Praying Before Game WILL NOT BE STOPPED AT UT (merged)

The thing is, this is a Christian nation. This country was founded with the belief in God. People are trying to change what this country is about, and people won't stand up for what our grandparents fought for.

Also this is one of the many traditions of Tennessee football. Someone saying a prayer before the game. So would UT stop another tradition (i.e. running through the T/Vol Walk) because it offends a select group of people?

"As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion"-

Treaty of Tripoli (1796) -Signed by John Adams, endorsed by George Washington.
who is saying you can't pray? Heck you can spend the entire 4 qtrs praying if you want. The difference is the organized part of it.

a moment of silence suits everyone's needs

A moment of silence would have to be led by someone, how else would you know to do it? I'd I pray, can I do it out loud or would that offend someone?
who is saying you can't pray? Heck you can spend the entire 4 qtrs praying if you want. The difference is the organized part of it.

a moment of silence suits everyone's needs

WRONG!!!! Silence at Neyland Stadium is DEFINITELY Against my Religion!!!

That is factually incorrect. The UT AD is a private entity with no association with the University. Funded directly through private funds, therefore making it a private organization. They make donations to the University, which is a tax write off, just like any other charitable donation of any business.

The UT AD is not a state organization.

the prayer is being organized in a building owned by the state of TN

A moment of silence would have to be led by someone, how else would you know to do it? I'd I pray, can I do it out loud or would that offend someone?

there is nothing religious about a moment of silence. You pray just as loud as you want and show everyone you just don't understand the word "silence"
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I hear this type of response from Christians a lot. It almost comes across as you're belief in God is just to be on the safe side. Also you make it sound like only Christians can be good people and raise their children right.

My belief is not to be safe, it is because it makes the most sense of why I am here then anything I have heard. Being "safe" is not a reason to be a Christian...if you haven't heard. I use that as a way to at least promote thinking. I have no issue with someone who has truly evaluated things, thought through things and made a choice on what they believe even if its not what I believe. Unfortunately, I feel like too many people are sleep-walking through life with no direction and letting the "winds" steer their actions. Any way to prod them to actually think and evaluate things I am in favor of.

You are reading too much into my statement. I said if I was wrong then that should be the worst that would happen. What I am implying is that, if you don't believe in God and you are right, then my wrong equals your right (assuming you are a good person and raise yoru children right).
That is factually incorrect. The UT AD is a private entity with no association with the University. Funded directly through private funds, therefore making it a private organization. They make donations to the University, which is a tax write off, just like any other charitable donation of any business.

The UT AD is not a state organization.

Good luck with that argument...they won't even bother with it is so unlikely of success. They represent the someone going to honestly deny that? They do so in a public/govt owned structure at a university sanctioned and sponsored event.

And if you want to pray out loud, have at it.
My belief is not to be safe, it is because it makes the most sense of why I am here then anything I have heard. Being "safe" is not a reason to be a Christian...if you haven't heard. I use that as a way to at least promote thinking. I have no issue with someone who has truly evaluated things, thought through things and made a choice on what they believe even if its not what I believe. Unfortunately, I feel like too many people are sleep-walking through life with no direction and letting the "winds" steer their actions. Any way to prod them to actually think and evaluate things I am in favor of.

You are reading too much into my statement. I said if I was wrong then that should be the worst that would happen. What I am implying is that, if you don't believe in God and you are right, then my wrong equals your right (assuming you are a good person and raise yoru children right).

You feel like the story of creation in the bible offers the best explanation for how homo sapiens came to be on the earth?
hippy liberals from Wisconsin need to mind their own business!

Your father probably said the same thing when he didn't understand why these interlopers were saying he had to go to school with black kids and have them be able to drink out of the same water fountain.
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You feel like the story of creation in the bible offers the best explanation for how homo sapiens came to be on the earth?

Not verbatim, but do you have a better one? I'm not just talking about how humans cam to be either. I'm talking about how Earth came to be and the starts in the sky. It is very easy to accept the THEORY of evolution if you ignore the bigger issue of the beginning of time.
so the UTAD owns both the land and the building? Link?

do they also own the "University of Tennessee" banner they use to market themselves?

You said building. Land not sure. UT sports does have a trademark on the Power T.
Your father probably said the same thing when he didn't understand why these interlopers were saying he had to go to school with black kids and have them be able to drink out of the same water fountain.

Your father probably fed you paint chips
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UT Football is a Religion.
It takes place in Neyland Stadium.
I'm not sure who owns it (gator & bama fans please leave that one alone)

We also allow the Band Religion to have their own section and get on the field.

Religion is a collection of belief systems,(A WIN)
cultural systems, and worldviews (ESPN hates us) that relate humanity to spirituality(SPIRIT) and, sometimes, to moral values(I'll SKIP that one).
The practice of a religion may also include rituals,(Saturday Mornings) sermons(HALF-TIME talks), commemoration (Jersey retirement) or veneration (John Ward)a god (Peyton) or gods(98 Team), sacrifices(Matresses), festivals(YEP), feasts(TAILGATING), trance, initiations, funerary services, matrimonial services, meditation, prayer, music(BAND), art, dance(Cheerleaders), public service or other aspects of human culture. Religions may also contain mythology(Rod Wilkes)

I think that fits?!?!?
so the UTAD owns both the land and the building? Link?

do they also own the "University of Tennessee" banner they use to market themselves?

So now if someone prays or holds a prayer session who also owns a banner of a public institution than it must be stopped? That's not reaching at all.
For the record, I have no problem with UT's band playing that religious ditty during the halftime circle drill....reminds of my grandmother's church.
You said building. Land not sure. UT sports does have a trademark on the Power T.

the university uses parts of the stadium. I have a hard time believing the UTAD owns the entire thing. Even harder to believe wrt the land it's on

So now if someone prays or holds a prayer session who also owns a banner of a public institution than it must be stopped? That's not reaching at all.

they can't claim to be separate and still operate under the UT banner.
If they purchased the brand, yes. The University of Tennessee in sports is a brand.

they own certain things for marketing (logo, Vols, etc) but not the actual name of the university. They are using it to join the UTAD and the school

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