Penn State scandal (merged)

So not all men in jail that have gay sex are gay? Yet, guys who molest and want to have sex with little kids just wake up one day and want to? HHHHMMMMMMM....... You contradict yourself alot...

Well, I'm just taking a wild guess here but I doubt given the opportunity you would call any of these "homos" you're talking about GAY. Yeah, I'd like to see that. lol

As to that last comment, I never made any such statement. Just another lie by just another liar on a UT board. Gee, what a shock.
You are either very sheltered..... or very dumb. Sandusky didn't just start doing this on a whem..... This S.O.B. was probably craving kids for the previous 20 something years Joe Tard knew him. You are now just arguing to argue.

I'm starting to get a kick out of Darwinism's posts. I may question people's intellect from time to time, but Darwin literally hasn't made a single post without calling people stupid. Well done, Darwinism.:hi:
Don't forget, he has been to state mfing college, he, and only he knows the inter workings of PSU. hell, he knows it even better than former players.

Never said that. But again, I have been to Ringgold. Anybody made you squeal like a pig lately NWG? Maybe you and Sandusky should get together while you can. lol
Well, I'm just taking a wild guess here but I doubt given the opportunity you would call any of these "homos" you're talking about GAY. Yeah, I'd like to see that. lol

As to that last comment, I never made any such statement. Just another lie by just another liar on a UT board. Gee, what a shock.

Why so many awesome names for the gay community?
Hey stoopid, you are nothing but another hypocrite on here posting what somebody else should have done in a circumstance that you have never experienced. Paterno reported to the DA, he did what he believed he was supposed to do as a 50 year employee of the school. The administration is the one that failed to report fer cryin out loud, and yes that is disgraceful.

YOu obviously are not up to speed on this case or any of the facts so you, newbie, are going on ignore. Sorry.

Ethics and morals guide every decision we make. Those value systems typically exist long before we are ever faced with a huge dilemma on this level. I absolutely know what I would have done in the same situation.

If you really believe that Paterno was just doing what he thought was right, then that wouldn't make him unethical, just stupid right?
Never said that. But again, I have been to Ringgold. Anybody made you squeal like a pig lately NWG? Maybe you and Sandusky should get together while you can. lol
I asked earlier if you were still in high school. After reading your posts tonight it's clear you are a middle school student.
You are either very sheltered..... or very dumb. Sandusky didn't just start doing this on a whem..... This S.O.B. was probably craving kids for the previous 20 something years Joe Tard knew him. You are now just arguing to argue.

How stupid can you be? I have no idea how long Sandusky has been doing this stuff, probably forever and I'm sure that was his motivation for setting up Second Mile. Oh wait, you mean you dont know about that? lol Well buckle your seatbelt little man, it gets a lot worse.

However, none of this came to public light until 1998, and there is no reason to believe that Paterno or anybody but the victims who had yet to come forward knew anything about Sandusky's perversion.

You guys are so full of sh_t I'm surprised theres any air to breath.

And BTW, if you are to much of a whimp to read the grand jury report, dont bother coming back and posting in this thread.
How stupid can you be? I have no idea how long Sandusky has been doing this stuff, probably forever and I'm sure that was his motivation for setting up Second Mile. Oh wait, you mean you dont know about that? lol Well buckle your seatbelt little man, it gets a lot worse.

However, none of this came to public light until 1998, and there is no reason to believe that Paterno or anybody but the victims who had yet to come forward knew anything about Sandusky's perversion.

You guys are so full of sh_t I'm surprised theres any air to breath.

And BTW, if you are to much of a whimp to read the grand jury report, dont bother coming back and posting in this thread.

Let me guess..... you own it? You sir, can have your own oppinion, but when you make light of this situation I can no longer take you as a decent human being. I have clearly won this argument, not that it matters, and you still resort to sick and stupid posts. I worry about your mental abilities.
Never said that. But again, I have been to Ringgold. Anybody made you squeal like a pig lately NWG? Maybe you and Sandusky should get together while you can. lol

Damn, how did I miss the parade. Ringgold has never had anyone of your superior intellect grace us with their presence.
Funny, you guys can dish it out but you sure cant take it.

I'm going to leave you now and drop the board IQ back down to about 60. Flame away.

Exactly who are you dishing it out on to? The kids that were tricked molested and mistreated? I am in no situation to be a moral patrol, but I will never stoop to that level of irreguard of crime I find worse than murder.
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