We definitely have a program now. Unlike Kiffy, he would be leaving the program in like a billion times better. I hope to God his mistakes are limited but having those recruits at his home then lying about it doesn't look good. I think he needed to come forward with every single thing he knew about even if it meant a serious violation. Now, it looks like he's going to have to have another one of those tearful press conferences. You only get one in your career so we'll see if we grant him another. I really believe there's a chance he's gone after all of this. Back in the day, after violations like this, the coach could stick around. I just don't see it these days.
Also, it would a decline of epic proportions. I mean the guy can coach. He really doesn't need those 5-star guys to win. He's winning with what we have and UT fans are thrilled. But to risk career, probation not to mention $1.5 mil, that's just plain stupid. Where am i going with this you may ask?
I think there is a chance he's gone before the season starts.