I read the entire grand jury report and 1998 was one of the first reported instances if I'm not mistaken but some of the victims were referencing acts in 1994 as well. As dr Phil said on espn what we see in the acts at Penn St is a progression of things that started further back but the risk level had to increase as well for the sexual gratification to be maintained. In other words this has been going on long before 1994. He didn't just wake up and decide to be a pedophile and decide that a locker room in the open at penn st was a safe place to commit these crimes and not be seen or found out.
As to Joe Paterno and others still seeing him around I find it highly doubtful that he could sneak in and out of the building...be there working out as recent as last week...be organizing sleep over camps at the facilities....etc etc and not walked in to Joe one time.
The truth whether Darwinism wants to believe it or not is that many many people knew what was going on and did nothing to stop it. The man was taking boys on road game trips and to bowl games and the boys WERE STAYING IN HIS HOTEL ROOM WHILE ON THE ROAD. You mean to tell me a coach doesn't find it odd that one of his assistant coaches is bringing young boys on the road games with him and having them in his room?
Apparently according to Pennsylvania st law Joe did what he was required to do but every human being is bound by a code of law and whether they want to agree or not...a moral code of law. In this case all of those involved failed miserably in their duties to these children
In all honesty after seeing this, hearing that second mile was a front for sex trafficking, seeing the recent documentary on sex slavery in the US that focused on the DC area, and reading about a symposium the took place in Boston where people argued for pedophilia as a sign of sexual expression and perfectly ok just as it was during certain times in the Roman era....I am deeply, deeply concerned at where we are as a society. Worrying about an 84 yr old man being fired for something he did or did not do is the least of our worries. We are talking about THE PHYSICAL ABUSE OF CHILDREN! These things have to be stopped. I hope and pray that because of the detailed news coverage in this case, people will be spurred to action to defend those who can't defend themselves and we will begin to put a stop to this sick sick act of sexually abusing young children