Paris Terror Attack Underway

Update on same USA Today article.

Obama just threw Christian Syrian refugees under the bus by saying there shouldn't be a "religious test" given to those fleeing persecution. At least he's being honest about his stance against Christians who are being targeted by ISIS.
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Update on same USA Today article.

Obama just threw Christian Syrian refugees under the bus by saying there shouldn't be a "religious test" given to those fleeing persecution. At least he's being honest about his stance against Christians who are being targeted by ISIS.

It's blatantly obvious who side he's on, and it isn't ours..
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Update on same USA Today article.

Obama just threw Christian Syrian refugees under the bus by saying there shouldn't be a "religious test" given to those fleeing persecution. At least he's being honest about his stance against Christians who are being targeted by ISIS.

How do we determine their religion? If there are Christians in their country, why wouldn't they know enough about Chritianity to pass this test? If you want to ban some in the name of national security, seems like you have to ban them all, right? Safest thing to do?
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Sorry I don't let you off the hook, but I genuinely want to know if you are in favor of directly supporting a dictator?

Wasn't on a hook. Only an obstinate fool couldn't understand what I said.

If it serves our best interests, yes. We do in Jordan don't we?
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Update on same USA Today article.

Obama just threw Christian Syrian refugees under the bus by saying there shouldn't be a "religious test" given to those fleeing persecution. At least he's being honest about his stance against Christians who are being targeted by ISIS.

I'm at work and he was on in the other room. This is the first time in like a year or so that I listened to him live. It really was pretty awful. His demeanor, message, responding to criticisms, everything was just terrible. He looked like a man that just simply has no idea. A lot of us have known this but damn, even his supporters should be disgusted with him.
Wasn't on a hook. Only an obstinate fool couldn't understand what I said.

If it serves our best interests, yes. We do in Jordan don't we?

You don't have to be a douche bag. We can just talk about differences of opinion politely and you can clarify your points without calling me names.

I find your position pretty interesting. Most Rs would argue the opposite is true. You got GV and others saying we had to take out Saddam because he was a bad actor. I side with you moreso than them.

I say leave it all alone, but when you say "if it serves our best interest" to directly back them, I can't argue with that because it's a statement that supports itself by implying positive outcome. My position is that it doesn't serve our best interest to directly back them. We're best off if we just stay the hell out. I don't think new events change that. It's never going to be resolved with our involvement. You can't defeat terrorism, because it's not a country, it's a movement and/or tactic.
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How do we determine their religion? If there are Christians in their country, why wouldn't they know enough about Chritianity to pass this test? If you want to ban some in the name of national security, seems like you have to ban them all, right? Safest thing to do?

It may not be the safest thing to start letting refugees from either religion pour into America. A few terrorist will likely sneak in either way. And either way, Syrian Christians will continue being targeted by Isis and thrown under the bus by obama.
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I'm at work and he was on in the other room. This is the first time in like a year or so that I listened to him live. It really was pretty awful. His demeanor, message, responding to criticisms, everything was just terrible. He looked like a man that just simply has no idea. A lot of us have known this but damn, even his supporters should be disgusted with him.

I'll have to watch and listen to it because I agree that it doesn't sound very good. I just read the article and a few of his statements.
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Governors from AL, AR, LA, TX, MI & IN have banned Syrian refugees. Seems like a Govenor every hour is saying no. Big time issue for King Putt
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Just wondering how many people know that France has been heavily involved in the Syrian conflict? I ask because nobody is saying much about this and I was largely unaware.

France hasn't launched a major airstrike against ISIS since the Charlie Hebdo attacks. Last night was the first time in months.
just saw another snippit of the speech today - I hate when Obama suggests his motives are pure but all who disagree with him are "playing politics". [/rant]
The Governor of Pennsylvania (a Democrat) Tom Wolf says he will NOT turn away Syrian Refugees and that they will be settled in Pittsburgh. What an idiot.
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You don't have to be a douche bag. We can just talk about differences of opinion politely and you can clarify your points without calling me names.

I find your position pretty interesting. Most Rs would argue the opposite is true. You got GV and others saying we had to take out Saddam because he was a bad actor. I side with you moreso than them.

I say leave it all alone, but when you say "if it serves our best interest" to directly back them, I can't argue with that because it's a statement that supports itself by implying positive outcome. My position is that it doesn't serve our best interest to directly back them. We're best off if we just stay the hell out. I don't think new events change that. It's never going to be resolved with our involvement. You can't defeat terrorism, because it's not a country, it's a movement and/or tactic.

We can defeat Islamic terrorism.

One of two ways, either by brutal overwhelming force and slaughter or better yet, economically. Kill their funding.

Work with Europe and Asia to limit, ideally eliminate the need for ME oil.
The Governor of Pennsylvania (a Democrat) Tom Wolf says he will NOT turn away Syrian Refugees and that they will be settled in Pittsburgh. What an idiot.

I bet the people of Pittsburgh are thrilled & will soon be throwing happy hour parties after hearing that news from their elected Democrap Governor.
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Obama just made a speech where he said that the use of ground forces against ISIS would be a "major mistake" has pissed me off. ISIS recruits around 20,000 fighters every 4 months. they number around 100,000 fighters in Syria, 20,000 in Libya, 5,000 in the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt, and throughout Central and East Africa they number 10,000. Airstrikes are not going to uproot their forces especially when the U.S. is only launching 2,000 airstrikes a year. We launched 2,000 airstrikes a day in Operation Desert Storm. I truly fear that by not going on the offensive on the ground against ISIS we will be attacked and when we are attacked it will be worse than Paris. We must go on the offensive and we must take the initiative. ISIS has the momentum and nothing is slowing them down.
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I bet the people of Pittsburgh are thrilled & will soon be throwing happy hour parties after hearing that news from their elected Democrap Governor.

Isn't the Pittsburgh area heavy GOP?

He putting those refugees far, far away from the heavy dem area of Philadelphia.

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