Aside from your snide remark, here is my take on that:
The reconquista was a multi-"national" (not really nations, but you get the point) event designed to drive back Muslim conquest. The Muslim conquest was under one "flag," whereas the reconquista was the first time we see a multi-Christian kingdom conglomerate come together to drive back a single force (Muslim expansion).
As to my history being deficient, "the people" had not served 700 years of slavery, they had served 7 years. It merely took ~700 years to completely reconquer the peninsula. So yes, the last piece of land to be reclaimed suffered "700 years of slavery," but that isn't how long it took to start the reconquista.
Some dates:
711 -- Conquest of Iberian Peninsula begins.
718 -- Islamic rule extends to almost all of the Peninsula
718 -- Reconquista begins with the Battle of Covadonga.
718-711=7; oddly enough, divine number.
Also, the Preds are terrible.
The Preds are having a pretty good year.
""the people" had not served 700 years of slavery, they had served 7 years. "
From Obamama's Cairo Speech:
"Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance. We see it in the history of Andalusia and Cordoba during the Inquisition."
Which of course is a load of crap because anyone that does a real study of the history of Islamic occupation of the Iberian peninsula during that time knows full well that there was no tolerance by its Islamic rulers against the other religions. It was slavery and pay the jizya tax, or convert.
First a little history of why the muslims conquered Spain:
By 710AD, Jews and Christians had been in the Iberian peninsula for a few hundred years and the Visigoth king Rodrigo ruled from the capital Toledo.
Emir Musa ruled North Africa from Kairouan in Tunisia. He saw that Spain was ripe for plunder with great financial wealth, and beautiful girls aplenty for the Harems in Kairouan and Damascus.
Musa then received permission from the Caliph Walid who ruled from Damascus, and then chose Tariq, a Berber, who was a former Algerian slave, but now a fierce warrior and a recent convert to Islam, to lead his army. They sent a small force of a few hundred men on a raid, and when they returned loaded with riches and pretty girls, Musa was much impressed. So the invasion of Al-Andalus (valley of Vandals) was not so much about converting the infidel to Islam, but the focus was on booty, women and slaves to be delivered back to Damascus.
The first major battle was against the Visigoth king Rodrigo, and took place near the river Rio Barbate, which is in the Xeres district, now famous for its sherry.
Rodrigo and his army was no match for the fierce Berbers and were easily defeated, with casualties in the tens of thousands. Rodrigo himself is believed to have drowned in the river attempting to escape. His horse, robes and diadem were found on the river bank.
On the way Cordoba was captured, and Toledo was easily taken. The booty was fabulous and included a gold and emerald table from the Temple of Solomon.
Musa returned to Damascus with tons of booty, Visigoth dignitaries as prisoners and 3,000 Spanish virgins.
From 756AD to 1031AD, there was a series of Islamic leaders of Cordoba (Umayyads of Cordoba). Some of their highlights include:
Hisham I (788-796) called for Holy War against Asturias and France, and assembled 100,000 warriors from even Syria, Arabia and Algeria, and attacked Narbonne and Carcassone and won enough booty to fund a new mosque in Cordoba.
Al-Hakam (796-822) became known for the Day of the Ditch where he beheaded 5,000 converts to Islam in Toledo on suspicion of treachery.
Almanzor (967-1002) He beheaded 4,000 Christians after taking Zamora. He won the battle near Simancus and again beheaded about 4,000 Christians. Almanzor also razed the Christian shrine city of Santiago de Compostela which was to the Christians like the Kaaba was to the Muslims.
Conversion to Islam was encouraged by the Ummayad caliphs and Emirs of Córdoba. Many Christians converted to Islam to avoid the Jizya tax which they were subjected to as Dhimmis. Apostasy, however, for one who had been raised as a Muslim or had embraced Islam, was a crime punishable by death.
From the point of view of the Muslim rulers, jizya was a material proof of the non-Muslims' acceptance of subjection to the state and its laws. Non-Muslims were also not allowed to build any new places of worship.
In Al-Andalus, the large numbers of Christians adopting Islam to escape the Jizya tax and treatment of Dhimmitude prompted concern among the authorities about the weakening of the tax base and further inflamed resentment towards the Muwallads.
The Muwallads were in almost constant revolts against the Arab and Berber immigrants who had carved out large estates for themselves, farmed by Christian slaves.
In 1011, there was a massacre of Jews in Cordoba: which was followed by other slaughters in other parts of Al Andalus, notably in Granada in 1066. The famous Jewish scholar, Maimonides originally lived in Cordoba in the early 12th century, until the Almohades dynasty took the city, and threatened to kill any Jews who did not leave or convert to Islam. Maimonides family relocated to the more tolerant university city of Fes, in Morocco.
The Berbers, who held strictly to Islamic teachings, terrorised and looted Cordoba until the city fell and the Umayyad dynasty came to an end in 1031AD.
When Toledo was recaptured in 1085AD, and Seville had become the centre of Moorish culture, they sought help from North Africa. However the Almoravids were horrified when they entered Seville and noticed Jews and Christians trading freely in the markets, selling musical instruments and wine. A Fatwa was obtained and the Almoravids gained control of all Muslim lands and even taking back Valencia from the Christians.
This was followed by the even stricter Almohads who in turn fought and defeated the Almoravids in bloody Jihad.
But eventually the Reconquista proved unstoppable and soon only the southern Taifa of Granada was left in Muslim hands.
Eventually Ferdinand and Isabella forced Mohammed XII (Boabdil) to surrender and he even gave them the keys to the palace before fleeing to Fez in Africa. Islam no longer controlled any part of Spain.
Was there a Golden Age of tolerance that Obama is talking about?
What can be concluded is that under the Umayyads of Abdul Rahman III, civilization flourished for only about 100 years because true Islam was not practised, and indeed to Jews and Christians dhimmitude was not as severe, and they mixed with Muslim scholars; Literature, Medicine, Science and Astronomy advanced; Poetry and Music flourished (not banned); Wine was drunk for pleasure (not banned) Indeed, it could be said that:
the Golden Age happened in spite of Islam, NOT because of Islam.
When Cordoba was sacked, the scholars moved base to Toledo after 1085AD where science and literature flourished under Christian rule, NOT Islam. Scholars came from Europe to embrace new ideas then spread this throughout Europe.
But, in any case, this was long before the Spanish Inquisition, which started in 1478. Cordoba had been reconquered by Spain in 1236. The city was not under Muslim rule during the Inquisition.