Do any of you realize we are basically trading even with Canada now and the dollar is only getting weaker? Does anyone in this thread realize this country is going backwards fast and unless the voting power shifts away from pandering to the entitlement crowd that it's over? I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but the ship is sinking.
You realize that charging $1,000 to vote pretty much rules out a pretty good chunk of the American population, correct?
Do any of you realize we are basically trading even with Canada now and the dollar is only getting weaker? Does anyone in this thread realize this country is going backwards fast and unless the voting power shifts away from pandering to the entitlement crowd that it's over? I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but the ship is sinking.
Ok, I will go over this one more time.
You can vote if:
You are 30 or older and have a job. If you were laid off in the last 6 months you have 6 months to find a job and can continue to vote in that time period. it is not fair to hold being laid off against a hard working person.
You are ex military
You own a home.
You own a business.
If you are none of these, you can buy in for 1000 dollars and 100 for each poll viting in.
How is this not fair? Everyone working 30 or older can vote! Period! If you dont meet any of the other reqs you still qualify at 30 if you are working.
Tell me how this is not fair????????
Trying to limit the voices and the political power of persons simply because you disagree with their views and/or lifestyles is ridiculous. If you are that worried, that the majority of Americans are going to vote this country into a disaster, presumably because the politicians only pander to the poor and the lazy, then run for office yourself or leave and find a different country.