiating contract prices...
What is AT T Universe really like for someone who has it now? I have Charter and past bad experiences with AT and T so not sure about changing but it is available in my area and if no SEC Network, I will have to give it a try if Charter will not pick it up.

I have only had ATT Uverse for a week now. Made the switch from Comcast. But so far I really like it. Much faster than Comcast. I have limited experience....but so far it is great.
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I have been with DirecTV for about 12 years now, and am really happy with it ... always have been. But they don't carry Pac12 Network, Longhorn Network, TheBlaze (Glen Beck), and currently SEC Network.

Dish carries all of these.

I haven't done precise research into the channels I and my family watch regularly, to make sure Dish carries all the channels we need, but if they do, and DTV doesn't get SEC Network by end of 3rd week of July, I'll be going with Dish.

I really don't want to have to switch, but Dish will be cheaper (at least during the contract), and if they have the channels I need + SEC Network, then it's a no-brainer to me.

Anyone else feeling the same way?
Any reason for a DTV customer not to go with Dish?

Would love some replies and discussion from people who have either, or have had either/both.
I called charter on their 888 toll free. I got a guy named Dave. I had to explain to him what the SEC was. When he understood what I was asking he said that they had the big 10 network. I had to explain that I was only interested in big boy football and don't bring me that weak big 10 crap. He said he would get with his supervisor and call me back. Still waiting for that call.
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I have never had anything ever other than Comcast. Sick of their customer service and raising I made the switch last Monday. Switched to ATT Uverse and got a great price price for a year locked in......and won't have to worry about the SEC channel. After a year.....I hope I like it so much I will keep it. But if they play the games that Comcast does....then I can go back to Comcast at an introductory price and I'm sure they will have SEC them too.

How do you like AT&T? I was thinking about switching to them
like i said i am not so sure charter will have it. if they don't they are idiots and deserve to go bankrupt. I have never been thrilled with charter or their customer service.

I had the unfortunate displeasure of having charter while I lived in Cookeville going to TTU; they make comcast look like the best cable company in America. They're absolutely atrocious.
I called charter on their 888 toll free. I got a guy named Dave. I had to explain to him what the SEC was. When he understood what I was asking he said that they had the big 10 network. I had to explain that I was only interested in big boy football and don't bring me that weak big 10 crap. He said he would get with his supervisor and call me back. Still waiting for that call.

What an idiot.
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I called charter on their 888 toll free. I got a guy named Dave. I had to explain to him what the SEC was. When he understood what I was asking he said that they had the big 10 network. I had to explain that I was only interested in big boy football and don't bring me that weak big 10 crap. He said he would get with his supervisor and call me back. Still waiting for that call.


did he try to sell you the Lifetime and Oprah networks as well...
I had the unfortunate displeasure of having charter while I lived in Cookeville going to TTU; they make comcast look like the best cable company in America. They're absolutely atrocious.

Charter is the worst ever. I had that crap back home and when I visit my dad , he still has it and I think it is worse now than it was 8 years ago. I have also had Direct and Dish and will not go back to either one. I have not had any problems with Comcast in 7 years but now I'm moving back home and a couple of friends have U-verse and they love it after having Charter. I can't believe Charter is even still in business. Anybody with U-verse know if they have ESPN3 ?
The newest HULU box has the SEC network as a channel. Right now all it has is interviews and game replays. Does anyone know if you will be able to get games thru HULU?
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I had the unfortunate displeasure of having charter while I lived in Cookeville going to TTU; they make comcast look like the best cable company in America. They're absolutely atrocious.

I had Charter in Roswell,Georgia when I lived there 10 years ago and you are right they really sucked. I couldn't get satellite tv because a huge tree was right in front of the porch of my apartment.
I'm in West Tennessee with Charter, so no SEC network for me yet. I guess we just have to wait it out until July or August, and see whats up. Curious though, if someone doesn't have the network, what UT games will they see? Just the ones on ESPN?
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I think the issue now might be that they're lower tier/level on the totem it could possibly take longer before their acquiring the network plays out (ESPN may every well be trying to play the network towards the primary/larger cable companies first before moving on towards the smaller ones...i.e. they'll get it, but who knows what their timeframe is or where they are on ESPN's list of people to talk to.)

Regardless, no way would I switch to any other provider. EPB is just too good and if it takes them a little longer to get SEC Network then so be it. I can wait.
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