Praying Before Game WILL NOT BE STOPPED AT UT (merged)

No its not correlating a peaceful prayer asking for safety and good sportsmanship to a god people may or may not believe is not even close to racism.

but it's instructive because both violate court rulings and this is how both are resisted...not with legal arguments, as we are a nation of laws and not men, but with the arguments I listed.

On a harm scale of 1-100 if segregation was a 90 then this is maybe a 6...that's not the point.
"As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion"-

Treaty of Tripoli (1796) -Signed by John Adams, endorsed by George Washington.

And why was this treaty signed? If you know your history is wasn't to declare America a non christian country. The country was at war with the Muslim Barbary nations. The 1797 treaty with Tripoli was one of the many treaties in which each country officially recognized the religion of the other in an attempt to prevent further escalation of a "Holy War" between Christians and Muslims.

So to say we are not a Christian nation is false and unfounded. Know your facts before enlightening others
I would be if they hadn't been slaughtering our citizens in the name of that religion....a little sensitive

Have you ever read how many people have died in the name of Christianity?

Or how many your God killed alone?

Put a moment of silence in.

You can pray and I can drink my beer.

Everybody's happy.

Stop acting like you're being forced to stop praying, because you're not. They're removing the prayer led over the loudspeaker.

Also, you can say that the UT AD is a separate entity all you want, but UT football represents the university and players consist of students of the university.
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And why was this treaty signed? If you know your history is wasn't to declare America a non christian country. The country was at war with the Muslim Barbary nations. The 1797 treaty with Tripoli was one of the many treaties in which each country officially recognized the religion of the other in an attempt to prevent further escalation of a "Holy War" between Christians and Muslims.

So to say we are not a Christian nation is false and unfounded. Know your facts before enlightening others

3 posts in 2 years? You need to come around more often
People are acting like they are taking away their right to pray. You can pray all game long if you want (and I am sure a lot of fans have been).
Put a moment of silence in.

You can pray and I can drink my beer.

Everybody's happy.

Stop acting like you're being forced to stop praying, because you're not. They're removing the prayer led over the loudspeaker.

Also, you can say that the UT AD is a separate entity all you want, but UT football represents the university and players consist of students of the university.
And why was this treaty signed? If you know your history is wasn't to declare America a non christian country. The country was at war with the Muslim Barbary nations. The 1797 treaty with Tripoli was one of the many treaties in which each country officially recognized the religion of the other in an attempt to prevent further escalation of a "Holy War" between Christians and Muslims.

So to say we are not a Christian nation is false and unfounded. Know your facts before enlightening others

so they were lying?
Not Everyone is religious. I don't see why it's a big deal. I'm not religious but the prayer doesn't bother me so I don't why it should bother everyone else who is religious if they had a moment of silence instead. Pray then.

THIS is the SOUTH, and we PRAY before football games. That is the big deal. It is time for this PC business to end. Time for a small minority having their way with the Majority to be over. Just announce the invocation, and conduct a live poll. " All those in favor of a prayer say I opposed say no. The I's have it." That would be the American way. I was going to say the Democratic way, but that way is pretty much un-recognizable these days.
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I personally think the University of Tennessee should tell this organization to take a hike. If there is one thing this country needs it prayer, even if its before a football game.

So pray as much, as often, and wherever you wish. Just don't expect everyone to join in.
THIS is the SOUTH, and we PRAY before football games. That is the big deal. It is time for this PC business to end. Time for a small minority having their way with the Majority to be over. Just announce the invocation, and conduct a live poll. " All those in favor of a prayer say I opposed say no. The I's have it." That would be the American way. I was going to say the Democratic way, but that way is pretty much un-recognizable these days.

Here's your poll so far and this is at the goofball News Sentinel site.

Poll: Should the University of Tennessee stop its pre-game prayer ritual?

Thanks for your vote.


57% 1446

36% 936
Change the prayer to a moment of silence instead

5% 148
Not sure

0% 3
total votes: 2533
THIS is the SOUTH, and we PRAY before football games. That is the big deal. It is time for this PC business to end. Time for a small minority having their way with the Majority to be over. Just announce the invocation, and conduct a live poll. " All those in favor of a prayer say I opposed say no. The I's have it." That would be the American way. I was going to say the Democratic way, but that way is pretty much un-recognizable these days.

So if all it takes is to be in the majority, then it would have been correct to allow segregation to continue in the south.

This is the SOUTH...we SEPARATE the races.

Our laws and constitution are there to protect the minority. We don't get to just pass any law that >50% want.
Put a moment of silence in.

You can pray and I can drink my beer.

Everybody's happy.

Stop acting like you're being forced to stop praying, because you're not. They're removing the prayer led over the loudspeaker.

Also, you can say that the UT AD is a separate entity all you want, but UT football represents the university and players consist of students of the university.

NO. A few in the minority attempting to make a name for themselves; since they have no other avenue, by imposing their beliefs that go against time honored traditions ---this must cease.
How about a little common sense in this crazy a$$ world? Bet they change their tune when the grim reaper comes a calling.
Here's your poll so far and this is at the goofball News Sentinel site.

Poll: Should the University of Tennessee stop its pre-game prayer ritual?

Thanks for your vote.


57% 1446

36% 936
Change the prayer to a moment of silence instead

5% 148
Not sure

0% 3
total votes: 2533

Are you surprised 'Change...' garners 36%? I am
THIS is the SOUTH, and we PRAY before football games. That is the big deal. It is time for this PC business to end. Time for a small minority having their way with the Majority to be over. Just announce the invocation, and conduct a live poll. " All those in favor of a prayer say I opposed say no. The I's have it." That would be the American way. I was going to say the Democratic way, but that way is pretty much un-recognizable these days.

so you think the US is a democracy? Majority rules and all that?
THIS is the SOUTH, and we PRAY before football games. That is the big deal. It is time for this PC business to end. Time for a small minority having their way with the Majority to be over. Just announce the invocation, and conduct a live poll. " All those in favor of a prayer say I opposed say no. The I's have it." That would be the American way. I was going to say the Democratic way, but that way is pretty much un-recognizable these days.

Oh, no. Separate water fountains again. I hated that.
NO. A few in the minority attempting to make a name for themselves; since they have no other avenue, by imposing their beliefs that go against time honored traditions ---this must cease.
How about a little common sense in this crazy a$$ world? Bet they change their tune when the grim reaper comes a calling.

What do you mean, "since they have no other avenue?"
Have you ever read how many people have died in the name of Christianity?

Or how many your God killed alone?


I am not religious but I do think this being offended by every little thing is stupid......yes people have died by zealots in the name of Christianity but it is a peaceful religion for the past few hundred yrs but u will still have a few nuts that is true....stop acting like you know anything at all about the bible and its message.

I have no issue at all with Islam but the vast amount of crazies attacking us in its name currently make it impossible to allow someone to pray to Allah at a public.function
So if all it takes is to be in the majority, then it would have been correct to allow segregation to continue in the south.

This is the SOUTH...we SEPARATE the races.

Our laws and constitution are there to protect the minority. We don't get to just pass any law that >50% want.

Correct. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. How is the minority not being protected from these fundemental rights during the prayer?
I am not religious but I do think this being offended by every little thing is stupid......yes people have died by zealots in the name of Christianity but it is a peaceful religion for the past few hundred yrs but u will still have a few nuts that is true....stop acting like you know anything at all about the bible and its message.

I have no issue at all with Islam but the vast amount of crazies attacking us in its name currently make it impossible to allow someone to pray to Allah at a public.function

Survey after survey shows agnostic/atheistic people to be more knowledgeable about religion and the bible than believers. That should tell you something.
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so you think the US is a democracy? Majority rules and all that?

Not in the last four years, No. The Constitution has been ripped to shreds. Executive order this, executive order that, obamacare forced on a majority --70% ---that oppose it, And now the "Share the wealth' agenda coming from the leftist leader. Not lately, no. Go see 2012 the movie. If you dare. Or stick around and pray to allah. Now you are a Mod, I am very AWARE of that---so I expect you to report me or hit me with a penalty----points, whatever----remember, YOU asked the question.

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