Practice #8 - Morning Edition

None of them are performing well under the pressure the coaches are putting on them. They're asking them to throw balls until their arms feel like they're going to drop off. They're doing everything they can to stress ALL of them out...

AND Worley still leads.

Why name him the starter now? He's not wowing anyone other than ainge and swain, those 2 see what the rest of the media sees so I'm not sure of their angle other than reporting what they are asked to keep a good relationship with the current staff. If you name Worley the starter now then you run the risk of stalling progression for the other 2. This staff has serious problems at QB, in fact I'm willing to bet all 3 will start a game before the season is said and done. This season will mirror 2008 to a T with the exception noone will be fired. Which is why people need to calm down a little bit on these 7 and 8 win predictions.
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None of the QB's look great! Worley throws it short and in the dirt (as he did all season). Peterman looks really inaccurate in practice highlights, and Dobbs was okay but not amazing last year. I think Worley has reached his ceiling which was voted as worst in the SEC (which included QB's who have never played). He still can't clearly win the job as a SENIOR. Dobbs is not killing it, but I don't get the Dobbs hate. He may not win the job, but he played almost as good as Worley as a TRUE FRESHMAN. I'll cheer so hard for whoever plays, but don't act like Worley is the 2nd coming of Peyton and trash the others. Since it's close, I think there's benefit in building with the younger guys that have more room to grow.

I haven't seen anyone hate on Dobbs. The reality on Dobbs is he played terrible last year. Peterman did as well. Worley gave us our best win in 4 years. He made plays when needs vs USCjr and UGA. He has looked the best so far in practice highlights. Dobbs has looked the worst. Granted we get a small window to see what they are doing, but anyone arguing that Dobbs has looked the best is trying way to hard. Dobbs needs another year to mature and get better. Worley has proven the most on the field so far and my opinion is he will start.
too mechanical and robotic and not enough just playing ball. That's what can happen. It's not like they aren't focused or trying. It could be argued at times that grinding too hard and trying too hard is detrimental to throwing the ball, catching it, making a shot, hitting a golf ball, making a tackle...
He needs to get out there, use his athleticism and fire the ball instead of thinking about mechanics while letting it go.

I was thinking the coaches may be trying to get him to change the way he throws, and that is throwing him off too.
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Why name him the starter now? He's not wowing anyone other than ainge and swain, those 2 see what the rest of the media sees so I'm not sure of their angle other than reporting what they are asked to keep a good relationship with the current staff. If you name Worley the starter now then you run the risk of stalling progression for the other 2. It has serious problems at QB, in fact I'm willing to bet all 3 will start a game before the season is said and done. This season will mirror 2008 to a T with the exception noone will be fired. Which is why people need to calm down a little bit on these 7 and 8 win predictions.

You don't know who is wowing who. We get 10 minute videos of practice to see. I doubt it is as a bad as coaches are saying or as good as swain is saying.
I'd like to see Dobbs win the job because he can run a bit, he's got upside and three years ahead of him. Worley handles the offense reasonably well but he doesn't run, negating the effectiveness of read option, and he simply isn't a very talented passer. But if he's the best we've got, then he's the best we've got. This magnifies the impact of the Fergie departure, unfortunately.
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No doubt the young man is very talented. VN expects the 5* to be next Herschel Walker as far as being an immediate sensation. The coaches know that this isn't likely and VN should know that, too. But there is a whole lot of ground shy of being Superman that would make it a monumental season for him and for Tennessee. Like CRG says, "let Jalen be Jalen."
None of the QB's look great! Worley throws it short and in the dirt (as he did all season). Peterman looks really inaccurate in practice highlights, and Dobbs was okay but not amazing last year. I think Worley has reached his ceiling which was voted as worst in the SEC (which included QB's who have never played). He still can't clearly win the job as a SENIOR. Dobbs is not killing it, but I don't get the Dobbs hate. He may not win the job, but he played almost as good as Worley as a TRUE FRESHMAN. I'll cheer so hard for whoever plays, but don't act like Worley is the 2nd coming of Peyton and trash the others. Since it's close, I think there's benefit in building with the younger guys that have more room to grow.

If this was a 1950s western film, you'd be the banker with the pencil-thin moustache saying, WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!! And Randolph Scott would slap you 3 times and say getta hold of yourself, man.
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I'd like to see Dobbs win the job because he can run a bit, he's got upside and three years ahead of him. Worley handles the offense reasonably well but he doesn't run, negating the effectiveness of read option, and he simply isn't a very talented passer. But if he's the best we've got, then he's the best we've got. This magnifies the impact of the Fergie departure, unfortunately.

Dobbs ran great last year. We still lost to Vandy. Give me the best passer.
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I'm back on the Peterman bandwagon.

He's looking good in the videos and has something to prove more than the other 2 guys.
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That day of rest for Worley definitely looks like it helped, he looks like "the guy". Peterman looked good as well. Also looks like Dobbs needs a day of rest soon. He looked awful in that video.

Dobbs looked like a need to find another position guy in the video. the early part of the video was almost embarrassing to watch.
I think Worley will start based on last year's results.

What results? Worley had a 55% comp rate last year with roughly 1200 yds passing and had the benefit of playing Austin peay, WKU and south Alabama. While Dobbs had similar success in the 5 games he played in with Kentucky being the only soft spot in that stretch. I'm not saying Worley wont start or that Dobbs is the answer but when all things seem equal you go with the younger player.
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Who are we kidding? This is a two qb race between Worley and Peterman. Dobbs isn't even in the hunt. He's fighting to preserve his third string status. And to be honest, I'm not sure that going well for him either. Too bad, too because the kid has the skills. He just doesn't seem to perform.
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Worley will be the starter and will be fine...I believe a lot of this is coaches trying to push buttons and not let the QBs get complacent.

Peterman is starting to be my favorite bc after his Awful, I mean AWFUL, first start last year, he has stayed the course and worked harder and has never given up and it looks like it may payoff for him and maybe TN as well...if he is that mentally tough to overcome that start, which was way worse than Joey Matthews debacle, he could be a surprise for us if he is called upon to come into a game. Imagine if he excelled, we are talking a Hollywood kind of script here, from the lowest of the lows to the highest of highs in his sports life.
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BTW, Worley has much less to prove than the others concerning handling game stress. Peterman has the most to prove.

On a serious note what happened to Worley I keep remembering that beautiful pass he threw to rogers in the south Carolina game which was dropped but then I see making some bounce passes that have me wondering why hasnt coach Tyndall called him yet.

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