Children have to learn by example. I always take my kids out for lunch, hardly ever at night b/c of a few different reasons. Noise is the sound of life and while yes, taking a child that has hit their limit is understandable, you also have to teach the child that just b/c they scream doesn't mean they get to go out to the car and watch a movie or go outside and play, they have to learn that when you sit down at a restaurant it's time to eat. So I say this, be patient with little ones learning to behave in public, it's a short term milestone that should be adored b/c it passes soooo quickly and pretty soon they sit there on their asses like the rest of us stuffing themselves with way too much food, etc. Extreme situations, of course, but throwing sippy cups, that is part of their development. All kids love to play that game, I'll throw my sippy down and mom or dad will pick it up for me, eventually you have to not and that is when they learn about holding on to their stuff. It's cause and effect, their own little personal gravity lesson. I saw these idiots spanking their child for throwing his sippy down, all the little guy was doing was developing his brain. Judge on no kid having people, judge on.