Phillip Fulmer to step down per ESPN (mega-merged)

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Just wondering what you would do??? I doubt that you would not try to get all the money you could

I would be open to an arrangement where the buyout was deferred over a longer period of time, or I surrendered a chunk of it in return for a sinecure in the UTAD, or some other creative way to handle it that would give the UTAD maximum flexibility over the next few years. Maybe Fulmer will do something like that, but Chris Low on ESPN made it sound like he was planning to hold the school to the letter of the contract -- $6m over four years.
To those of you who wanted Fulmer gone.
I hope you guys get a young unexperienced coach to take his place.:dance2:
Just kidding good luck on the search.
My boss actually called me and told me about it. I about jumped out of my office window!
you can't give away that job...just the fact that he's so young and has coached in the nfl is a plus for recruits

So are you saying any head coach that coaches in the NFL would make a great College head coach. That logic doesn't pan out. We need a coach that has actually had some success not some young coach who flopped in the NFL
You wanted him gone and he's leaving. That dude's put more blood, sweat, miles and time into this university's football program starting back as a Fr O lineman than anyone likely to ever spend time on this board.

Look, I'm not even a "coach" guy. I watch sports and coaches come and go for whatever team you care to talk about. Fulmer is, first and foremost, a Vol. Has been since he graduated high school. I'm not going to annoint some football coach some kind of hero but the guy has put more into wanting this university to win games than you or I ever will or could. Has he been paid? Yep. What am I supposed to do, berate a guy for it? I'd take the money and dare say most here would.

I've got LOTS of happy memories that involve the Fulmer era. His time has passed and he's stepping down. I see no cause to do other than try to remember those good times as he moves on.

My sentiments exactly, I went to UT with him, I watched our program reach new heights under him. That cannot be taken away.
I had the priviledge to meet Coach Fulmer away from football. He was in my home town on a recruiting trip and he was walking down Main St. I know I shocked him when I almost ran up to him, but he was very nice and talked to me for a little while. He was a true gentleman and I have to say it is a sad thing to see him go like this. I would like to have seen him leave on top. But times they are a changing in the SEC and we have not been changing with them.

Good luck to you Coach, may God bless you and your family. At my age, I do not really remember Coach Majors, so to me you are Tennessee football.

I hope the team can buckle down and win out to let Coach Fulmer have a chance at a bowl game and not finish at Tennessee with a losing season.
Okay we all know he is gone at the end of the season, so who do you think will be his replacement?
Vote McCain! (couldn't pass up the oppritunity to reach the masses)
How long before we have a situation like Nebraska?

This situation is totally different. They fired Solich after going 9-3, and he hadn't had a down year, he just couldn't win more games. UT fans are fed up with Phillip Fulmer because after winning 3 or 4 games 3 years ago, we are going to win 3 or 4 games again this year. We have had losing season, and Phil has shown he is lost as a HC when without Cutcliffe. I love Phil, and I wish him the best, but it was time for a change.

Now, we just need to hire a capable Head Coach.

Thanks for the memories Phil!!!:clap:
Top Coaches: (No particular order)

Chip Kelly (Oregon OC) All the top recruits love him and always put him into their top 5. Noice offense as well.

Dan Mullen (Florida OC) Has been with Myer since the beginning and you know he can recruit.
I knew this day was coming early on in the season. It's a sad day for the University of Tennessee and the Vols fans. Coach Fulmer put his heart and soul into the program both as a plaer and a coach and for that I will be forever greatful. He ran a clean program and was a great mentor to many.

I don't think you could fine a better person as Phil Fulmer. He will be missed a great deal, but I believe he had done all he could for the program. Really a sad day for us all. Good luck coach and thanks for what you gave to The University of Tennessee and its fans nation wide.

I hope the wounds heal and you continue to be a VOL from now on. You will always be one to me.
Well I'm glad so many of you are happy that it has happened,and I hope you feel really good for all the bashings you laid on this man.I'm in total shock and really at a loss for words.This is defintely a sad day in my book.
yeah what was spurriers record butch davis record pete carrolls record nick sabans record i think ur gettin the point. some coaches excel at the college level.
Fun & Gun offense failed,Brought in too many former Gators

Tim Couch

Pete Carroll:33-31
Previously NFL guy before becoming a college coach,bad comparison

Nick Saban:15-17
Ricky Williams;missed college football,poor relationship with players due to constant verbal abuse

Lane Kiffin:5-15

So out of all the coaches mentioned Kiffin had the worst record in the NFL but because hes young people think hes going to develop into a good coach in the future,horrible assessment of coaching in general.
Fun & Gun offense failed,Brought in too many former Gators

Tim Couch

Pete Carroll:33-31
Previously NFL guy before becoming a college coach,bad comparison

Nick Saban:15-17
Ricky Williams;missed college football,poor relationship with players due to constant verbal abuse

Lane Kiffin:5-15

So out of all the coaches mentioned Kiffin had the worst record in the NFL but because hes young people think hes going to develop into a good coach in the future,horrible assessment of coaching in general.

You could say the same thing for Bill Belicheck he was a failure in Cleveland, and now he is a 3 time Super Bowl champion in New England.
This situation is totally different. They fired Solich after going 9-3, and he hadn't had a down year, he just couldn't win more games. UT fans are fed up with Phillip Fulmer because after winning 3 or 4 games 3 years ago, we are going to win 3 or 4 games again this year. We have had losing season, and Phil has shown he is lost as a HC when without Cutcliffe. I love Phil, and I wish him the best, but it was time for a change.

Now, we just need to hire a capable Head Coach.

Thanks for the memories Phil!!!:clap:

I was talking about Osborne/Pederson relationship not the coaching situation but thanks for bringing me up to speed on our recent problems. I was totally unaware.
Hey folks. I'm a LONG-time lurker but first-time poster today. Much can be said about Coach Fulmer's demise... but instead I'll choose to focus on the leading performance measures that any Division I coach will be evaluated on. I have been a head coach in Division I athletics, and I can assure you that Mike Hamilton is focused on a coaches with proven records in three things...

1. Recruitment The ability to attract and retain skilled players
2. Strategic Scheming & Design The ability to develop and install offensive and defensive systems that favor the strengths of your team's playmakers, and the ability to make necessary in-game adjustments
3. Player Performance & Execution The impact of coaching and motivation on the field

Clearly, Coach Fulmer is a good man who has given much to our football program. He excelled in bullet point #1 and struggled with the other two. He deserves to leave with dignity and respect.

Contrary to what others have posted, UT remains a very attractive head coaching position. Our faithful boosters, including me, will continue to provide the financial resources needed to ensure the Vols remain competitive within the SEC.

As always... it's great to be a Tennessee Vol!
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