Paris Terror Attack Underway

1. The ‪#‎Paris‬ attackers were not actually refugees.
2. No refugee has ever committed a terror attack on US soil.
3. Refugees go through stricter screening than any other migrant group.
4. Refugees weaken the Islamic State.
5. Refugees are valuable allies against terrorism.
6. Saving the innocent from repression, terror, and war is the right and morally courageous thing to do.

Assuming that the user of a fake Syrian passport found near the body of an attacker belonged to the attacker, which isn’t clear, he exploited the flow of people into Europe, but he was not a refugee. He did not receive refugee designation from the United Nations or vetting from intelligence agencies. He was never approved for refugee status in any country.
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Have we established the fact that the people in these attacks weren't refugees?

Also, you guys realize that ISIS wants us to turn away refugees, right? The more they're able to vilify the west the better.

Amusing that all of this comes near Christmas-time. Given that 21 of the 22 states to denounce refugees are republican, you'd think they would remember a little story about a couple in the middle-east desperately needing shelter.
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Amusing that all of this comes near Christmas-time. Given that 21 of the 22 states to denounce refugees are republican, you'd think they would remember a little story about a couple in the middle-east desperately needing shelter.

Weren't Mary and Joseph Jews?
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Have we established the fact that the people in these attacks weren't refugees?

Also, you guys realize that ISIS wants us to turn away refugees, right? The more they're able to vilify the west the better.

Amusing that all of this comes near Christmas-time. Given that 21 of the 22 states to denounce refugees are republican, you'd think they would remember a little story about a couple in the middle-east desperately needing shelter.

How many are staying at your place?
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The Turks and Iranians won't have any of that.

Try again.

No, let's try that first before we try anything again. If the Turks and Iranians disagree, they can choose on which side of the argument to stand. If they stand against said international coalition, let them enjoy the same fate as those whom they side with.
Have we established the fact that the people in these attacks weren't refugees?

Also, you guys realize that ISIS wants us to turn away refugees, right? The more they're able to vilify the west the better.

Amusing that all of this comes near Christmas-time. Given that 21 of the 22 states to denounce refugees are republican, you'd think they would remember a little story about a couple in the middle-east desperately needing shelter.

Up to 30 states now.

I don't agree with turning them away. I do think that the way the Feds don't tell states who's coming and if any have been introduced in their states is also wrong. I'd say some of the reaction is how the Feds are handling things.

The stuff about Joseph and Mary is just ridiculous and most people I've seen use that argument typically mock Christians so it rings pretty hollow to me.
It's a horrible ****ing analogy, Terrorists equate to Joseph and Mary ? Wtf

Here's the thing, he is correct the attackers probably weren't refugees as Huff pointed out earlier. A refugee would be escaping persecution and whatnot.

Yet it does provide a pretty damn good cover for terrorists sneaking in. Wasn't it Mao who talked about a guerrilla being among the people like a fish in the sea?
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Here's the thing, he is correct the attackers probably weren't refugees as Huff pointed out earlier. A refugee would be escaping persecution and whatnot.

Yet it does provide a pretty damn good cover for terrorists sneaking in. Wasn't it Mao who talked about a guerrilla being among the people like a fish in the sea?

Who's saying they were? Damn my **** is extra good tonight. We've got no way of checking these people and if only a small percentage get through that's one too many. They've boasted they're coming and I believe them, suspend all incoming refugees ASAP.


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Who's saying they were? Damn my **** is extra good tonight. We've got no way of checking these people and if only a small percentage get through that's one too many. They've boasted they're coming and I believe them, suspend all incoming refugees ASAP.

It's a play on words IMO. Refugee versus terrorist.

There is a compromise I mentioned before. If they are seeking sanctuary, properly vet them while at a neutral location like GTMO. Those that can be vetted are allowed to come in. It won't be an easy task, but they are at least out of danger while the process is going on.
It's a play on words IMO. Refugee versus terrorist.

There is a compromise I mentioned before. If they are seeking sanctuary, properly vet them while at a neutral location like GTMO. Those that can be vetted are allowed to come in. It won't be an easy task, but they are at least out of danger while the process is going on.

I agree with you but, do you trust this potus to properly vet these refugees? I don't . Cheaper to set up safe zones over there. Jmo
Showing respect for our national anthem and those that have fought and died to preserve the Constitution and freedoms that so many take for granted does not mean you have lost to the "Enemy".

What in the mother F. I'm unaware of government officials forcing people to stand during it, perhaps you'd like to elaborate? Also, choosing to be disrespectful doesn't mean I have to like it. Freedom is for everyone, not just "Liberals".

Also, I've stood for several anthems in various countries. Just showing some respect. What a dumb thing to protest.

Throw beers on those types. $100 says you'd get away with it
I will let a refugee stay with me if he agrees to go to work right away and spend at least half his wages on booze
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I will give it to you in riddle form over the course of the next few months in various threads, not necessarily in chronological order.
I will give it to you in riddle form over the course of the next few months in various threads, not necessarily in chronological order.

This reminds me of the time I tried to buy a PS2 the night it was released. The Yankees were in the series and it was the last time I worried about video games or baseball.

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