Our most embarrassing loss ever.

We were outclassed, out-manned, and out-performed by a much, much better team.

Get over it. It's going to be a long journey back to the top, but we're going to get there.
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Wasn't surprised one bit except for the fight our guys had early in the game. When have we seen enthusiasm like that?

Gotta get the cupboard stocked again. Oregon just ran away from us all day.
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Can we stop with this depth crap? Look at our recruiting rankings even in our down years. Oh wait....UT is the only team recruiting overrated players, right? That excuse is b.s. I bleed orange, but im sick of these a** whoopings when this team has talent.

I challenge you to go back and look at our recruiting rankings and a roster side by side with a sharpie marking off all those guys that are NOT on the roster now. We have NO depth. I'll say it again. We have NO depth.
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Be patient? If we were supposed to get our asses kicked then why not go for it all? Those 4th and shorts cost us this game or at least a respectable game, but yet they showed us a lot of disrespect by going for it on 4th downs. Give me a break with that s***.

You are right. We should have gone for it on 4th down on our own 30 a couple of times. That would have helped. The difference in them going for it is they have confidence in what they are doing. They have go to plays. We don't have any comfort to go to in those situations.

Run off tackle or up the middle you say? They certainly would not expect that. Oregon going on 4th down was on their side of the field. One of them was almost in the red zone.

You would be the same person on here complaining about us going for it on 4th down inside our own territory. I can hear it now. "We are playing the #2 team in the country at their house." "Why are we giving it to them by making these bad coaching decisions?"

Give me a break with your s***! Is it National Champions or bust every year for you? Look around. We are not even close. We are not even ranked. Vegas had a crazy spread that wasn't enough! WTH do you expect?
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Hardly. Nothing wrong with being outclassed by a better team. Is it frustrating to see how far the road back really could be? Sure. Embarrassing? No.

Agreed. They were a better team. They did what they were supposed to. They highlighted our weaknesses for all to see.
If you people don't like what the H&$& you seeing then get your sorry a$$ off this message board and find you another team!!!!
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Disagree. Oregon is on the field to play a football game and win...not take it easy on us. It's our job to man up and shove those 4th down attempts down their throats and we didnt.

Then why didn't we do the same? What the hell did we have to lose? Not a d*** thing.
You are right. We should have gone for it on 4th down on our own 30 a couple of times. That would have helped. The difference in them going for it is they have confidence in what they are doing. They have go to plays. We don't have any comfort to go to in those situations.

Run off tackle or up the middle you say? They certainly would not expect that. Oregon going on 4th down was on their side of the field. One of them was almost in the red zone.

You would be the same person on here complaining about us going for it on 4th down inside our own territory. I can hear it now. "We are playing the #2 team in the country at their house." "Why are we giving it to them by making these bad coaching decisions?"

Give me a break with your s***! Is it National Champions or bust every year for you? Look around. We are not even close. We are not even ranked. Vegas had a crazy spread that wasn't enough! WTH do you expect?

I remember being around midfield on a couple of 4th downs in a hostile environment this afternoon. That's pretty much throwing in the towel. Why don't you give me a break.
Worst loss was LSU 2001 to Matt Mauck. There was so much on the line. What happened this game was to be expected.
hard to argue with that statement. I was very disappointed in Butch- he played the game as if we have equal talent ( haha) no daring plays. I couldn't stand to watch the whole game , but from what I saw, OU could have won by 100 if they tried. WE WERE"only" a 28 pt underdog, so the difference in the final score could have been effort and coaching. There was very little of both IMO. After this debacle, I doubt we will beat Vandy or even finish at 6 wins. If we lose to Vandy or have less than 6 wins, someone got to do a lot of explaining. It hurts me to type this, but, I wish we had Bray back. That's how bad it was today. Before today, I had hopes we might beat the hated Gators . No way- how is possible that we don't have a QB good enuf for SEC play ? Jason Worley cant hit a bus from 3o feet away. Pathetic.
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The most embarrassed I've every been was when Maryland beat us in the 2002 Peach Bowl,the players were laughing on the side lines,and they were killing us. Today our guys ran into a buzz saw and I predict the team that plays Alabama in the championship game. Keep your heads up Brick by Brick is more than one game.Go Big Orange..
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the ducks are #2 for a reason......they could very possibly be playing the tide for the national championship. great effort by the orange and a lot was learned! i never saw them quit.
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this. what a turnaround from being a 5-7 team a year ago to beating the imo the best team in the nation . give the man at least a recuiting class . seriously we need to get real on what we should expect

I'm glad to see that the "sky is falling" crowd is still with us. I thought they might have all left this site after Dooley was fired.
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