Peyton Manning's faith

The Bible is also interesting because it is bone chilling honest. If we were to start a religion would we want to show off all of our shortcomings? Thats exactly what the Bible does. It shows Peter deny Jesus three times, it shows the disciples as weak, doubters, and ignorant. It does not imbelish the disciples it shows them as they were. It shows David as a murderer, adulterer, etc. Moses was too scared to go talk to the Pharoh so Aaron his brother had to go with him and do the talking. It mirrors how people are today with all their shortcomings in dealing with life situations. Thats when you go man thats talking about me and BAMMMM God has just spoken to you.
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VN just turned into a fiction read. Enjoy Peyton and respect his right to worship whatever his god is, and I really respect him for doing it with quite reverence. These in your face preachers are a tiresome lot. Spouting the same old crap. People that live good honest lives, take care of their family, and atheist, are just as good, and in my humble opine, better than the weak minded bible thumpers. Nature and physics call the shots, not some made up ghost.
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VN just turned into a fiction read. Enjoy Peyton and respect his right to worship whatever his god is, and I really respect him for doing it with quite reverence. These in your face preachers are a tiresome lot. Spouting the same old crap. People that live good honest lives, take care of their family, and atheist, are just as good, and in my humble opine, better than the weak minded bible thumpers. Nature and physics call the shots, not some made up ghost.

Even Einstein admitted there was an intelligent designer. Nature and Physics are how science try to understand how God made and works through his creation. Nature and Physics are not at odds with the Bible or God its just how man tries to understand the ways of God.
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I haven't been disrespectful or judgemental to anyone just sharing my thoughts.

All cool. Nothing wrong with sharing your thoughts and opinions. I'll admit to being over opinionated when it comes to religion. The one reason I respect Peyton and others that worship the way the do is that they don't feel the urge to press others into their beliefs. If all religions held the same mantra, it's simply my opinion that the world would be a better - and safer place. Basically, peace on earth and good will to all is what a majority of us atheists believe in. And for us really good atheists - we're All Vol!!
All cool. Nothing wrong with sharing your thoughts and opinions. I'll admit to being over opinionated when it comes to religion. The one reason I respect Peyton and others that worship the way the do is that they don't feel the urge to press others into their beliefs. If all religions held the same mantra, it's simply my opinion that the world would be a better - and safer place. Basically, peace on earth and good will to all is what a majority of us atheists believe in. And for us really good atheists - we're All Vol!!

Cool I appreciate your opinion and thoughts, too. One reason I believe there is a God is because he picked my favorite color Volunteer Orange to color the sky during a sunrise and sunset and to color the leaves during autumn. Go Vols

Even Einstein admitted there was an intelligent designer. Nature and Physics are how science try to understand how God made and works through his creation. Nature and Physics are not at odds with the Bible or God its just how man tries to understand the ways of God.

One question - Why are so many trying to understand the ways of a god (several if not hundreds of gods) when our known nature and physics simply do not support any evidence of one? One could possibly understand that when man was not as evolved as we are now, that yes, questions did arise as to our origins and to our demise. Now that man has grown, evolved not to fear religion and understand that we are just an organism with a higher thought process, does religion serve any purpose?
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Cool I appreciate your opinion and thoughts, too. One reason I believe there is a God is because he picked my favorite color Volunteer Orange to color the sky during a sunrise and sunset and to color the leaves during autumn. Go Vols

and that explains why those damn bammers wear the devil crimson! Fun chat with ya orange glory, appreciate your input! :hi:
I do believe in some forms of evolution (animals adapting as a defense mechanism, etc)but probably not the way you are describing it. I believe man was created and has always been the same as he was from the begining of time. I believe the Earth is only a few thousands years old and just using the Bible as my point of reference from The Garden of Eden, to Egypt, to now man has not evolved we are still men. I do admit we have learned from some of our mistakes but I don't believe we were once single cell organisms that came from the sea and ended up as man. I also don't look at my relationship with God as a religion but more of a relationship. I hate the word religion it implies rules, regulations, oppression, etc. To answer your question not my religion but my relationship with God/Jesus is very important to me. It shapes how I deal with other people, it gives me wisdom from a source other than just this is what I think or feel about a certain subject or matter. It gives me socialization with other like minded people of faith, to lean on each other, and ask for help if I need it. I don't fear religion but I do fear God. I mean you probably hang out with people that have the same belief system that you have for the most part. Its the same way with religion/relationship. This answer is probably not what you meant from me but its 4:00 in the morning and I ain't firing on all cylinders.
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One question - Why are so many trying to understand the ways of a god (several if not hundreds of gods) when our known nature and physics simply do not support any evidence of one? One could possibly understand that when man was not as evolved as we are now, that yes, questions did arise as to our origins and to our demise. Now that man has grown, evolved not to fear religion and understand that we are just an organism with a higher thought process, does religion serve any purpose?

I just feel like science and my faith can go hand in hand. Like the Big Bang Theory most Christians get in tizzy when they hear that but I don't. God could have used an explosion to get the materials to create he wanted to certain places. He created gravity, etc. and that to me is just what we call the thing God did to help humans stick to the ground.

Really man?? Always go straight looking for a man's mistake. It's people like you why he doesn't display in a sense because of the circus media that comes with being a Christian take Tebow for example.

There is a thing called the sea of forgetfulness and that clip I don't know but only him and the Lord but I WOULD BET THE HOUSE THAT IS WHERE IT IS.
One question - Why are so many trying to understand the ways of a god (several if not hundreds of gods) when our known nature and physics simply do not support any evidence of one? One could possibly understand that when man was not as evolved as we are now, that yes, questions did arise as to our origins and to our demise. Now that man has grown, evolved not to fear religion and understand that we are just an organism with a higher thought process, does religion serve any purpose?

Also to me when I look at the earth and the way everything works it just blows my mind. The way mammals reproduce, just the right amount of oxygen in the atmosphere to breath, the stars and everything in space, looking at my son and just being utterly amazed that he looks like me, the human body, etc. It is just too amazing for me to not believe in a God just because I can't see Him. Its like the shadow proves the sunshine, the clock proves the clockmaker, the effect the wind has but not the actual wind, the creation but not the Creator.
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Exactly, there is 0.000% proof that hell exists, except here on earth.

This post get's to me deeply care to tell you why??

I have grown up in and out of an Undonominational church. What's that you wonder....It's preaching strictly from the KING JAMES VERSION. Simple. Beautiful thing is about life, we all are created different that's why a lot of different opinions about religion whether a man or woman, "BELIEVE" in God, or his son Jesus, EVERY that's keyword now... EVERY knee will bow and confess that Jesus is Lord. I'm 26...Young I like to say and I have been on FIRE for the Lord and I am here to tell you as a former alcoholic and still battling with pill abuse. HELL is real. I felt it, the smell was so unspeakable. I felt alone and scared I can't in no way explain what them evil creatures looked like. I prayed in that dream so hard and no answer. All I could hear is screaming from a distance it was dark and red like lava at the bottom but I couldn't look down I was chained but somehow I broke the chains and there was a hole I remember wanting to crawl and as I was crawling up thru it thru then my name was called, in a unearthly voice that when I heard it, it was unbelievable peace within' that got my attention 100000% more than my ole drill sarge from boot camp that said and I swear this on my family even though that's wrong but I was told,"Do my Will!!" And then I was in this huge amazing looking field nothing like earth just word's CANNOT explain it. Then I woke up in a sweat and said OK Lord..ok. Folks why would I lie? I know some are reading it to this point and saying,"dude you on them pills." No. I don't know why I am typing all this being honest.......

Once you accept Jesus in your life it's hard to fathom if you humble yourself of how just dang EASY it is. For the man that has backslid over and over and then accepted Christ again! I honestly say for myself FOR CERTAIN! Over 20 times it's HARDER EACH TIME!! To go to that altar or pray at that pew with your head bowed, or be home or driving and the Holy Spirit knocks on your heart and your shaking somewhat and you don't act while he is moving on you it's torture. The Holy Spirit is only acquired to come knocking on your hearts door, so many times as it is written but cannot quote the scripture. I just know it's REAL.

You become under attack and correct me if I am wrong the exact number but I think it's 7 or 6 more demons come to attack the mind with thoughts, temptations ETC....... where I am in my life I have a good job, lovely wife and daughter the American dream fellas but when you get down in this pit I hope you are a God fearing man and have people praying for you because I have a purpose but I run from CONVICTION! I am a believer who is running from Christ because I am as of now into to much earthy things I am my own worst critic. I am someone that has pride which is one of man's biggest downfall and I'm not ready. Even my REAL dream of Hell didn't open my eyes long enough... that's what continuous backsliding can do become HARDER each TIME!!! That's why you hear, "Stay in the Word." It's a daily walk and different lifestyle and I am one I will tell you to your face that I am not ready for it but oddly enough, I yearn for it deeply. It's an unseen battlefield for the Soul.

Don't know why I wrote all this but if it can relate to one person, know you aren't alone and one day we have to repent because if I DIED now.. I would be right back in that dream, except for eternity in Satan's Hell.

I guess you can call that venting to fella Vol buddies????:ermm: Yeah, we can leave it at that now move on........ Congrats Peyton!!
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One question - Why are so many trying to understand the ways of a god (several if not hundreds of gods) when our known nature and physics simply do not support any evidence of one? One could possibly understand that when man was not as evolved as we are now, that yes, questions did arise as to our origins and to our demise. Now that man has grown, evolved not to fear religion and understand that we are just an organism with a higher thought process, does religion serve any purpose?
Purpose? On what grounds do you claim purpose?
I'm confused. Does God not judge us after this life and find us worthy or unworthy?

God does judge us. However, it all hinges on whether you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior and repent of your sins and change. I was merely saying that many, many people don't believe Christianity because of the same thing of "If God is love and merciful He wouldn't send people to hell." That's what's untrue. He doesn't want anyone to go to hell so he provided a way out. If you/I reject it, it isn't his fault. If I offer you a way out of a burning building (and there is no other way) but you decide to go your own way, and you die trying to find another way out, is it my fault?
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As a wise man once said, "Good girls go to heaven. Bad girls go everywhere."
I've often enjoyed the company of bad girls.
I'd follow them anywhere.
What I get out of this is Peyton follows the cardinal rule of refraining from discussing religion and politics in public. His role in the public involves neither and I appreciate that.
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God does judge us. However, it all hinges on whether you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior and repent of your sins and change. I was merely saying that many, many people don't believe Christianity because of the same thing of "If God is love and merciful He wouldn't send people to hell." That's what's untrue. He doesn't want anyone to go to hell so he provided a way out. If you/I reject it, it isn't his fault. If I offer you a way out of a burning building (and there is no other way) but you decide to go your own way, and you die trying to find another way out, is it my fault?

I just don't see how someone who found a different "path" to their own peace and understanding other than Christianity should be doomed to burn in a lake of fire for ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever. How do the sins of one lifetime = an eternity of arduous torment, pain, and suffering? Has anyone not stopped to consider just how overly excessive that sounds and how completely illogical it is? Christians love to say "God doesn't send people hell, people put themselves there." Well if you take what the Bible says at face value that is a load of crap! The Bible says people will be "cast" into the lake of fire. That sure sounds like being put in there against their will to me.

The way I see it, if God truly exists and he is a loving God, there should be no exclusivity as to who will and will not get into Heaven, regardless of what they did or didn't do on Earth. Humanity needs to be looked at differently in that good and evil exists in all of us. No one makes all the "right" choices during our time here on Earth. Some make horrible HORRIBLE choices. Some live peaceful. Some do terrible and heinous acts. Some are more "righteous" than others. However if you take what the Bible says as fact in that in God's eyes all sin is equal every single one of us are sinners and aren't worthy of Heaven. If that is true that means we are all already born screwed! But the way I see it, that also means we should all also be equally deserving! We didn't ask to be born! We didn't ask to be part of a lineage that started with the sins of 2 people. IMO, if you believe in the teachings of the Bible the only 2 people that should truly be judged is Adam and Eve because they were the ones that brought sin into the world in the first place. We didn't! We were simply born into it and I don't think we should be held to the same level of accountability. According to the Bible, God sent Jesus to die on the cross to pay for our sins. Great! To me, that should mean for ALL people, whether they are wise enough to accept it or not. The power and potency of that act should be as such to where all humanity is saved regardless of what they do or don't do while on earth.
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Really man?? Always go straight looking for a man's mistake. It's people like you why he doesn't display in a sense because of the circus media that comes with being a Christian take Tebow for example.

There is a thing called the sea of forgetfulness and that clip I don't know but only him and the Lord but I WOULD BET THE HOUSE THAT IS WHERE IT IS.

People like me? Not a single word from me accompanied that video. You know nothing about me or my intentions.
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I know using God's name in vain is one thing, but who made these "cuss words" we speak of that we are forbidden to say? Society puts so much emphasis on these words when they are man made. Whose to say what really are "cuss words"?

What are cuss words? I think they're culturally defined. Which isn't saying much beyond them being voted as such without a formal voting process. Consequently, cuss words are cuss words depending on the whim of a culture. To me personally, cuss words are lewd terms used explicitly to denigrate or humiliate someone. But you know how it is, people who demand to be so self-righteous they dictate what you say and even how you say it. which funny. Micturition and urination are both thought to be polite while piss is what both terms mean is considered lewd and impolite.

And actually, Peyton didn't use God's name in vain. The capitalized form of god, is a westernized creation and isn't God's name. It's supposed to denote that this god is the one true God. But it's not His actual name. His name is YhWh, pronounced Yeh Weh, though the Hebrew language has no vowels, I'm told. Peyton didn't use this utterance so didn't technically use God's name in vain.
God does judge us. However, it all hinges on whether you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior and repent of your sins and change. I was merely saying that many, many people don't believe Christianity because of the same thing of "If God is love and merciful He wouldn't send people to hell." That's what's untrue. He doesn't want anyone to go to hell so he provided a way out. If you/I reject it, it isn't his fault. If I offer you a way out of a burning building (and there is no other way) but you decide to go your own way, and you die trying to find another way out, is it my fault?

If God is omnipotent he can save good people from going to hell, even if they don't accept Christ in this life. If I go the wrong way in a burning building cause I was confused and you can still save me, would you save me or would you say, "Nah, he didn't choose the path I wanted him to go. I'll let him die." It's not your fault, but it's not the behavior of a loving, all-powerful Father.

Doesn't make sense to me.
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wishing I would've just read the article and OP and not read any of the comments in this thread.... good grief people.
wishing I would've just read the article and OP and not read any of the comments in this thread.... good grief people.
The very minute religion is placed into any equation, the need to be right outweighs any thinking. I lived in Saudi Arabia for two years, religious zealots there are the very same as the religious Christian zealots here and were one to spend much time in Thailand for example you'll find religious Buddhist zealots there and in India religious zealots exist in Hindi culture and beliefs. People here should just take Peyton's religious beliefs for what they are, he's not required to answer to any of us and leave him alone about his personal relationship with the Divine. Many of you here would freak out and make all sorts of declarations and determinations about his character and soul were you to find he did not attend even the same denomination as you do, so he keeps those things private and rightfully so IMO. He has my support in that.

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