Police shooting black man in the back ... again (Kenosha, WI)

No buts still a crime against logic to fight the police or to be non compliant. Tased , guns drawn on you and being yelled at not to go inside the vehicle. I mean honestly how stupid do you have to be to touch that door handle ?

Stupidity shouldn't be a crime punishable by seven shots to the back.
Who is John Cardillo and what is his source?

Here is the deal.

He had a warrant.

He reached into his car.

From the time his hand goes into the car it takes about 3 seconds to draw a gun if it's on the side door.

3 seconds...

On the 4th he is firing.

If he doesnt reach into the car he lives.

If he had a gun the officer is dead if he doesbt fire within that 4 seconds.

Officer isn't a mind reader.

Why are you blaming the cop?

Where is the blame for the guy with a warrant who resisted arrest and reached into his car?
Here is the deal.

He had a warrant.

He reached into his car.

From the time his hand goes into the car it takes about 3 seconds to draw a gun if it's on the side door.

3 seconds...

On the 4th he is firing.

If he doesnt reach into the car he lives.

If he had a gun the officer is dead if he doesbt fire within that 4 seconds.

Officer isn't a mind reader.

Why are you blaming the cop?

Where is the blame for the guy with a warrant who resisted arrest and reached into his car?

I blamed the cop?
Thanks, the "officials" I assume were the police?

Witnesses say he didn't.

Looked like he had keys in his hand, definitely not a rambo knife.

The Wisconsin Attorney General is what the article said . It was the first line of the article 👀
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And again, I would love for them to release that 911 call...
That would end some of the talk, but we have a picture of him with a knife. Video of him disobeying orders. Taser failure which should be verifiable. A violent criminal past. Ive read he was making threats he had a gun, but haven't seen that confirmed. This one is justified imo.


The boyfriend exercised his 2nd amendment right against what was believed to be an intruder in the middle of the night. Wouldn't you? He was licensed to carry... Oh and by the way he was arrested for that while Breonna lay dying on the floor.

The cops weren't even looking for him and the house was included in the warrant because the police "thought" someone used that residence at some point to receive drugs. Remind me again, Trumpedupvol, were any drugs found?

The popo fugged up, royally. They MURDERED a woman and unbelievably are walking the streets today because their ilk are never held personally accountable.

Breonna’s new boyfriend shot, unlawfully, at police legally searching Breonna’s residence in connection with her old boyfriend and Breonna paid the price.

Unfortunate? Yes, both the outcome and the choices in men made by Breonna. Murder? Absolutely not.
Thanks, the "officials" I assume were the police?

Witnesses say he didn't.

Looked like he had keys in his hand, definitely not a rambo knife.

Looked like.....

Not sure huh?

Neither was the cop.

The cop who's life was on the line and took an oath to arrest the guy with the warrant.

You are playing arm chair QB with the cops life yet you cant even tell what the guy had or was going for.
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Looked like.....

Not sure huh?

Neither was the cop.

The cop who's life was on the line and took an oath to arrest the guy with the warrant.

You are playing arm chair QB with the cops life yet you cant even tell what the guy had or was going for.

So shoot first ask questions later? As long as theres no accountability, what's the big deal if their assumptions turn out to be flawed?

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