Pedophilia just another sexual orientation?

I don't even know what to say to you people. Its like you just want to cling so hard to what your bible taught you, because you're either terrified that it might be wrong, or you're just too intellectually lazy to figure out why its not evil for two grown men or women to have sex, while it is for an adult to prey on a child.

Who the hell said anything close to this in this thread?

This post is a perfect example if the intellectual dishonestly prevalent in sexual rights discussions!
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What almost no one will answer is what will you support if the age of consent is lowered?

Why are you so hung up on arbitrary age limits? If one claims rape (nonconsensual sex), let both sides present their case court and let a jury decide.

Why is that so hard for people who believe in individual freedom answer?

Individual freedom? You're the one that believes a 17 year old can't bang a 19 year old. Yay for freedom!
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Why are you so hung up on arbitrary age limits? If one claims rape (nonconsensual sex), let both sides present their case court and let a jury decide.

Individual freedom? You're the one that believes a 17 year old can't bang a 19 year old. Yay for freedom!

Your right I don't believe a 19 year old should be banging a 17 year old. I also don't believe in gay marriage and the thought of homosexual sex is sickening to me. I also do not believe homosexuality is genetic/predisposed, I believe it Is ultimately a choice. HOWEVER I also firmly believe an adult should have the right to have a sexual relationship and marry whoever they choose that is consenting and of age.

What I find hypocritical is those who openly supported gay rights and their right to marriage above the rights of states and their residents on the basis of;

1- they are born that way/it's genetic
2- they are consenting partners
3- everyone should have equal rights

Then when presented with a study (right or wrong) that proposes pedophilia is genetic, a predisposition/people are born that way will not answer the question if they would support pedophils rights if proven adolescents could consent.
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Your right I don't believe a 19 year old should be banging a 17 year old. I also don't believe in gay marriage and the thought of homosexual sex is sickening to me. I also do not believe homosexuality is genetic/predisposed, I believe it Is ultimately a choice. HOWEVER I also firmly believe an adult should have the right to have a sexual relationship and marry whoever they choose that is consenting and of age.

What I find hypocritical is those who openly supported gay rights and their right to marriage above the rights of states and their residents on the basis of;

1- they are born that way/it's genetic
2- they are consenting partners
3- everyone should have equal rights

Then when presented with a study (right or wrong) that proposes pedophilia is genetic, a predisposition/people are born that way will not answer the question if they would support pedophils rights if proven adolescents could consent.

Doesn't address my post and I already answered that question.
What I find hypocritical is those who openly supported gay rights and their right to marriage above the rights of states and their residents on the basis of;

1- they are born that way/it's genetic
2- they are consenting partners
3- everyone should have equal rights

What's hypocritical about someone believing he or she should have equal rights with everyone else?
I guarantee vm brings up homosexuality while trying to argue in this thread.

Oh its coming maybe sooner than I thought..thanks libs and gays

Italian high court finds ‘romance’ in 60-year-old man’s sex with 11-year-old, overturns sentence

ROME, December 18, 2013 ( – An Italian high court has dismissed the sentence in a case of pedophilia on the grounds that there was “romance” involved between the 60 year-old social services worker and the 11 year-old girl in his care.

LifeSiteNews Mobile | Italian high court finds ‘romance’ in 60-year-old man’s sex with 11-year-old, overturns sentence

Coming soon to the USA

Prepare for the following:

“It’s about love! How can you judge their love and they are born that way you evil hater bigot?!”

If volmav said it, it must be true.
Your right I don't believe a 19 year old should be banging a 17 year old. I also don't believe in gay marriage and the thought of homosexual sex is sickening to me. I also do not believe homosexuality is genetic/predisposed, I believe it Is ultimately a choice. HOWEVER I also firmly believe an adult should have the right to have a sexual relationship and marry whoever they choose that is consenting and of age.

What I find hypocritical is those who openly supported gay rights and their right to marriage above the rights of states and their residents on the basis of;

1- they are born that way/it's genetic
2- they are consenting partners
3- everyone should have equal rights

Then when presented with a study (right or wrong) that proposes pedophilia is genetic, a predisposition/people are born that way will not answer the question if they would support pedophils rights if proven adolescents could consent.

So the states rights should overrule the rights of the people, which were given to us by the federal government?

Are you against integration as well?
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As the Nation continues to separate itself from God and his laws, You haven't seen nothing yet. Satan knows he has but little time left. soon.

Yeah, remember when we obeyed God law's and was close to him, then had slavery and treated Native Americans like ****?

Get out of here. I'd rather live in today's time morally than in say, the 1850's..
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Yeah, remember when we obeyed God law's and was close to him, then had slavery and treated Native Americans like ****?

Get out of here. I'd rather live in today's time morally than in say, the 1850's..

God never said native Americans deserve to live, therefore they are an abomination. I find fat women sickening but I don't keep my friends from banging them. Is it sickening for Christians to bang people who are not Christians, resident rednecks? So the moral of the story is; we won't know until were all dead.
Normalizing pedophilia: Abolishing the age of consent

LifeSiteNews Mobile | Normalizing pedophilia: Abolishing the age of consent

Don’t think for a minute the push won’t be on to make sex with children just another “orientation”.

I’m old enough to remember when they first started legitimizing homosexuality. I remember thinking like most, “Not a chance. People will NEVER accept this as being normal.”

How wrong I was.

The whole damn world is turning into a pornographic freak show
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Normalizing pedophilia: Abolishing the age of consent

LifeSiteNews Mobile | Normalizing pedophilia: Abolishing the age of consent

Don’t think for a minute the push won’t be on to make sex with children just another “orientation”.

I’m old enough to remember when they first started legitimizing homosexuality. I remember thinking like most, “Not a chance. People will NEVER accept this as being normal.”

How wrong I was.

The whole damn world is turning into a pornographic freak show
People like you also thought being black wasn't normal
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In all honesty it takes a complete psychopath to believe that gay marriage is simply the first
step in a logical progression towards legalized pedophilia and beastiality.
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