Phillip Fulmer to step down per ESPN (mega-merged)

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Now that it is over.. We really do need to do the right thing and support Fulmer. He has been instrumental for UT football, and he deserves a lot of credit for the high expectations set for this university.
The irony......Majors era ended with a loss to South Carolina....he resigned the following Monday AND Majors last home game vs Kentucky. Fulmer's end with mirrior Majors' end
A Bama friend just emailed me with news that they just announced that Fulmer has been fired!!!!!
Now that it is over.. We really do need to do the right thing and support Fulmer. He has been instrumental for UT football, and he deserves a lot of credit for the high expectations set for this university.
honestly, this was probably the only way he was ever going to get any more support.

Now, I would imagine that the ticket sales for the rest of the season get a boost and that UT fans will travel should he make a bowl game.
Bittersweet it is but was time...It is good to hear he is finishing and going out in style...He deservs to go out like that...Time to grab the popcorn boys as this is going to be a long ride :popcorn:
Finally! I really do want Fulmer to go out on a positive note. Now I feel as if I can give him the respect he deserves. He did the right thing for the Vols.
We (ND) wanted to get rid of a coach one time, thought his offenses had become stagnant even though he had produced a NC for us. In the middle of a bad season, had just lost to Air Force. Man would have died for us, and has burial plots on campus. But we wanted change damn it! Had no potential prospects on the horizon, everybody was locked up at the time, just some unproven coordinators avaliable. 12 years & 4 coaches later we have good year bad year, mediocre most the time. I think it's a bad move, but what do I know.
I am bittersweet bc CPF has done a lot for this program, but the days of being able to rest your laurels on recruiting and substandard coaching are over. Time to move on!
The next HC for this job will be a big name,I can gurantee that but can people not begin to name guys like Muschamp(UGA grad) or Kiffin as possibly being the next HC.

Kiffin is clearly the frontrunner at Syracuse
& Muschamp will likely stick around for another year as high paid assistant at Texas.

Bronco Mendenhall should be the next coach,he is the perfect style of coach who could come down to UT and bring back discipline & structure thats been needed for years.
Like others have said while I am glad to see CPF stepping down I am very saddened to see this day come. CPF has been a great ambassador UT Football and will be missed in that aspect.
I'm not sure I will watch the press conf. as it just won't be very much fun. Never enjoy seeing a beaten man who devoted his life to one thing. I'm excited for the future but...
Bittersweet day. Much thanks to Coach Fulmer. The man definitely deserves our respect and gratitude! I hope the University can make a tribute to his service.
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