Now you're moving the goalposts, and that' what everyone has a problem with.
This started from YOU saying he "owed" Pearl gratitude. Barnes choosing to do so isn't the same as owing. Not sure why that is hard for you to understand.
Second you are saying he owes Pearl but downplaying Pearl owing Green when you literally can make the exact same arguments. But seems like you're downplaying that because Pearl was a showman, Green was not. I already listed what Green did but you seem to not want to acknowledge them.
Third, you just said Barnes was approached to coach here in 1989.....that is when he was first offered and he said by his own words the SEC itself was football first. He then took the job in 2015. Do I need to explain to you why comparing something he said about the job in 1989 and in 2015 are apples and oranges. Because SEC basketball in 2015 was much much much different than 1989.
This isn't about Pearl and Barnes being friends, nobody said they weren't. Nobody said Barnes didn't appreciate what Pearl did here, Pearl has praised what Barnes has done here. This is about what YOU said. So own it.