Ok.... the diamond wire got stuck in the cut. We spent several hours trying to work it free or get it restarted. Those efforst included, at one point, reattaching the shears to the cut end of the pipe so we could readjust the sling angle on our A&R winch.
About 1/2 hour ago, the decision was made to cut the diamond wire blade and recover it, along with the shears, to surface. We'll replace the diamond blade and also configure the shears for a horizontal cut. Then, we'll send the shears back down and cut the riser right below the kink to get all that extra weight off the pipe.
Ultimately, we need a really clean cut on the riser because the latest version of the top hat is designed to actually seal on the riser so we can contain 100% of the flow. So, after the shear cut is complete - we'll come back with the diamond wire and clean cut it.
When I get time - I'll read through and reply to any questions that I don't have time to do now.