Praying Before Game WILL NOT BE STOPPED AT UT (merged)

Not that it pisses me off or anything, but I don't appreciate being subjected to a prayer before football games.

I never understood why they were still doing it here in the 2000s.
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UT should tell them to go pound sound.

However I have little faith that Jimmy Da Cheeks will stand up to them.
I've always thought those who were against prayers at such events were just silly. I see no way for anyone to infer the government is establishing a religion by allowing prayers at such events. If I were Cheek I would tell them to pack sand.
Separation of church and state......I don't care if the University(State) owns the stadium or not, it is associated heavily if nothing else.

I could careless one way or the other but I feel everyone in the stadium shouldn't be subjected to the prayer just for tradition's sake....let the teams pray individually and anyone else who cares to talk to god anytime they like before kick-off or during the game.
I've always thought those who were against prayers at such events were just silly. I see no way for anyone to infer the government is establishing a religion by allowing prayers at such events. If I were Cheek I would tell them to pack sand.

then you would be perfectly fine with a Muslim prayer before every game?
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Your father probably said the same thing when he didn't understand why these interlopers were saying he had to go to school with black kids and have them be able to drink out of the same water fountain.

I'm not religious either but I definitely don't condemn those that are bc I guess u could consider me undecided.......where does this being so worried about offending the minority stop? We can't call it Christmas any more ......they banned father daughter dances at a Rhode island school bc it offended a mom.... They banned Halloween party at a school up north bc it offended a wiccan.....they are trying not to keep scores and allow everyone to play at the same time in youth sports bc it might hurt their feelings.....everyone gets a trophy.....can't spank our kids bc it bothers someone school banned red ink bc it was too negative to the kids.....give me a break and grow a pair.
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Separation of church and state......I don't care if the University(State) owns the stadium or not, it is associated heavily if nothing else.

I could careless one way or the other but I feel everyone in the stadium shouldn't be subjected to the prayer just for tradition's sake....let the teams pray individually and anyone else who cares to talk to god anytime they like before kick-off or during the game.

Don't stop anyone from doing what they want to do, but don't subject every person in the stadium to it.
they own certain things for marketing (logo, Vols, etc) but not the actual name of the university. They are using it to join the UTAD and the school

I think it would be interesting to see just how everything is done, from a legal side. Because the UT AD itself is separate from the University, it would be interesting to see how they have things set up.
I personally think the University of Tennessee should tell this organization to take a hike. If there is one thing this country needs it prayer, even if its before a football game.
then you would be perfectly fine with a Muslim prayer before every game?

I agree that we should tell this group to shove it. All caving to them does is give them a feeling of power, which is all they are doing this for. They don't really care about the prayer they just like telling people what to do.

Once this is all over then they should revisit this issue, but do it on their terms not anybody else's.
I would be if they hadn't been slaughtering our citizens in the name of that religion....a little sensitive

I see you're a history major

I think it would be interesting to see just how everything is done, from a legal side. Because the UT AD itself is separate from the University, it would be interesting to see how they have things set up.

I just don't see how they are on anything but state land. The marketing part is a little different but it's obvious the UTAD wants to be tied to the Univ in some way. Not sure you can claim you're separate only in certain instances
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I personally think the University of Tennessee should tell this organization to take a hike. If there is one thing this country needs it prayer, even if violates the separation of church and state at a state funded public university's sporting event.

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Actually it's the exact same arguments..."this is our culture", "if you don't like it leave"..."these people aren't even from here", "majority wants it", etc that were used to fight desegregation in the 50's and 60's.

No its not correlating a peaceful prayer asking for safety and good sportsmanship to a god people may or may not believe is not even close to racism.

Don't stop anyone from doing what they want to do, but don't subject every person in the stadium to it.

How can you protect ME from the WHOOOOO without stopping EVERYONE from doing it.

I think we need a No-Whooo section, as I am offended by it.

also the fight songs of those other SEC religions played by our band.
Actually it's the exact same arguments..."this is our culture", "if you don't like it leave"..."these people aren't even from here", "majority wants it", etc that were used to fight desegregation in the 50's and 60's.

That doesn't mean that those arguments can't be used for anything good in the future. A big part of American law is setup to protect the minority not to have rule by the minority. Our legislative branch is specifically setup for majority rule.

By the way I was just saying that the guy's comments talking about hippies from Wisconsin didn't constitute the same level of hate as the civil rights movement.
So now if someone prays or holds a prayer session who also owns a banner of a public institution than it must be stopped? That's not reaching at all.

If they actually represent that institution, yes.

If the Tennessee Titans want to do it, that's different. Would be curious to know if this happens outside of NASCAR..never heard it at a Grizzlies game.
Actually, this was great timing for this letter. It has taken some of the heat and attention off of that last game against whoever it was that we played...
and you think that would happen without a push from somewhere?

I think the issue has been brought to the front, but if I remember back to the original article this group tried to issue a cease and desist. Had they merely urged the University to look into it then you probably wouldn't have gotten the reaction that has been shown on this site.....or maybe you would. :blink:
I think the issue has been brought to the front, but if I remember back to the original article this group tried to issue a cease and desist. Had they merely urged the University to look into it then you probably wouldn't have gotten the reaction that has been shown on this site.....or maybe you would. :blink:

I don't is really a hot button topic these days. President Obama wants us to knock off the praying.

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