Oregon player comments

Uh, I am not hiding behind Bama. If Oregon and the Bammers play for the title, I will be 100 percent behind Oregon. I will be rooting for this guy to get a pancake, TD-springing block on every play.

Let me clarify. Should Oregon and Alabama play for a national title, this guy will be hearing about this quote all week before the game, and the guy on the other side of the line then will be somebody who can maul him.

Gotcha! :good!:

On a side note... pretty nice uniform.
I like comments like this, I hope our D-line sees this and thinks about the comments when we have to make a big stop. I know that hearing something like this would make me dig alil deeper to prove that we are SEC caliber and we came to play football.
I don't know your source but the most Ive seen him listed as is 291! I looked at three diffent sites one had him at 279, the other 285. Our ends don't give up much weight to him! I know its a diffence in talent and depth but western Kentucky offensive line had bigger guys! Pound for pound Tennessee is bigger! Outside of the starting D-line oregon gives up a lot of weight in the two deep! Not saying its going to make a difference, but we do have the size advantage!

Fisher hasn't been 279 since high school. Educk (scout) and Rivals (Ducks Sports Authority) don't update them. The AD put his weight out on the depth chart at 293 prior to Nicholls and Virginia as the other poster said. However, the AD doesn't put out accurate weights all the time and these guys fluctuate all time. York said he's 305 on last week's show (teammate of his last year).
Fisher hasn't been 279 since high school. Educk (scout) and Rivals (Ducks Sports Authority) don't update them. The AD put his weight out on the depth chart at 293 prior to Nicholls and Virginia as the other poster said. However, the AD doesn't put out accurate weights all the time and these guys fluctuate all time. York said he's 305 on last week's show (teammate of his last year).

Who cares. Tiny and Juwaun weighed 305 in middle school.
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I posted this elsewhere, but here it is again on the relevant thread:

I read that. It's hilarious. Our offensive line is known for being goofy and sarcastic (as most O lines are). They wear giant fake sumo suits and do sumo contests, they always give the insider access to local reporters and mess with them, they take "sexy" photos for a "Sexy offensive line calendar," they play all the pranks on the team. Believe me, they're goofing with the media. As they always do. It's their "thing." And I think it's great. I hate the rigidity of sports and scripted answers. Remember when Wes Welker gave his "foot" speech following the Rex Ryan foot fetish leak? That was brilliant.

This was tongue in cheek. It has nothing to do with your team. It's mocking the media, who has spent the entire week asking the Ducks, "How will you stop such a big team?" It's a fun reaction that strays from what they've been saying all week.:
"They're a really good team..."
"We respect what they do..."
"It'll be a hard game..."
"They have a lot of talent..."
It's college football! Let them make a cheeky remark and smirk about it without taking heat. It's supposed to be fun! It has nothing to do with his personal character or his real opinion of the players on your team, which is no doubt one of respect.

"They Ducks are cocky!!" "They're disrespectful!" "They're scum!" Haha. I know what the reaction to this is going to be. But I assure you it's in response to a week of the media asking those kinds of questions: "How will you stop the SEC line?" "They're really big, does that concern you?" "How will you win the battle on the line of scrimmage?" And such.

You don't have to take offense when a player is being cheeky, don't have to jump to conclusions, and shouldn't take it out of context. Jake Fisher is one of our team jesters and he's a really funny guy.

My old roommate played on the 2010 against you guys. He said the team respected the Tennessee program and had nothing but nice things to say about your players after the game. This team respects you. I can guarantee that.
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Who cares. Tiny and Juwaun weighed 305 in middle school.

I was never throwing out 305 to sound like it's impressive. We have a light line for Pac - 12 standards. Tackles are usually 315is around the league.
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I wouldn't be too scared of us right now either. The facts are that TN is in the middle of it's worst run of Football. These are strange times that we are in.

We're not in the middle, we're at the end of our worst run.

And we're going to Butch-slap our way out of this hole.
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Jake Fisher is a junior and played from the first game as true frosh. He has some bravado. Word has it he came into the locker room and announced he wasn't redshirting. Was in the rotation his first game against LSU.

He is probably tired of the media talking about your size. Outside of McCullers Oregon D is bigger.[/

I've heard more smack talking from Duck fans on here than we hear during the Florida week.

I heard Butch Jones is going to start out playing the second and third string because he has already given up. (Rumor of a rumored rumor)

You Ducks sure did play a great game. Congrats!
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Jake Fisher is a junior and played from the first game as true frosh. He has some bravado. Word has it he came into the locker room and announced he wasn't redshirting. Was in the rotation his first game against LSU.

He is probably tired of the media talking about your size. Outside of McCullers Oregon D is bigger.

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Well, I guess he told us. So let it be written, so let it be done. Oregon's defense is bigger than ours because an earthy green peace Oregon fan said so.

Outside of McCullers...who is actually big for their position on your team?

Maggit seems big for an OLB if he plays.

average DT 290ish
average DE 260ish
average MLB 240ish
average OLB 220-230
average safety 200
average CB 185

Outside of McCullers who is actually bigger than their prototypical size?

This is why he was joking about it. Hearing all week long about how big a team is when there is a 350 DT and the rest are prototypical.
Kids a tool. Who cares?

I think it's crazy to ridicule a kid who is playing college football for a tongue-in-cheek response in an interview. We don't even know what the context is. Knowing him, it was playing with the media and not actually the Tennessee players. That was the ultimate example of sarcasm.

And he's got a really cool story:

Jake Fisher, keeping Oregon weird, one heads-up play at a time | August | 2013 Articles

And if you really can't take a joke and decide to rip a 20 year old kid for having fun, here's a serious article. It is full of Oregon kissing the asses of the Tennessee lines:

No. 2 Oregon Ducks prepare for Tennessee's powerful offensive line | CSN Northwest

This is more indicative of that our team thinks of yours. Jake Fisher is just a funny guy who likes messing with the media.
This is one of those no-win situations for both teams.

Oregon wins, and people will say they should have won. No big deal. Everyone says that Oregon wouldn't make it in the SEC. Yet, they've beaten Tennessee and Mississippi State twice in the last decade. They lost to Auburn and LSU, but so did everyone else those years because those teams were really talented and championship caliber. So what is it? Oregon wouldn't make it in the SEC. Yet we beat a few SEC teams and people say, "Well those wins don't count because those teams aren't any good."

Tennessee wins and they have to put together a really good season for it to mean anything. If they lose to Florida, Georgia, and eUSC after beating the Ducks, people will say, "Well it was a fluke - an aberration." It'll be considered an upset because that's what an upset is: a team that really shouldn't have won, wins.

It sucks. The way I see it, these are two good teams, especially Oregon being ranked #2, and the win should mean something no matter what happens. Tennessee is good. I think the 27.5 spread is crazy. No matter who wins, it should be considered an impressive accomplishment.
I think it's crazy to ridicule a kid who is playing college football for a tongue-in-cheek response in an interview. We don't even know what the context is. Knowing him, it was playing with the media and not actually the Tennessee players. That was the ultimate example of sarcasm.

And he's got a really cool story:

Jake Fisher, keeping Oregon weird, one heads-up play at a time | August | 2013 Articles

And if you really can't take a joke and decide to rip a 20 year old kid for having fun, here's a serious article. It is full of Oregon kissing the asses of the Tennessee lines:

No. 2 Oregon Ducks prepare for Tennessee's powerful offensive line | CSN Northwest

This is more indicative of that our team thinks of yours. Jake Fisher is just a funny guy who likes messing with the media.

Take it easy. If it were a Vol player acting like that I would have said the same thing. Good for him. Also, if he's gonna act like a goof then I'm sure he's prepared to be a razzed a little as well. I doubt he reads my posts.
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Take it easy. If it were a Vol player acting like that I would have said the same thing. Good for him. Also, if he's gonna act like a goof then I'm sure he's prepared to be a razzed a little as well. I doubt he reads my posts.

Didn't AJ go off on some tweets about power over speed? I paid no attention. Did not read but this is straight up comedy.
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