Phillip Fulmer to step down per ESPN (mega-merged)

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I expect Fulmer to leave with dignity and class. He has always held himself that way which is saying something considering the tone of the SEC fanbases. He never took cheap shots at people even when he was receiving them and he deserves appreciation from the UT faithful. In ten years, his tenure will be remembered warmly and his accomplishments recognized in a way they are not now. I agree that it was time for a separation, I just hope the best for a man who embodied all the qualities that we expect out of the young men he had the opportunity to mould (even if some of them didn't live up to his standard). Best of luck, Phil!
FXXX, who's our next head coach???????

Contact Bucs for permission to talk to Gruden!!!!!
Why would Gruden leave a NFL job paying him more money than he would make at UT with an owner with pockets deeper than Grand Canyon.
thank you coach. Cant say i didnt want a change. But now we can appreciate the good times we had under your guidance. I will now be at the kentucky game..
Posted via VolNation Mobile
The king is dead. Long live the King. Its a sad and glorious day. I hope the team has the capability to send him out with six wins and a bowl win, but I fear it doesn't.
Every time I go to the next page, 100 more people log on. This is nuts.
Oh yeah, and I vote Mike Leach.
LANE KIFFEN young extremely intense, excellent recruiter, disciple of carroll, nfl exp.

amen, young offensive mind with a good nfl pedigree to draw in the recruits....if he's willing to leave the left coast....i say we make him an offer he can't refuse!
It had been mentioned (let's just say "often") that he should step down and yadda yadda basically do what he's doing. Obviously there are those that have nothing better to do than complain about how this should have happened "X time ago" but he's doing it now. I can only hope the majority of fans, regardless of their impatience up to this point, can give this guy who showed up on our campus what, nearly 40 years ago(?), a decent goodbye.

Thanks for the sanctimony. It's been obvious that Fulmer's run of success was essentially over when the Vols lost to two craptacular ACC teams in consecutive Peach Bowls. Today is the end of a string that's been playing out for a long, long time. Sorry if some of us can't still work up a lump in our throat about it.

Good to hear that he's apparently taking every dime of that buyout, too. This is a man who truly puts his university first.
Thanks for the sanctimony. It's been obvious that Fulmer's run of success was essentially over when the Vols lost to two craptacular ACC teams in consecutive Peach Bowls. Today is the end of a string that's been playing out for a long, long time. Sorry if some of us can't still work up a lump in our throat about it.

Good to hear that he's apparently taking every dime of that buyout, too. This is a man who truly puts his university first.

Just wondering what you would do??? I doubt that you would not try to get all the money you could
I just saw on another board where he will be AD over Football Operations. I knew it couldn't be all great news. If that is true..........
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