Oregon player comments

Outside of McCullers...who is actually big for their position on your team?

Maggit seems big for an OLB if he plays.

average DT 290ish
average DE 260ish
average MLB 240ish
average OLB 220-230
average safety 200
average CB 185

Outside of McCullers who is actually bigger than their prototypical size?

This is why he was joking about it. Hearing all week long about how big a team is when there is a 350 DT and the rest are prototypical.

260 is big for a DE in a 4-3

Marion Walls weighs about 275

Corey Miller weighs about 260

Jordan Williams is 250

The rest are pass rushers pretty much

But you are correct for the most part about our DTs. They aren't huge besides Dan(who can be a force when he wants to).

LBs are prototypical 4-3 size fast OLBs and a good tackling MLB ....not real big but big enough
you duck fans have to remember the SEC represents the south and if you look at our traditions in the south we are for the most part very courteous. Talking smack down here will get you in deep trouble. Look at that Missouri DT last year that talked all that smack about how the SEC plays old man football!!! The next coming game Georgia showed them what old man football is all about! The rest of the season did not go well for them.

And on the subject of Oregon not being able to play in the SEC let me point a few things out to you. Its not a matter of you winning against a few SEC teams in the past years. It is the fact that we have not just 1, 2 or 3 national caliber teams in our conference we have 6-8 Nationally Ranked teams every year. So just imagine having to play 3-6 of those teams every year. Tennessee goes through that gauntlet every year and it is not easy. As a matter of fact it makes you look like a losing team if you cannot beat at least 2 of those teams. And in addition, the mediocre teams in the SEC can beat you at anytime if you are not on your toes. So take your Green Glasses off and take a look at our schedule and then tell us how well you would do honestly every week in our conference? I am sure you would do well but the injuries would mount up after a while.
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you duck fans have to remember the SEC represents the south and if you look at our traditions in the south we are for the most part very courteous. Talking smack down here will get you in deep trouble. Look at that Missouri DT last year that talked all that smack about how the SEC plays old man football!!! The next coming game Georgia showed them what old man football is all about! The rest of the season did not go well for them.

And on the subject of Oregon not being able to play in the SEC let me point a few things out to you. Its not a matter of you winning against a few SEC teams in the past years. It is the fact that we have not just 1, 2 or 3 national caliber teams in our conference we have 6-8 Nationally Ranked teams every year. So just imagine having to play 3-6 of those teams every year. Tennessee goes through that gauntlet every year and it is not easy. As a matter of fact it makes you look like a losing team if you cannot beat at least 2 of those teams. And in addition, the mediocre teams in the SEC can beat you at anytime if you are not on your toes. So take your Green Glasses off and take a look at our schedule and then tell us how well you would do honestly every week in our conference? I am sure you would do well but the injuries would mount up after a while.

I love the South. I've been everywhere from Japan to India and everywhere in between. I always extol the fine qualities of the south to my international friends. I tell them, "Visit the south! People are nice, food is great, history is rich - you'll love it!" So I'm not here to incite you guys. I'm all for the south and your courteousness :)

As for the titles: hell yeah, you've dominated the title competition as of late. But I have to take issue with some of the other things you said.

Let's look at math (stay with me - might be confusing). You all play 8 conference games. The rest of the country plays 9. Using our conference as an example, playing a 9 game conference schedule means our league is guaranteed 6 more losses as a whole. Most of the 4th OOC games played in the SEC are patsy home games (Alabama plays Chattanooga week 11, LSU plays Furman week 9, Georgia plays Appalachian State week 9, as examples). Those games are effectively a second bye week when your teams are most exhausted and beat up. I would love it if Oregon got to miss one more conference game and got to to play Idaho in between Stanford and UCLA. All I'm saying is that 6 more guaranteed losses is the difference between a none bowl team and a bowl team, the difference between a good season and a BCS bowl game season, the difference between a #8 ranking and a #13 ranking, and a BCS bowl game season and a BCS championship game season.

Now the other problem with the "SEC schedules would kill you" argument is that the scheduling is too variant. It's so different year to year and has all kinds of differences because the 8 game schedule means some teams luck into easy schedules and others are thrown into meat grinders.

You guys have an INSANE schedule this year. You play Oregon, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and Alabama. That's ridiculous. Honestly. Oregon would be really lucky to come out of that schedule with an 11-2 record, and would likely be looking at a 10-3 or 9-4 record depending on onjuries and such. But how many teams over the last 4 years play your schedule and come out with really good record? Not many.

Conversely, let's look at Alabama. That schedule is soft as hell. They luck into missing South Carolina, Florida, and Georgia. Oregon is looking at best case 12-0 record with luck (necessary for an undefeated season) and worst case 10-2, with losses to LSU and someone unexpected. Same with aTm. With that schedule, Oregon is looking at 11-1 or 10-2.

The thing with Oregon is that it's a rhythm and timing based offense. It can be beat with time to prepare (Auburn had 1+ moth to prepare for us and LSU had 8 months). But to play a team like Oregon with 6 or less days to prepare? It's really effing hard. That's why Saban beats whatever decent team they play to open the season and whatever good team he plays in the title game, but becomes beatable when having to prepare an offense like aTm with 6 days to prepare. Fact is, offenses like Lregon, aTm, and Clemson can be stopped with preparation. But stopping them with short practice time is damn hard. So the huge gap between the last game of the year and the major bowl circuit will always favor a great defense over a great offense.

The problem with that kind of scheduling is that it isn't fair for certain teams in your conference. One year, an Ole Miss fan can feel really good about the talent on their team, see their schedule, and think, "We're fu**ed." Then at the same time, a Florida fan can feel okay about the talent on their team, see the schedule, and think, "Hell yeah! We're title bound!" It's so inconsistent. Especially now with 14 teams in your league.

I actually miss the days of the PAC-10's round robin schedule when everyone played everyone. It crowned a true champion. No lucky draws. No good-team-misses. Everyone played everyone. And it left no question as to who the best team was.

Now what the SEC has is the 1-2 most elite teams in the country. I would bet that, based on recent history, whatever SEC team is the best will likely win the title. That's how it's played out.

All in saying is that many of those 8 nationally ranked SEC teams are higher ranked because A) the league has fewer losses per year based on playing 8 conference games, and B) some of the other teams miss 90% of the best teams and cruise to inflated records.

Look, I'm all about the SEC because I'm a college football fan first and foremost. And I would never belittle the accomplishments of teams like LSU and Alabama in recent years. Just thought I'd point out a couple of things I've noticed. I know I know. I'm an ignorant fan and I don't know anything about football...excuse my ignorance ;)

All in all, I'm a fan of the SEC (except Florida and Auburn, the crooked wanks), and I love Tennessee. I'll be rooting for you guys to win every one of your damn games. Following a loss to us, of course :)

I just can't wait until the day when scheduling becomes consistent across the country and the fake national title game becomes one of validity with a normal playoff system. Like every other sports league in the world. A lot more will be proven then. Good luck!!
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Now watching the Oregon/Va. Game that I taped. Va was like WKU turnovers. Oregon like TN capitalized. Oregon doesn't look to potent to me. TN plays good defense and our offense does well. It will be a good game.. go vols.. TN has a better team than VA.

I also watched that game. Virginia made a lot of mistakes that cost them. Oregon looked good but not unbeatable. From listening to the media. I thought I was going to watch that game and see Oregon play incredible solid football but I don't think the score would have been what it was if it weren't for Va playing some crappy football. If we are able to play sound football. This could be a great game. Go Vols!!
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I also watched that game. Virginia made a lot of mistakes that cost them. Oregon looked good but not unbeatable. From listening to the media. I thought I was going to watch that game and see Oregon play incredible solid football but I don't think the score would have been what it was if it weren't for Va playing some crappy football. If we are able to play sound football. This could be a great game. Go Vols!!

Sure. But how many teams in the past 10-15 years have truly looked unbeatable? Early 2000s Miami comes to mind. As does mid-2000s USC. But that's about it. Every team is beatable on any given Saturday against a worthy opponent. And that's what Tennessee is.

In regards to Virginia playing poorly, I should say that our style of play contributes to teams playing poorly. We score so quickly, so often, and play so frantically and fast, and get after the QB so relentlessly that it forces bad play. Teams tense up, they try to play catch up right away, and they abandon their game plan and stop playing to their strengths. We exhaust teams, which causes physical and mental errors. It's the point of our system. It's a blitzkrieg, and it has contributed to or even forced a lot of teams to play poorly over the years.

The best thing Tennessee can do is stick to their game plan. You have good coaching and good players. I'm sure they have created a game plan that fits their players and what they want to do. If your team panics and tries to play catch up and does things that they're not good at, your doomed. But if you try to stick to doing whatever it is your team is comfortable doing and gives you the best chance to win, you can definitely win. That much I'm sure. Good luck!
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Sure. But how many teams in the past 10-15 years have truly looked unbeatable? Early 2000s Miami comes to mind. As does mid-2000s USC. But that's about it. Every team is beatable on any given Saturday against a worthy opponent. And that's what Tennessee is.

In regards to Virginia playing poorly, I should say that our style of play contributes to teams playing poorly. We score so quickly, so often, and play so frantically and fast, and get after the QB so relentlessly that it forces bad play. Teams tense up, they try to play catch up right away, and they abandon their game plan and stop playing to their strengths. We exhaust teams, which causes physical and mental errors. It's the point of our system. It's a blitzkrieg, and it has contributed to or even forced a lot of teams to play poorly over the years.

The best thing Tennessee can do is stick to their game plan. You have good coaching and good players. I'm sure they have created a game plan that fits their players and what they want to do. If your team panics and tries to play catch up and does things that they're not good at, your doomed. But if you try to stick to doing whatever it is your team is comfortable doing and gives you the best chance to win, you can definitely win. That much I'm sure. Good luck!

Good points and solid post.
Fisher is nasty. Of all our linemen he plays with the nastiest streak. I doubt any of your players will care about his comments because they were not directed at them. Fisher weighs 305 pounds and he was the most impressive looking olinemen I've witnessed going to Oregon fan days. The body fat on him looks non-existent.

You obviously have never played a snap of football in your life. As a player and as a coach the little smart @ss comments made by this guy, are comments players and coaches feed off of. They may play the "we dont care card" to the media but inside the locker room it will be used as motivational. Probably the quotes posted up throughout the buildings. Anyways we will continue to listen to you on our message boards from the guy who is a duck and knows nothing about football other than what you read on a forum or watch on espn
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Sure. But how many teams in the past 10-15 years have truly looked unbeatable? Early 2000s Miami comes to mind. As does mid-2000s USC. But that's about it. Every team is beatable on any given Saturday against a worthy opponent. And that's what Tennessee is.

In regards to Virginia playing poorly, I should say that our style of play contributes to teams playing poorly. We score so quickly, so often, and play so frantically and fast, and get after the QB so relentlessly that it forces bad play. Teams tense up, they try to play catch up right away, and they abandon their game plan and stop playing to their strengths. We exhaust teams, which causes physical and mental errors. It's the point of our system. It's a blitzkrieg, and it has contributed to or even forced a lot of teams to play poorly over the years.

The best thing Tennessee can do is stick to their game plan. You have good coaching and good players. I'm sure they have created a game plan that fits their players and what they want to do. If your team panics and tries to play catch up and does things that they're not good at, your doomed. But if you try to stick to doing whatever it is your team is comfortable doing and gives you the best chance to win, you can definitely win. That much I'm sure. Good luck!

Thanks for the rational discussion. Hope we get within 7 points and play well:peace2:
Jake Fisher is a junior and played from the first game as true frosh. He has some bravado. Word has it he came into the locker room and announced he wasn't redshirting. Was in the rotation his first game against LSU.

He is probably tired of the media talking about your size. Outside of McCullers Oregon D is bigger.

I've heard much more from the media about Oregon's speed than UT's size. I've also not heard one media pundit say that this will not be a beatdown. Oregon is a 28 point favorite against a lower tier SEC team. And for good reason. Just STFU and play the damn game.
Well if anything. Bloody some noses and give them a reason to take a ice bath.. We may not beat them, maybe we can beat them up a little..
Must be something about being a noisy, stinkin' duck that makes you long winded. Bunch of long winded ducks done showed up in here this week.


Oregon players and coaches are sandbagging, full of crap. Just talking up an SEC team they think they're gonna beat by 30 so the win looks more valuable to everybody, including recruits.
Conversely, let's look at Alabama. That schedule is soft as hell. They luck into missing South Carolina, Florida, and Georgia.

If Bama wins the West they will have to play one of those 3 in the SECC game in Atlanta.
Well when the ducks actually play a hard schedule year after year after year and win you will have done something. Until then smack talk should not be coming from your mouth. It is easy to play a SEC team that is down and talk smack but the reason you dont get invited to play for the big game each year you have won all these games is the powder puff schedule. It would be like High School playing the JV schedule all the time you would easily win week in and week out. And to think we will be bothered by this so called "loud stadium" do you realize we play in these type stadiums week in and week out and our home field is 100,000 strong and very loud...
Oregon uniforms crazy. Duck feathers everywhere.. I would abandon that insignia.. wonder who came up with the idea of Donald duck uniforms and logos.. nothing personal.. I believe they may just be duck feathers all over the field come Saturday night. Go vols..e

Curious which recent Duck uniforms have the Donald Duck logo on them? Personally, I haven't seen Donald on an Oregon uniform in years.
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