Paris Terror Attack Underway

Are there liberals in North Korea? Iran? Nope. Wonder why. Some of the first people Hitler got rid of were the liberals that opposed him. Then came the Jews, and the rest is history. Glad to know you would like for America to resemble something like a totalitarian regime instead of you know, a democracy. But that's the thing with your kind: you like the idea of freedom but just for you and your own interpretation of it.


So can you explain why liberals within the United States cannot stand any other point of view than their own?
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Liberals are not the enemy. They are what makes America great because they can express those differing opinions irregardless how the govt or anyone else thinks about it. It's that freedom, and that one alone, that make our country the greatest in the world. Liberals are not the enemy, but they do tend to be arrogant a$$holes, Bill Maher for example.
Liberals are not the enemy. They are what makes America great because they can express those differing opinions irregardless how the govt or anyone else thinks about it. It's that freedom, and that one alone, that make our country the greatest in the world. Liberals are not the enemy, but they do tend to be arrogant a$$holes.

Irregardless isn't a word. And no libs aren't the enemy but they are a weakness. Completely illogical and work from an emotional standpoint instead of a thought standpoint.
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Irregardless isn't a word. And no libs aren't the enemy but they are a weakness. Completely illogical and work from an emotional standpoint instead of a thought standpoint.

Yes it is.

I didn't say they were particularly strong but they hold a valuable insight into our society and have for generations. The mistake I think many make here is the belief that those liberal ideas are the equivalent of an attack against the United States. I haven't met any self-professed liberals that hate America; they all just have different viewpoints for how America can succeed that's all. It's a liberal idea to not stand for the Star Spangled Banner and that is a particularly powerful one,because when we are made to stand and salute that's when we will know that we have really lost this country to an enemy.
Yes it is.

I didn't say they were particularly strong but they hold a valuable insight into our society and have for generations. The mistake I think many make here is the belief that those liberal ideas are the equivalent of an attack against the United States. I haven't met any self-professed liberals that hate America; they all just have different viewpoints for how America can succeed that's all. It's a liberal idea to not stand for the Star Spangled Banner and that is a particularly powerful one,because when we are made to stand and salute that's when we will know that we have really lost this country to an enemy.

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Showing respect for our national anthem and those that have fought and died to preserve the Constitution and freedoms that so many take for granted does not mean you have lost to the "Enemy".

What in the mother F. I'm unaware of government officials forcing people to stand during it, perhaps you'd like to elaborate? Also, choosing to be disrespectful doesn't mean I have to like it. Freedom is for everyone, not just "Liberals".

Also, I've stood for several anthems in various countries. Just showing some respect. What a dumb thing to protest.
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I used to pledge the allegiance to the US every morning when I was growing up. What's wrong with that?

I have no problem with pledging allegiance to your national community, but I feel like the pledge is meant to brainwash people into fealty to the state.

"and to the republic"

I also have a problem with

"one nation"

It's supposed to be a federation of nations, not one country. A state is a nation. This line from the pledge has successfully wiped this notion clean off the map.
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I have no problem accepting refugee families, or widowed parents with children. Single young men - probably not. Not only are they the most prone to radicalization, but in most cases it wouldn't be a situation conducive for their success.
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Yes it is.

I didn't say they were particularly strong but they hold a valuable insight into our society and have for generations. The mistake I think many make here is the belief that those liberal ideas are the equivalent of an attack against the United States. I haven't met any self-professed liberals that hate America; they all just have different viewpoints for how America can succeed that's all. It's a liberal idea to not stand for the Star Spangled Banner and that is a particularly powerful one,because when we are made to stand and salute that's when we will know that we have really lost this country to an enemy.

No man its not. It's just regardless.
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The even bigger question is why not go after Article 5 first?

Could it be because the French knew our President would likely hem, haw and try to avoid a commitment?

How can anyone say Obama has hemmed/hawed when we've had military assets of some kind in Syria for going on 5 years?

How much more war does Obama have to commit in Syria to satisfy you? Does he actually have to drop a nuke?
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How can anyone say Obama has hemmed/hawed when we've had military assets of some kind in Syria for going on 5 years?

How much more war does Obama have to commit in Syria to satisfy you? Does he actually have to drop a nuke?

The French and Russians have done more in two days than Obama's done in two years, even the Liberals are calling him out.
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Many meaningful alternatives have been discussed but apparently you haven't been listening.

I would like to know what one of these alternatives is. He's bombed Syria for a year, tried desperately to cook up a story in the summer of 2013 to get everyone else on board but Britain backed away from the table. He's had some sort of military presence (weapons, advisors, special ops) in Syria since 2012.

What more do you want?
How can anyone say Obama has hemmed/hawed when we've had military assets of some kind in Syria for going on 5 years?

How much more war does Obama have to commit in Syria to satisfy you? Does he actually have to drop a nuke?

What would satisfy a lot of people (world wide)is if he made a statement and followed through (national defense of course. He follows through ruining our nation with his policies).
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