Pentagon Considering Ground Troops in Syria

You may or may not be right but I'd pose the question how much worse can you get than ISIS?

What happens when Assad is overthrown (that's the US endgame)? You'll have ISIS running wild just as they've been in Iraq. The US doesn't really care about stopping ISIS despite what people like Senator McCain say.

We know who the main countries are that support ISIS, and they are Saudi Arabia and Turkey. Those two "allies" would gladly see the destruction of the US if they could.
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Problem is the USAF and USN have been doing little more than precision strikes. And that's gotten us where?

I'm all about slipping the leash on the SOF forces of this nation and letting them cause some major trouble in that part of the world. And better yet, doing it from afar.

Nothing says "thinking of you" like 168 grains of lead and copper.

well...15 years of BOG hasn't been all that successful either...depending on how you define success of course.

I really have no problem with releasing the beast...but, there are always unintended consequences and mission creep.

I do think w/ the right targeting and planning air could do some damage and either put anyone on their heels or at least kill more bad guys.

We do tend to handcuff ourselves a bit too much, but then again...trying to be the "good guys" in a dirty war sometimes requires getting a little dirty.

Not a popular line of thought, but I do believe there are some things the average citizen does need (and probably doesn't want) to know. Too many people don't understand or care enough to keep their mouths shut. I'm not talking indiscriminate actions, but well planned and executed operations against legitimate targets....which is a different animal over there all together.
Every last bit of this has been declassified and most has been unredacted. I have pdf files of the Ted Stevens and Rand Corporation reports. It's ashame I can't post them here.

There was NO sane, moral reason for the Iraq war.

There's NO WAY IN **** a Sgt. had higher access to intel than the select senate intel committee.


Wrong, a decade plus of Saddam throwing his finger to the world and sanctions and a decades plus of him not abiding by or following or even remotely doing as he was supposed to, and for not allowing allowing inspections is all that needs to be used as the reason for going there. Period.

Throw in what happened on 9/11 and the probability of him having any wmd's, even if 1%, is justification, along with his actions which by themselves made it legal and more than justified.

You can argue the way in which it was handled, but, you cannot say the reasoning isn't there.
Wrong, a decade plus of Saddam throwing his finger to the world and sanctions and a decades plus of him not abiding by or following or even remotely doing as he was supposed to, and for not allowing allowing inspections is all that needs to be used as the reason for going there. Period.

Throw in what happened on 9/11 and the probability of him having any wmd's, even if 1%, is justification, along with his actions which by themselves made it legal and more than justified.

You can argue the way in which it was handled, but, you cannot say the reasoning isn't there.

There was reasoning, unfortunately it was very poor reasoning. Are you saying that Saddam was connected to 911?
Wrong, a decade plus of Saddam throwing his finger to the world and sanctions and a decades plus of him not abiding by or following or even remotely doing as he was supposed to, and for not allowing allowing inspections is all that needs to be used as the reason for going there. Period.

Throw in what happened on 9/11 and the probability of him having any wmd's, even if 1%, is justification, along with his actions which by themselves made it legal and more than justified.

You can argue the way in which it was handled, but, you cannot say the reasoning isn't there.

I can say the reasoning isn't there because none of the Bush Admins reasons for putting boots on the ground had any substantiating evidence - the ENTIRE intelligence community had backed off of their claims of WMD, Bio, and Chem weapons program escalations.

By your logic we should currently be at war with Syria, Iran, and Russia.

Also, Iraq was not responsible for 9/11.
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I can say the reasoning isn't there because none of the Bush Admins reasons for putting boots on the ground had any substantiating evidence - the ENTIRE intelligence community had backed off of their claims of WMD, Bio, and Chem weapons program escalations.

By your logic we should currently be at war with Syria, Iran, and Russia.

Also, Iraq was not responsible for 9/11.

I remember when that happened. Bush put boots on ground because we had a treaty that guaranteed us free access to inspect for weapons, and Hussein refused free access to inspect. Whether we found anything is a red herring.
There was reasoning, unfortunately it was very poor reasoning. Are you saying that Saddam was connected to 911?

Not one bit. Saying the justification was there, not that it needed to be acted on or not, just that the years of repeated violations and games played with access when the UN wanted was reason for action.

Secondly, the hit or bounty for assassinating an American president also merited action.
I can say the reasoning isn't there because none of the Bush Admins reasons for putting boots on the ground had any substantiating evidence - the ENTIRE intelligence community had backed off of their claims of WMD, Bio, and Chem weapons program escalations.

By your logic we should currently be at war with Syria, Iran, and Russia.

Also, Iraq was not responsible for 9/11.

Never said or hinted at Iraq being involved, how you got that from the post is baffling.

Intelligence at the time was not known and could not be validated, or repudiated. That was the problem. Because of the way Saddam acted for 10 years with the UN who could be sure? Add in that after 9/11 and not knowing, regardless of what came out after, no one knew for sure. And, unfortunately, taking the chance that he did and not knowing who we could really trust beyond England you don't take any chances and you make sure to find out one way or the other, and since Saddam didn't open his arms and doors for us to find out, then, well, we had to see for ourselves.

We can argue about how the entire operation was handled after the fall of Saddam.

It is better to act and then find out you were wrong versus not acting and then finding out you were right. When the stakes are so high, you don't play games and take chances, you go find out.

In terms of Syria and Iran, after 9/11 if Syria were what it became a few years ago, yes. Iran, we should demolish that place, whether then or now, as they are direct threat.

Russia, I'm of the opinion that an ally in Russia only allows for a better relationship with China and the Mideast. Russia is a first point of strike, a barrier to China. We know what we get with the ruskies, China is the major threat in the future.

Let Russia deal with the Mideast, don't care and don't want anything to do with them. They have their pipelines they waned during the Cold War, so, let's come to a mutual and beneficial agreement and lessen our involvement there.
Marines from an amphibious task force have left their ships in the Middle East and deployed to Syria.

"The force is part of the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit, which left San Diego on Navy ships in October. The Marines on the ground include part of an artillery battery that can fire powerful 155-millimeter shells from M777 Howitzers. The expeditionary unit’s ground force, Battalion Landing Team 1st Battalion, 4th Marines, will man the guns and deliver fire support for U.S.-backed local forces who are preparing an assault on the city. Additional infantrymen from the unit are likely to provide security."
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Isn't it amazing, what a clown show this presidency has been so far that something like this doesn't even register in the media, at least not yet?

Yet another poor decision in American foreign policy, which marks a good two decades now of bad decision-making.

Anyhow, godspeed and best wishes to our men on the ground.
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