Post Examples of Fox News Lies

What about her statements downplayed how serious Covid is or how serious it should be taken? Can you direct me to that?

I provided you with both the video and transcript from CNN….I’ll wait
She was only discussing the coronavirus in terms of its potential political ramifications. She never mentions the serious threat to public health that it really did pose. Maybe she isn't to blame for the graphic... but that was the absolute worst possible time to be using the word "scam" to describe the coronavirus. Hospitalizations really started to soar that week.
I'm utilizing what is known as the Reasonable Bystander Doctrine, which is what would be used in a court of law.

You're just gaslighting.

Except it’s a non reasonable standard you’re applying nor would you ever consider applying it equally because even you should realize how dumb it is.

Everytime CNN proclaims “there’s a war on women” do you take that literal? Do you believe they’re lying unless you walk outside and see an army dressed in blue fighting an army dressed in black?

Would that be how a “reasonable person” would treat that?
She was only discussing the coronavirus in terms of its potential political ramifications. She never mentions the serious threat to public health that it really did pose. Maybe she isn't to blame for the graphic... but that was the absolute worst possible time to be using the word "scam" to describe the coronavirus. Hospitalizations really started to soar that week.

Seems like you tried and failed again. Do you have any real examples?
Wasn't there recently a story about fox news hosts privately texting those close to the president to try to get him to stop the Jan. 6th events and then those same people talking on air completely differently about it?
Wasn't there recently a story about fox news hosts privately texting those close to the president to try to get him to stop the Jan. 6th events and then those same people talking on air completely differently about it?
That is correct. The hypocrisy is a bad look for Fox but most regular consumers of the network will brush this to the side as well.
I’m just messing with ya brother.

I find cable news to be ridiculous. I think if we would just all admit it, we would be a happier country as a whole.

😁 That's why I cut the cord and never installed an antenna. If I want to be misinformed, I have to make the effort to look for it myself. 😆
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You have been given examples of Fox News hosts giving credence to false allegations of voter fraud during the 2020 Presidential Election. In addition to Tucker Carlson's allegations of votes being cast in the names of dead people, Fox News has also spread lies about Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic. When threatened with law suits, the Murdochs forced some of their more "conspiracy-friendly" shows to run a disclaimer which debunked claims that had been previously made by the hosts of those same shows.

This should serve as an admission that lies were told on their shows. The Murdochs were clearly afraid of being sued for those lies, and they felt a need to cover their butts.

Fox News is debunking election fraud claims made by its own anchors in response to a legal threat

You never did respond to this ^^^^.
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😁 That's why I cut the cord and never installed an antenna. If I want to be misinformed, I have to make the effort to look for it myself. 😆

I’m just amazed how quickly the bias escalated. It went from “sure seems like (insert network here) is showing a bit of bias in their coverage.”


“Hi. Welcome to the nightly news. F*** the GOP/Democrat party. I hope they all eat sh** and die.”
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You never did respond to this ^^^^.

If it's anything last night, you can slap the guy in the face with facts and he'll pretend it never happened and change the subject.

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I’m just amazed how quickly the bias escalated. It went from “sure seems like (insert network here) is showing a bit of bias in their coverage.”


“Hi. Welcome to the nightly news. F*** the GOP/Democrat party. I hope they all eat sh** and die.”

It's all about the Benjamins. The angrier or more incited you make someone, the more you convince them that only your outlet will give them a real view of what's going on, the more likely that viewer is to watch longer per day and over time.

It's a disgusting display of psychological manipulation that is going to hit a wall as people want more, more, more in return for their continued viewership. There's a razor thin inflection point where what advertisers are willing to align their brand to meets what will cause them to turn tail and run because of negative association.
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It's all about the Benjamins. The angrier or more incited you make someone, the more you convince them that only your outlet will give them a real view of what's going on, the more likely that viewer is to watch longer per day and over time.

It's a disgusting display of psychological manipulation that is going to hit a wall as people want more, more, more in return for their continued viewership. There's a razor thin inflection point where what advertisers are willing to align their brand to meets what will cause them to turn tail and run because of negative association.
Yep. There is opinion-free coverage of American politics available for people who want it. It's called C-Span, and its been around since 1979. It's ratings are on par with the Bowling channel.
Who here actually watches Fox News? Don’t be shy…

I watch FoxNews as does more Americans combined than watch MSNBC and CNN. They lead in young and old viewership. You ask like it's a slight. Lol...I would not have answered though if I didn't see your post so I don't think this is an "ah ha" or "gotcha" moment.

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Does the official LoC presidential archive list the reason for the second impeachment as coronavirus related?

You should do a study and find out. Like was already said, “impeachment” was screeched for 4 years so who knows and WGAF.
Who here actually watches Fox News? Don’t be shy…
I don’t typically watch TV, outside of sports. But, if I had to choose a cable news station, it would be Fox News.

Although I may look at Cspan as I’ve seen a few here promote it.

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