Pedophilia just another sexual orientation?

I agree that we need to have a standard age. I think 16 would be fine. If you can drive a car without anyone with you in the car at 16, you can have consensual sex with others. That's JMO and I'm sure others would disagree.

My great grandfather was 17-18 (I can't remember how old) when he married my 14 year old great grandmother. That relationship would probably be looked down upon. However, society has changed completely. It might accept pedophilia one day. I doubt it. Although, it's not unprecedented in society. While not incredibly accepted socially, Rome also had issues of pedophilia and in some parts was accepted. Still taboo, however.

Honestly, I could see the age on consent dropping to something like 14, but I can't see it where it allows adults to have sex with a 8-10 year old. That would boggle my mind. And like previously said, homosexuality is between two consenting adults with adult bodies and adult minds. Completely different in a physical and mental way.
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If the legal age of consent went to 12, what problem(s) do you foresee, if any?

Big problems. In my lay opinion sex should be prohibited between an adult 18 and over and a minor 17 and below.

The question was if science proved the average adolescent was capable of consent and pedophilia turns out to be genetic/natural as the article implies, would you support their rights to indulge with consenting partners? The same rights hetro and homosexuals have.
Big problems. In my lay opinion sex should be prohibited between an adult 18 and over and a minor 17 and below.

OK,but what "big" problems?

The question was if science proved the average adolescent was capable of consent and pedophilia turns out to be genetic/natural as the article implies, would you support their rights to indulge with consenting partners? The same rights hetro and homosexuals have.

If I understand what you mean by "science proved the average adolescent was capable of consent", wouldn't that prove that they were not adolescents, but instead they would be adults for the purposes of engaging in sex? If so, having sex with them would not be pedophilia, would it?
If I understand what you mean by "science proved the average adolescent was capable of consent", wouldn't that prove that they were not adolescents, but instead they would be adults for the purposes of engaging in sex? If so, having sex with them would not be pedophilia, would it?

Yes, I suppose so, they would be considered adults in regards to the ability to consent to sex.

Yes it would still be pedophilia since the average adult doesn't have the desire to have sex with a person of adolescent age.
Oh its coming maybe sooner than I thought..thanks libs and gays

Italian high court finds ‘romance’ in 60-year-old man’s sex with 11-year-old, overturns sentence

ROME, December 18, 2013 ( – An Italian high court has dismissed the sentence in a case of pedophilia on the grounds that there was “romance” involved between the 60 year-old social services worker and the 11 year-old girl in his care.

LifeSiteNews Mobile | Italian high court finds ‘romance’ in 60-year-old man’s sex with 11-year-old, overturns sentence

Coming soon to the USA

Prepare for the following:

“It’s about love! How can you judge their love and they are born that way you evil hater bigot?!”
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Oh its coming maybe sooner than I thought..thanks libs and gays

Italian high court finds ‘romance’ in 60-year-old man’s sex with 11-year-old, overturns sentence

ROME, December 18, 2013 ( – An Italian high court has dismissed the sentence in a case of pedophilia on the grounds that there was “romance” involved between the 60 year-old social services worker and the 11 year-old girl in his care.

LifeSiteNews Mobile | Italian high court finds ‘romance’ in 60-year-old man’s sex with 11-year-old, overturns sentence

Coming soon to the USA

Prepare for the following:

“It’s about love! How can you judge their love and thdt are born that way you evil hater bigot?!”

I'm missing the connection.
Never said it couldn't. If and when it ever happens than we can discuss it, now it is just a moot point.

Point taken.

Burhead only discusses events that have actually occurred. Not much for forward thinking, but it is what it is.
I don't waste my time on discussing what-if scenarios that are border-line absurd.

Makes sense. Especially when you add in your qualifiers. Stay strong and ignorant.

FYI to everyone else, don't bother Burhead with what ifs, he only deals in the already happeneds.
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might as well tie it to an increase in vegans if that's the only qualifier. Using increased freedom for consenting adults to show sexual abuse of children will soon be accepted and legal is beyond my comprehension

As the Nation continues to separate itself from God and his laws, You haven't seen nothing yet. Satan knows he has but little time left. soon.
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