POLL: POTUS Who Do You Think Will WIN? (2020)

One Week To Go - POTUS Do You Think Will Win?

  • Trump

    Votes: 98 60.1%
  • Biden

    Votes: 57 35.0%
  • Jorgensen (Libertarian)

    Votes: 3 1.8%
  • Hawkins (Green Party)

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 4 2.5%

  • Total voters
I don't think you realize the absolute disdain some of us have for the far left.

I have personally lied multiple times to a pollster.

If your side is so damn stupid to keep contacting me about a state that I don't even live in then you get what you deserve.
I know, we're terrible. Giving folks things like the weekend, the 40 hour work week, head start, coverage for pre-existing conditions. It's like the offspring of satan.
To me the markets are just big ATMs for industrial strength investors. Every now and then they flush by selling off (at the high end) and con everybody else to follow - generally on the news of some catastrophic event. Then they buy low and con people into investing again and inflating the market. However, the overall market trend will be upwards because there's simply no other real option for parking retirement accounts.
Basically supply and demand, and a new auction every day.
I know, we're terrible. Giving folks things like the weekend, the 40 hour work week, head start, coverage for pre-existing conditions. It's like the offspring of satan.
Well, I never got any of those 4 things, but being self employed, I did work weekends and more than 40 hours to pay for everybody else's free stuff.
I know, we're terrible. Giving folks things like the weekend, the 40 hour work week, head start, coverage for pre-existing conditions. It's like the offspring of satan.

You may wanna check the FLSA laws and your 40 hour work week and weekend thing.

Salary can work infinitely.

Hourly can work over 40 but is paid over time.

There is no weekend rule either as clearly stores are open.

Blue laws are also gone.

You are so out of touch with the average American that you dont even realize most people now work two jobs and 60 hours a week just to make it.

This forum is not a snapshot of America.

Most of us on here are either business owners or professionals......or housewives ;). Not the typical America.
You may wanna check the FLSA laws and your 40 hour work week and weekend thing.

Salary can work infinitely.

Hourly can work over 40 but is paid over time.

There is no weekend rule either as clearly stores are open.

Blue laws are also gone.

You are so out of touch with the average American that you dont even realize most people now work two jobs and 60 hours a week just to make it.

This forum is not a snapshot of America.

Most of us on here are either business owners or professionals......or housewives ;). Not the typical America.
Or old retired codgers like 72 and 64 and like I myself SHOULD be...
Totally reasonable, since it has looked that way for most of this year and many states will be within 5 points.
Trump can lose PA and either MI, NC, AZ, or WI. Basically, whoever wins 3 of those 5 states wins the election. I don’t see FL changing and going blue but if it does then Trump needs to get PA for sure. I think NC and AZ will stay red as well so, if that’s correct, Biden would need to sweep the other 3 (PA, MI, and WI) and hold every other blue state from last time and I just don’t see it. Yes, PA, MI, and WI were all very close last time but so were NH, ME, MN, and NV. If Biden sweeps PA, MI, and WI but loses MN then Trump wins if all else from 2016 remains. It easily plausible that Trump wins this thing when you start by looking at what happened last time and thinking about what is likely to flip. That’s why I think Trump wins.
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Do you really believe that taxes aren’t increasing on income under $400K if Biden wins? If that’s actually true then he won’t have money to pay for his programs because the top income earners find way to not pay taxes and I bet he’s counting on their income. Repealing Trump’s tax cuts alone will raise taxes on a good chunk of Americans earning under $400K and Biden said that’s one of the first things he will do. As usual, he’s lying.
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Joe biden wins presidency..... quickly realizes tax plan doesn’t cover what he wants to do..... quickly starts increasing taxes on the middle class.... I have seen that movie somewhere before.

It’s especially important for the younger people to arm themselves, heavily
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I try to second guess my own view here and almost every poll and every media outlet, mainstream and social, is saying it is long over. BUT

I have some experience as a political handicapper and these things tell me Trump will win - perhaps "bigly"

1. never have I seen an enthusiasm gap this large between candidates and it not fortell the winner. People are doing downright weird stuff for Trump even if nobody from his campaign is even there. Totally spontaneous stuff. Meanwhile Biden and Kamala both appear and can barely get 100 people together.
2. Rasmussen has Trump up to 31% of Black voters. Even LA Times has him at 15%. I have seen some crazy numbers even. Bob Dole got 12% in 96 and that has been the high water mark for a Republican. If Trump gets even 20% of the black vote nationwide, it is going to be a historic bloodbath for Dems because they will lose the big city votes to win the swing states.
3. Ditto on the Hispanic voters.
4. I drove through an area in PA last week. Saw 8 Trump signs, not a single Biden or even a Dem sign. If Biden is killing it, why doesnt it "feel" like it in the field?
5. This isnt about white or black, its about city mouse, country mouse and people have fled from the cities as cesspools of filth and violence run by Dems who want to use COVID to keep everyone under control
6. Despite what people may feel about Trumps handling of COVID, there is a clear difference in Trump's approach - who just saw the largest single QTR growth in GDP history - and that of "a Dark Winter Coming" Biden. People want hope, not despair and there is little question as to who is more likely to make the economy and jobs back to a good place.
7. Hunter laptop may not have been a big deal to some but it hurt Joe's nice guy image and that is all that was keeping some swing voters in swing states for voting for Trump - aka, they want to vote for Trump but they feel like he is mean or rude.
8. The shy Trump voter is a thing. Very few people will express themselves publicly about anything now unless it is carefully guarded. America is no longer a place of truly free speech and that infuriates many people, even those in times past who might otherwise lean slightly left.
9. Dems played the fool with these riots. The money masters yanked the chains of their dogs when it was clear it was not helping but you can be assured the game will be back on next week if Trump wins. See Philly. People are tired of being intimidated by mindless rabble.

One difference between most of you and myself, however, is that I actually have $30k riding on my ability to call it. Lets check back next week.
I try to second guess my own view here and almost every poll and every media outlet, mainstream and social, is saying it is long over. BUT

I have some experience as a political handicapper and these things tell me Trump will win - perhaps "bigly"

1. never have I seen an enthusiasm gap this large between candidates and it not fortell the winner. People are doing downright weird stuff for Trump even if nobody from his campaign is even there. Totally spontaneous stuff. Meanwhile Biden and Kamala both appear and can barely get 100 people together.
I keep saying that the actual campaign guidance is to enforce strict social distancing measures. The Biden campaign has actively said to support social distancing. I guess folks want to ignore that, but it is how the campaign has been run.
2. Rasmussen has Trump up to 31% of Black voters. Even LA Times has him at 15%. I have seen some crazy numbers even. Bob Dole got 12% in 96 and that has been the high water mark for a Republican. If Trump gets even 20% of the black vote nationwide, it is going to be a historic bloodbath for Dems because they will lose the big city votes to win the swing states.
Rasmussen is a non-starter.
3. Ditto on the Hispanic voters.
4. I drove through an area in PA last week. Saw 8 Trump signs, not a single Biden or even a Dem sign. If Biden is killing it, why doesnt it "feel" like it in the field?
I drove through an area of Kentucky Monday. Biden signs every where. Must mean Biden will win by a landslide in Kentucky.
5. This isnt about white or black, its about city mouse, country mouse and people have fled from the cities as cesspools of filth and violence run by Dems who want to use COVID to keep everyone under control
This right here tells me you aren't an objective person and I wasted my time bolding stuff. I'll continue, since I'm bored.
6. Despite what people may feel about Trumps handling of COVID, there is a clear difference in Trump's approach - who just saw the largest single QTR growth in GDP history - and that of "a Dark Winter Coming" Biden. People want hope, not despair and there is little question as to who is more likely to make the economy and jobs back to a good place.
See above bold.
7. Hunter laptop may not have been a big deal to some but it hurt Joe's nice guy image and that is all that was keeping some swing voters in swing states for voting for Trump - aka, they want to vote for Trump but they feel like he is mean or rude.
The only people that care about Hunter are watching Fox News and will vote for Trump regardless.
8. The shy Trump voter is a thing. Very few people will express themselves publicly about anything now unless it is carefully guarded. America is no longer a place of truly free speech and that infuriates many people, even those in times past who might otherwise lean slightly left.
Good grief. The most vocal political folks I know are Red Hats. There is nothing "silent" about Red Hats. They go out of their way to make sure everyone knows.
9. Dems played the fool with these riots. The money masters yanked the chains of their dogs when it was clear it was not helping but you can be assured the game will be back on next week if Trump wins. See Philly. People are tired of being intimidated by mindless rabble.
Folks wonder why bipartisanship is dead. And It is posts like this right here.

One difference between most of you and myself, however, is that I actually have $30k riding on my ability to call it. Lets check back next week.
I try to second guess my own view here and almost every poll and every media outlet, mainstream and social, is saying it is long over. BUT

I have some experience as a political handicapper and these things tell me Trump will win - perhaps "bigly"

1. never have I seen an enthusiasm gap this large between candidates and it not fortell the winner. People are doing downright weird stuff for Trump even if nobody from his campaign is even there. Totally spontaneous stuff. Meanwhile Biden and Kamala both appear and can barely get 100 people together.
2. Rasmussen has Trump up to 31% of Black voters. Even LA Times has him at 15%. I have seen some crazy numbers even. Bob Dole got 12% in 96 and that has been the high water mark for a Republican. If Trump gets even 20% of the black vote nationwide, it is going to be a historic bloodbath for Dems because they will lose the big city votes to win the swing states.
3. Ditto on the Hispanic voters.
4. I drove through an area in PA last week. Saw 8 Trump signs, not a single Biden or even a Dem sign. If Biden is killing it, why doesnt it "feel" like it in the field?
5. This isnt about white or black, its about city mouse, country mouse and people have fled from the cities as cesspools of filth and violence run by Dems who want to use COVID to keep everyone under control
6. Despite what people may feel about Trumps handling of COVID, there is a clear difference in Trump's approach - who just saw the largest single QTR growth in GDP history - and that of "a Dark Winter Coming" Biden. People want hope, not despair and there is little question as to who is more likely to make the economy and jobs back to a good place.
7. Hunter laptop may not have been a big deal to some but it hurt Joe's nice guy image and that is all that was keeping some swing voters in swing states for voting for Trump - aka, they want to vote for Trump but they feel like he is mean or rude.
8. The shy Trump voter is a thing. Very few people will express themselves publicly about anything now unless it is carefully guarded. America is no longer a place of truly free speech and that infuriates many people, even those in times past who might otherwise lean slightly left.
9. Dems played the fool with these riots. The money masters yanked the chains of their dogs when it was clear it was not helping but you can be assured the game will be back on next week if Trump wins. See Philly. People are tired of being intimidated by mindless rabble.

One difference between most of you and myself, however, is that I actually have $30k riding on my ability to call it. Lets check back next week.

This is a very good post. I saw one poll that had Trumps approval rating among black men at 39 percent.

It would be very hard to fathom Trump losing with all this enthusiasm. One model that had been correct 26 out of the last 28 times has Trump winning comfortably because of this enthusiasm. His crowds are huge ever where he goes, with reportedly quite a few Democrats in the crowd as well.

I will say this though, we all have a lot of money riding in Trump to win. If Biden wins the markets will crater. That means your 401K will get smashed. The dark Biden winter will be upon us. Also if Biden wins we will likely see a gas price spike over the coming years meaning that all Americans will have less disposable income. We all lose if Trump loses.
This is a very good post. I saw one poll that had Trumps approval rating among black men at 39 percent.

It would be very hard to fathom Trump losing with all this enthusiasm. One model that had been correct 26 out of the last 28 times has Trump winning comfortably because of this enthusiasm. His crowds are huge ever where he goes, with reportedly quite a few Democrats in the crowd as well.

I will say this though, we all have a lot of money riding in Trump to win. If Biden wins the markets will crater. That means your 401K will get smashed. The dark Biden winter will be upon us. Also if Biden wins we will likely see a gas price spike over the coming years meaning that all Americans will have less disposable income. We all lose if Trump loses.

If Biden wins, learn to speak Chinese quickly

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