Official South Park Fanclub Thread

This one was the best I thought;

With Matt and Trey being big Bronco fans, you know it's just a matter of time until there's a Peyton episode.

Probably just passing joke(s) at best:

See Jay Cutler in the guitar hero episode

Stan: Dude! Dude, that's Jay Cutler over there! [a football player wearing #6 is shown] Quarterback for the Denver Broncos!
Kyle: Oh my God!
Producer: Would you boys like to meet him?
Stan: Are you serious??
Producer: Jay, I want you to meet Stan and Kyle. They broke a hundred thousand points on Guitar Hero.
Jay: Wow, really? Nice to meet you guys.
Stan: Nice to meet you! [grins] I mean, you kind of suck, but my dad says you might be good someday.
Jay: [a bit bothered] Thanks...

The Broncos record and Plummer in the Scientology episode:

Kyle: Oh dude, check it out. I got a Jake Plummer.
Cartman: Aw man, I got a crappy AJ Feeley again!
Kyle: How come you didn't buy any cards, Stan?
Stan: I can't spend any money. I'm saving up for that bike I want.

Stan: L-look, is this a religion? Because my family is like, Catholic or something.
Brian: Ho, that's not a problem at all. Scientology is more like an alternative to psychology than a religion.
Stan: Then how come that sign says "Church of Scientology"?
Brian: Oho, that's just this thing: What's the Denver Broncos' record now? Six and two?
Stan: Seven and two.
Brian: Wow! That's great! All right, come on in and take a seat; we're gonna have some fun!

And referencing Tim Tebow playing during the Broadway episode last season (randy talks about him at the beginning and then there's the lyric in his play):

Randy: I mean, look guys, I know it's just the Dolphins, but Tebow is definitely our quarterback for the future. What do you think, Nelson?
Nelson: I didn't see the game.
Randy: [soft sneeze] You didn't see the game? What the hell were you doing?

Both: Two people in love it's amazing. Tim Tebow please don't let us down. How about a hummer at halftime-?
Representative: Mr. Randy Marsh?
Randy: And hold! [the stage falls silent] Sorry folks, we're in a hold. Just freeze right there.

They are big sports fans - especially of denver - but they don't seem to use just sporting news as an episode basis unless it becomes so big that it crosses/has crossed into the mainstream news spectrum (like tiger woods and his affairs).

I just wouldn't get hopes too high expecting "Peyton Manning's very own episode"

Oh, also the Ben Rothlisberger cameo in the tiger woods one:

Therapist: Very good! You are all here in therapy [draws a big circle around the destructive behaviors and writes "CAUGHT" over them] because you got caught! So how do we avoid getting caught? Ben Rothlisberger?
Ben Rothlisberger: Don't screw girls in the public bathrooms?

McNair was one of the background characters on the "purgatory plane" on the dead celebrities one. And of courses, numerous references to Elway. (statue, the Broncos team being cartman's father, etc)

....typed more than I thought I would
Seems like Matt and Trey are going for the walk-off laugh alot this season. (or maybe I just find myself laughing harder at the end of the episodes)
That one was great, but it was aided by it being so topical. When that episode aired, practically everyone in the country was either playing WoW or knew someone who was addicted.
They're showing "Freak Strike" right now. I forgot how good this one is.

"Whateva, I'll do what I want!"
Seriously, South Park speaks to me. Just when I'm thinking, "This anti-bullying focus is out of control." they come out with that gem.

BTW, Nick Gillespie of the Reason Foundation cited statistics that schools are safer than ever and that most bullying occurs where teachers are supposedly in charge (classrooms, hallways, and playgrounds). It seems like the fix should be fairly easy, and that an awareness campaign is a waste.
Even the authorities....................are minorities.................. at my water park
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Right there with you, but I think it's pretty widely accepted that Scott Tenorman Must Die is arguably the best episode ever.

Bold statement there.

My favorite episode is Chinpokomon.

Faith Hilling is my favorite episode this year, and it's in my top ten all time. Also in my top ten is last year's Creme Fraiche.

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