Praying Before Game WILL NOT BE STOPPED AT UT (merged)

Survey after survey shows agnostic/atheistic people to be more knowledgeable about religion and the bible than believers. That should tell you something.

No they are not give me one non secular survey that shows that......maybe of religious organizations which is considered man made but not of the bible.
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Correct. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. How is the minority not being protected from these fundemental rights during the prayer?

Those aren't the only 22 words in the constitution and not the only rights we are guaranteed.

Someone could just as easily say, "why is your right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness not protected because I tell you you can't make a video that criticizes Islam?"

Well, because we have a right to free speech...nearly unique in the world actually.

And disagree w it or not courts for some time have said that public entities can't do what UT is doing at football games, although I admitted last night that your point (freedom from vs of) had merit. But that isn't going to be revisited...that train has left the station, just like the commerce clause.
Getting politics, religion and football all in one thread.

Three of the most argued topics in the South.

This is great.
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Not in the last four years, No. The Constitution has been ripped to shreds. Executive order this, executive order that, obamacare forced on a majority --70% ---that oppose it, And now the "Share the wealth' agenda coming from the leftist leader. Not lately, no. Go see 2012 the movie. If you dare. Or stick around and pray to allah. Now you are a Mod, I am very AWARE of that---so I expect you to report me or hit me with a penalty----points, whatever----remember, YOU asked the question.

oh but before the last 4 years the US was a total democracy?
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Getting politics, religion and football all in one thread.

Three of the most argued topics in the South.

This is great.

You are welcome....I had to work hard to sneak the politics in there to complete the hat trick.

Work work work!!! The things I do for the VolNation!
Those aren't the only 22 words in the constitution and not the only rights we are guaranteed.

Someone could just as easily say, "why is your right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness not protected because I tell you you can't make a video that criticizes Islam?"

Well, because we have a right to free speech...nearly unique in the world actually.

And disagree w it or not courts for some time have said that public entities can't do what UT is doing at football games, although I admitted last night that your point (freedom from vs of) had merit. But that isn't going to be revisited...that train has left the station, just like the commerce clause.

I'm aware of the Bill of Rights but I already mentioned how your interpretation and my interpretation are completely different.
uh that phrase isn't in the Constitution

I realize that it's not in the constitution but the Declaration of Independence is another important document in our country's foundation of law.

Other's on the other side are quoting other documents besides the constitution as well. These right for the basis of all other rights found in the Constitution.
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If you read the article, it says that the 6th federal circuit made a ruling in 1997 banning this sort of activity. The 6th circuit, sadly, is Tennessee's circuit, and that means that this ruling is controlling. Fighting this in court will be a waste of money, regardless of how wrong you think it is.

I don't mind observing a moment of silence, in lieu of someone else telling me how to pray. I know this will be an unpopular opinion, but consider it in reverse. What if a Muslim was praying to Allah on the field, I bet the Christians who feel this sort of thing is ridiculous would have a total different opinion then.

Again I say that I have no problem with the prayer in general, but every time I have been to a UT game I have wondered how long it would go on before it was legally challenged.

So many people pretend that they would turn their back on the University for changing a denominational prayer to a moment of silence (so you can pray in your own way), but I don't see anything wrong with it. They aren't removing God from anywhere, he answer's prayers, you don't have to have someone else pray for you to talk to him (unless you are Catholic, but these weren't Catholic priests praying at UT).

Just my two cents.

All this about preaching acceptance, then you take a dig at Catholicism. Nice.
And yes, a priest has recited a prayer at Neyland many times. Generally it's one of the priests from John XXIII.
How did you determine they were biased?

For one I know the la times well and definitely biased........secondly I know people that delve into the bible and no way you or any other atheist understand anything about the bible......religious history yes actual
I realize that it's not in the constitution but the Declaration of Independence is another important document in our country's foundation of law.

Other's on the other side are quoting other documents besides the constitution as well. These right for the basis of all other rights found in the Constitution.

no, the law is the Constitution. The DoI has no bearing on what is/is not allowed in this country
For the record the Pew survey asked 32 total questions...protestants actually were very close to atheists on the biblical knowledge portion, 6.5(out of 11) vs 6.7 for atheist...mormons did the best. On knowledge of world religions atheists (7.5 out of 12) and jews (7.9) did the best...protestants (4.6) were far behind.
The ACLU and other like organizations need to mind their own business and quit destroying this country with their nonsense.

I support UT in the decision to keep reciting a prayer. Go Vols.
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I realize that it's not in the constitution but the Declaration of Independence is another important document in our country's foundation of law.

Other's on the other side are quoting other documents besides the constitution as well. These right for the basis of all other rights found in the Constitution. of the land? Nope

Insightful into their thoughts, beliefs, philosophy of governance? absolutely
The ACLU and other like organizations need to mind their own business and quit destroying this country with their nonsense.

I support UT in the decision to keep reciting a prayer. Go Vols.

you know the ACLU represents Christians as well right?
The ACLU and other like organizations need to mind their own business and quit destroying this country with their nonsense.

I support UT in the decision to keep reciting a prayer. Go Vols.

What do you think will happen if prayer is removed? Are you not aware that there are many other high functioning societies where few people worship, believe in a god, or say religion is important in their daily lives?
What? Did he not stop the prayer before the 9/11 tribute this year? Did he not stop the prayer before the State of the Union addresses?

govt functions (and I believe the 9/11 was Bloomberg but people are still allowed to pray on their own)

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