Police shooting black man in the back ... again (Kenosha, WI)

It has it's problems but it's also the most diverse city in America. The most racist cities are in the South. But you don't think America's racist. So now I'm confused.

Are you aware of the demographic layout of LA? Since you live there, you should know.

Very segregated community.
You did not just insinuate that Nashville has a better music scene than we do. I couldn't even make a living doing my thing over there because they're so far behind the rest of the world. Makes sense actually, You like conservative, backwards culture. That's fine. We think differently here though.
What line of work are you in?
I’m a movie fan ...... I just want some new ideas and good movies made. It seems they’ve run out of ideas

You will get no argument from me here haha. I'm way over the Superhero crap. They cater to the Chinese markets as well... South Park was pretty spot on. Lots of good small budget and independent stuff coming out. The big wigs in Hollywood don't like it and I'm all for it
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It’s already an almost certain assumption.

Breonna Taylor would call if she hadn't been killed in her home after completing her shift as an EMT.

Her murderers are still free today, but don't let that tamper your racist stereotypes.
Breonna Taylor would call if she hadn't been killed in her home after completing her shift as an EMT.

Her murderers are still free today, but don't let that tamper your racist stereotypes.

Remind me again, Septic, what did her new boyfriend do when the police entered Breonna's apartment (with a warrant!) in connection to her ex-boyfriend's nefarious activities?
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So it’s a crime to have a knife in your car now?

No but it’s still a crime against logic to fight the police or to be non compliant. Tased , guns drawn on you and being yelled at not to go inside the vehicle. I mean honestly how stupid do you have to be to touch that door handle ?
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It has it's problems but it's also the most diverse city in America. The most racist cities are in the South. But you don't think America's racist. So now I'm confused.
-LA isn’t the most diverse city in the America
-if you believe the South have the “most racist” cities you are simply ignorant Of facts
- I don’t think “America” is racist any more or less than any other country in the world is
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Remind me again, Septic, what did her new boyfriend do when the police entered Breonna's apartment (with a warrant!) in connection to her ex-boyfriend's nefarious activities?



The boyfriend exercised his 2nd amendment right against what was believed to be an intruder in the middle of the night. Wouldn't you? He was licensed to carry... Oh and by the way he was arrested for that while Breonna lay dying on the floor.

The cops weren't even looking for him and the house was included in the warrant because the police "thought" someone used that residence at some point to receive drugs. Remind me again, Trumpedupvol, were any drugs found?

The popo fugged up, royally. They MURDERED a woman and unbelievably are walking the streets today because their ilk are never held personally accountable.

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