Parents With Little Screaming Kids

It just seems that there could be a middle ground here somewhere . Where people without kids could go have a nice quiet meal without hearing screamig kids and people with kids wouldnt have to leave them at home.:dunno:
after reading this whole thread, and being a parent myself, i still can relate to the annoying factor of a kid that is really annoying.....screaming uncotrollably and nothing being done about that.......yeah, at that point, something needs to be done. i think most all of us would agree with that.

but as for a place to go w/out kids...........don't think for one minute that parents aren't looking for the same place..........we all still remember what it was like to just be able to go down to the local watering hole for a beer and food........just because you could.

well, now those days are pretty much over, because now such a venture takes at least one week of planning, arrangements for a babysitter, hopefully a family memember you trust so your $40 dollar night out doesn't turn in to a $100 night out.........

anyway, point is, most sane people understand and agree with all this. but all the parents on this site will tell just don't understand when you're single or don't have kids yet. it changes your perspective on a many things.......and also, don't get me wrong, i'm not complaining about the lifestyle change either, but it is different. and no one is really prepared for just how much your lifestyle does change when you add kids to the mix.....
wow, he sounds like a huge pansy.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
:eek:lol:good one bpv.
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Trust me if it is out of control I address it. If they are just throwing a little fit I ignore it. Once they get to a decible level that makes those around us cringe I pop that butt or remove them if I have to.

Of course... I'm not bothered so much these days, since, ya know... I don't work at freakin' Wal-Mart anymore. :)
I'm sure your life is much more pleasant these days.
It is all relative. Now I'm a project manager for a Mechanical subcontractor. Since you are a construction vendor, I think you can see, I have a different type of work anxiety these days. :wacko:
It is all relative. Now I'm a project manager for a Mechanical subcontractor. Since you are a construction vendor, I think you can see, I have a different type of work anxiety these days. :wacko:

Yes, different sets of problems and challenges.
I really have to go back to my original comment. It really went into a parents vs. non-parents battle, which wasn't the intent. I'm just saying, if it gets to the point of just being absurd remove them from the situation. I think too many of you took this as a challenge to your parenting skills.

To sum it up, if you have one little kid and you and your husband or wife are there and the kids is being absurdly loud and you do nothing about it, then yes, it's going to piss me off to no end. About the only time I will understand is if the parents are out numbered by kids. The variable of me not having kids is irrelevent. That's my choice. You decided to have the kid, that's your choice, do something about it.
We took our kids to restaurants when young and I honestly do not recall them ever acting up to the point of bothering anyone. It boils down to how/if they are taught discipline from the get go. I am not talking iron fisted parenting either, just not letting the child run the parent as many do.

Peyton loves to go out to eat. Also it doesn't hurt that most waitresses know him and love to see him!
I really have to go back to my original comment. It really went into a parents vs. non-parents battle, which wasn't the intent. I'm just saying, if it gets to the point of just being absurd remove them from the situation. I think too many of you took this as a challenge to your parenting skills.

To sum it up, if you have one little kid and you and your husband or wife are there and the kids is being absurdly loud and you do nothing about it, then yes, it's going to piss me off to no end. About the only time I will understand is if the parents are out numbered by kids. The variable of me not having kids is irrelevent. That's my choice. You decided to have the kid, that's your choice, do something about it.

Two reasons for that. One: for a large subset of the childless, the threshold for what constitutes "absurdly loud" is ridicuously low. Screaming is one thing, but there are people who are offended if they have to even see a child or hear him talk. Two: these same people then turn around and say, "just leave them at home!" when they have absolutely no appreciation for how difficult and/or expensive that is.

I have a well-behaved kid who almost never acts up in public, and the second he makes a scene, we always take measures to correct the problem and/or remove him from the situation. But there are plenty of people who act like they can't digest their Bean Burrito Grande just because there's a kid at the next table talking, and I'll be damned if I'm going to spend the next 15 years of my life shuttling between my house and Chuck E. Cheese because I'm worried about what they think.
See that's where I think people are misreading this. Kids laughing loud, living it up, talking to strangers thats fine. It actually makes me laugh. I'm always whooping it up with kids in public that wave and look at me. Most likely cause I'm a funny looking cat, but I think people know what I'm saying by absurdly loud in a negative manner.

When the shrill screm comes that makes me cringe is when I start getting mad.
See that's where I think people are misreading this. Kids laughing loud, living it up, talking to strangers thats fine. It actually makes me laugh. I'm always whooping it up with kids in public that wave and look at me. Most likely cause I'm a funny looking cat, but I think people know what I'm saying by absurdly loud in a negative manner.

When the shrill screm comes that makes me cringe is when I start getting mad.

I didn't mean to imply that I was talking about you. We're in complete agreement about the shrill scream. If anything, it actually sucks worse when it's your own kid doing it.

The parents who refuse to provide so-called "negative feedback" when their kids pitch a shrieking fit in public because they don't want to damage poor little Johnny's fragile psyche are narcissists with no regard for other people.
See that's where I think people are misreading this. Kids laughing loud, living it up, talking to strangers thats fine. It actually makes me laugh. I'm always whooping it up with kids in public that wave and look at me. Most likely cause I'm a funny looking cat, but I think people know what I'm saying by absurdly loud in a negative manner.

When the shrill screm comes that makes me cringe is when I start getting mad.

If a child is corrected the first time they let out one of those screams so they know that is unacceptable in public, they usually don't do it. My experience has been it's most often brought on when they want something or to do something the parent doesn't approve, and it's their way of getting what they want cause the parent has given in sometime before. Some think denying their children will make them hate them, or they think they buy their love by over indulgence.
Funny you say that. My boy and I went to the library this afternoon, and afterwards we stopped by the Irish pub where I've been a regular for a dozen years. We sat up at the bar, just like the boy's been doing since he was two weeks old. The staff love him, because they've known him his whole life. They talk to him, bring him chocolate milk, flip coasters at him, etc. Of course he's "talkative," as if that's somehow a crime, but he never makes any kind of a scene. I could give a crap what some loser on his own down the bar who thinks Wild Turkey is worth drinking thinks about it.
Easy, fellow... relax. No need to get defensive or feel like I'm specifically talking about your little bundle of joy. The fact remains that this particular kid I saw Monday was way out of hand... whether it was a bar, WalMart, a movie theatre or any other place in public. And the mom seemed to be more concerned about not having enough mint in her mojito than her chld being loud and disruptive. There is also a time and a place for everything. At certain places, the atmosphere is looser and more carefree, and at others, it is more subdued. Based off of what I know about the Irish and a few of the pubs I've been to myself, I would suppose you were in the former.
I guess my view here would be , if my wife and I go out and spend our hard earned money for a nice peaceful meal and we cant carry on a conversation because mama ( or daddy ) isn't giving said baby what they want and he throws a tantrum . THEN MY EVENIG IS SHOT , and not because of anything we did .

My question to you guys is , is that fair to me and my wife ?

I know the parents are coming out of the woodwork now to crucify me , but I need to know . Is this fair to us ?
Of course it's not fair, and personally I would never allow one of my kids to do that to you.

That being said, for some reason a screaming kid just doesn't bother me nearly as much as an adult having a cell phone conversation.
when I was little I knew better. if I was out with my mom and dad and did something like that, my dad would take me out and whoop the you know what outta me.
Of course it's not fair, and personally I would never allow one of my kids to do that to you.

That being said, for some reason a screaming kid just doesn't bother me nearly as much as an adult having a cell phone conversation.

There is a list of things that annoy all of us at some level, I suppose. Personally, the cell phone guy annoys me as much as the disruptive child. I'm sure there is also the cigar/pipe smoker for some people, the obnoxious drunk guy, and the girl that ruins everyone's mood by crying/weeping as she agonizes over a recent break up... :crazy:

But on the otherhand, if I go to McDonald's, I don't complain about kids running around and being loud. That is what you are supposed to expect. If I go to a sports bar, I don't get upset when people are smoking around me or being overly boisterous while they are throwing down a few beers. That is what you should expect at a sports bar or neighborhood pub. If I go to a restaurant on $2 margarita night, I don't get upset if some group of women are trying to ease the pain of some friend of theirs that is going through a break up. That is what I should be expecting. :unsure:

It's when you go to a place where the behavior of someone is grossly out of line for what you normally expect... that is where most people have the problem.

Seems as though the people with children may have overreacted in this thread and gotten a tad bit defensive when there was no intent to attack them (unless of course, they happen to be the type of parents that allow their kids to run wild). No one should take it as though the job and responsibilites that come along with being a parent are being trivialized... obviously, that is a tough job. But you parents have to admit, there are a few of you that really have problems with keeping these kids under control in the public, and that cannot be disputed if you sit down and think about it.
Seems as though the people with children may have overreacted in this thread and gotten a tad bit defensive when there was no intent to attack them (unless of course, they happen to be the type of parents that allow their kids to run wild). No one should take it as though the job and responsibilites that come along with being a parent are being trivialized... obviously, that is a tough job. But you parents have to admit, there are a few of you that really have problems with keeping these kids under control in the public, and that cannot be disputed if you sit down and think about it.
Everything you said was fine until you uttered this piece of crap musing. Nobody here said it was acceptable to let a child go beserk. Only thing I have seen is parents saying we agree we should control our kids and childless folks act as childish as the children.
Everything you said was fine until you uttered this piece of crap musing. Nobody here said it was acceptable to let a child go beserk. Only thing I have seen is parents saying we agree we should control our kids and childless folks act as childish as the children.
And I don't think anybody is seriously downplaying the job you guys do...c'mon, man. If you are doing your job, you should not feel as though it was a swipe at you (personally) as a parent. :no:
It's when you go to a place where the behavior of someone is grossly out of line for what you normally expect... that is where most people have the problem.

Oh come on, TVA, don't back down and start allowing this situational stuff into play. In two separate posts upthread, you espoused what sounded like a pretty iron-clad rule -- "Chuck E Cheese, McDonald's, but not sitting at a bar." I came home and read that half an hour after I'd spent a really enjoyable hour sitting with my kid at the bar in an Irish pub. Of course I crapped right back at you. Don't draw a line in the sand and then accuse people of overreacting when they assume that you mean it.
I guess my view here would be , if my wife and I go out and spend our hard earned money for a nice peaceful meal and we cant carry on a conversation because mama ( or daddy ) isn't giving said baby what they want and he throws a tantrum . THEN MY EVENIG IS SHOT , and not because of anything we did .

My question to you guys is , is that fair to me and my wife ?

I know the parents are coming out of the woodwork now to crucify me , but I need to know . Is this fair to us ?

The $100 question is what you mean by the word "tantrum." I've met dozens of Darwin's Failures over the last three years who seem to think that their evening is shot simply because they have to either see or hear the voice of a child. No tantrum, no screaming, no nothing -- just maybe a kid occasionally standing up in his chair and talking excitedly about what he sees. If the parents in this thread have overreated, it's probably because we've all been accosted by these killjoys, asked to "control" our kids when they're doing nothing more than being happy to be alive while all these sourpuss losers are around.
Oh come on, TVA, don't back down and start allowing this situational stuff into play. In two separate posts upthread, you espoused what sounded like a pretty iron-clad rule -- "Chuck E Cheese, McDonald's, but not sitting at a bar." I came home and read that half an hour after I'd spent a really enjoyable hour sitting with my kid at the bar in an Irish pub. Of course I crapped right back at you. Don't draw a line in the sand and then accuse people of overreacting when they assume that you mean it.

Personally, if I had a kid, I wouldn't sit my kid at a bar. But that is just me... not making a judgement call about you or your parenting. But either way, if you are going to sit a bar (or anywhere for that matter) and allow a kid to behave the way this kid did the other night, then maybe you should in this instance take it personally and your defensive response may have been appropriate. If not, then it was not directed towards you....
If the parents in this thread have overreated, it's probably because we've all been accosted by these killjoys, asked to "control" our kids when they're doing nothing more than being happy to be alive while all these sourpuss losers are around.

I'm sure that there are some obnoxious/sensitive people that would be easily upset about anything. But if you've experienced this type of confrontation multiple times with different people at different venues... :unsure:

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