Overemployment of the Lazy

lots of bosses like that too, fwiw
"Peter Gibbons: “The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy; it's that I just don't care.”

Bob Porter: “Don't... don't care?”

Peter Gibbons: “It's a problem of motivation, all right? Now if I work my ass off and Initech ships a few extra units, I don't see another dime, so where's the motivation? And here's something else, Bob: I have eight different bosses right now.”

Bob Slydell: “I beg your pardon?”

Peter Gibbons: “Eight bosses.”

Bob Slydell: “Eight?”

Peter Gibbons: “Eight, Bob. So that means that when I make a mistake, I have eight different people coming by to tell me about it. That's my only real motivation is not to be hassled, that and the fear of losing my job. But you know, Bob, that will only make someone work just hard enough not to get fired.”

We are drowning in middle management types who justify their pay checks by micro managing the people below them even though they dont know how to do the work themselves.
I’m a nurse.. good luck doing that from home lmao
Isnt that what TeleDoc is for?

Not saying we are going to run out of nursing jobs soon, or that ER/OR types will go away. But no job is irreplaceable. They just havent figured out an efficient way to do it. Heck even in surgery I know some procedures are done by a robot controlled by a human doctor. In the future non life/limb saving surgeries will probably move that way.
That's simply an opinion without data when really the same can easily be handled with a teams call. There's little difference except maybe some of the office small talk has been eliminated
Since you are big on data, do you have any data that supports that employees working from home are more efficient? Of course, I can understand where your co-workers wouldn't want to see or talk to you.
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Since you are big on data, do you have any data that supports that employees working from home are more efficient? Of course, I can understand where your co-workers wouldn't want to see or talk to you.
Do you have any backing your initial claim? You're making the claim but there are lots of studies showing efficiency hasn't dropped if you're interested. You said you have plenty of free time but I'm sure you'll give some excuse to keep from doing the work. Probably the same as when you were employed
Do you have any backing your initial claim? You're making the claim but there are lots of studies showing efficiency hasn't dropped if you're interested. You said you have plenty of free time
Show me a study that says efficiency hasn't dropped. Also, if efficiency hasn't dropped, why has the supply chain continued to falter?
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What are the values that you have that are different?

I would not work hard for the sake of a title. I’d bust my bust for the sake of big money. That changes everything and goes a long way towards enabling a person to enjoy what they value, whatever that might be.
At least in my industry there is no big money unless you want to run your own large firm. I have absolutely no interest in the running side of things. I am already in the top 70% of my field in this city in regards to pay. It's even higher when you consider experience.

I make enough now where I will be able to retire based on current cost increases and pay trends. So a little extra doesnt move the needle too much. Heck if I stay single I could retire at 60ish. Depending on a wife/DINK status i could retire earlier.

Trading a year of two of my life at 59/60 for and additional 10hrs/wk of work now doesnt make sense to me. I have enough going on in my life that I want to do now that doesnt need to wait.

Like I said I put a higher value on my time now than my company does, or anyone else willing to hire me. Long term planning, and limited living expenses, is better than longer hours.
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Show me a study that says efficiency hasn't dropped. Also, if efficiency hasn't dropped, why has the supply chain continued to falter?
Because you can't load trucks remotely?

You made the claims, back them up
I found this article thread worthy. Apparently, the stay at home generation has found a new way to fleece corporate America by working 2 stay at home jobs. I guess when you only work a few hours a day, why not get a second only work a few hours a day job and double your income.

Secret 'overemployment' grows as a remote work trend, but risks are involved
Some of the work from home call centers have specific policies that your "office" area must be free from distractions and must be logged in to their phones, computers, etc and they do monitor it People will get caught if they are not following the rules.
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At least in my industry there is no big money unless you want to run your own large firm. I have absolutely no interest in the running side of things. I am already in the top 70% of my field in this city in regards to pay. It's even higher when you consider experience.

I make enough now where I will be able to retire based on current cost increases and pay trends. So a little extra doesnt move the needle too much. Heck if I stay single I could retire at 60ish. Depending on a wife/DINK status i could retire earlier.

Trading a year of two of my life at 59/60 for and additional 10hrs/wk of work now doesnt make sense to me. I have enough going on in my life that I want to do now that doesnt need to wait.

Like I said I put a higher value on my time now than my company does, or anyone else willing to hire me. Long term planning, and limited living expenses, is better than longer hours.

I guess I can see your point since you are single. You make a good living and your status keeps your expenses lower. My best friend from UT is an architect and I know he worked his butt off while at UT. Probably worked harder than anyone else I knew at his studies, while I was in school. So if you worked your butt off for that then I can relate it to you are currently rewarded. Your life sounds set.

I am a work hard, play hard guy. If I don’t have something specific going on - something with my kids, vacation, date with wife, hobby, etc. then I am pretty happy to be doing work. I enjoy work to be honest. And I will always teach my kids that they should work their ass off if there is some goal they desire.
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Some of the work from home call centers have specific policies that your "office" area must be free from distractions and must be logged in to their phones, computers, etc and they do monitor it People will get caught if they are not following the rules.
What are they going to do about it? Fire them? We don't even punish people for killing other people anymore, much less screwing off at home when they're supposed to be working.
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Companies are way more efficient when employees can collaborate in person or walk down the hall and ask a quick question. I really don't understand the work from home crowd that thinks they are as efficient as in office employees.
Why is it more efficient to walk down a hall than to call someone and do a screen share? That way you are actively updating whatever it is you are having to coordinate, and both people can see it at once rather than "point in times" that get printed and reprinted?

I prefer working in the office for the team experience but there is not one bit of lost efficiency when working from home. Technology has come a long way from cups on string.
What? You started the thread, called wfh people lazy and said that didn't happen when they went to the office. Maybe your mind is going the way of Biden like some others in here
What exactly do you do that you think you are so indispensable that no one from outside this country can do? I have a guess that you do things related to logistics. If that is your profession, then you're fooling yourself if you think you can't be replaced.
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Why is it more efficient to walk down a hall than to call someone and do a screen share? That way you are actively updating whatever it is you are having to coordinate, and both people can see it at once rather than "point in times" that get printed and reprinted?

I prefer working in the office for the team experience but there is not one bit of lost efficiency when working from home. Technology has come a long way from cups on string.
Seems like you just answered your own question. It's hard to create a repore with someone through text or facetime.
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What are they going to do about it? Fire them? We don't even punish people for killing other people anymore, much less screwing off at home when they're supposed to be working.
Yes, people have been fired for screwing off when they are supposed to be working.

Now I'm talking about customer service/ call center roles related roles where they can actually track the time someone is on the phone, logged in, etc.
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Why is it more efficient to walk down a hall than to call someone and do a screen share? That way you are actively updating whatever it is you are having to coordinate, and both people can see it at once rather than "point in times" that get printed and reprinted?

I prefer working in the office for the team experience but there is not one bit of lost efficiency when working from home. Technology has come a long way from cups on string.

If I walk down the hall I know I can get your attention, if I call you and you don't answer I might have to wait until you get done folding your laundry before I get my question answered.
What exactly do you do that you think you are so indispensable that no one from outside this country can do? I have a guess that you do things related to logistics. If that is your profession, then you're fooling yourself if you think you can't be replaced.
If someone could they would have been hired instead of me. I'm in IT and my job requires knowledge and understanding of processes that is unlikely to exist overseas.
I tell my people I don't care how little or how much you work. If you can get me the results I want in 4 hours, as supposed to 8 or 10, then good for you. My best performing GM, who also has the busiest restaurant, works far less then his peers. He's an excellent developer of people. His reward is more time off.
Hopefully that GM is still putting in more hours than anyone else in his restaurant. ]
What are they going to do about it? Fire them? We don't even punish people for killing other people anymore, much less screwing off at home when they're supposed to be working.
Yes, people get fired for not doing their job. Why do you think that would change?
If I walk down the hall I know I can get your attention, if I call you and you don't answer I might have to wait until you get done folding your laundry before I get my question answered.
Are you sure he actually folds his laundry? I would think you'd have to wait for him to pause his video game.
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If someone could they would have been hired instead of me. I'm in IT and my job requires knowledge and understanding of processes that is unlikely to exist overseas.
I don't believe you. Don't you work for a warehouse or distribution center? Not too much high technology there, no matter what you think.
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I don't believe you. Don't you work for a warehouse or distribution center? Not too much high technology there, no matter what you think.
Of course you don't because you've shown no understanding of this entire subject. I do software that controls parts of the supply chain and have done it for a couple of large companies. There is absolutely lots of tech there

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