Praying Before Game WILL NOT BE STOPPED AT UT (merged)

Survey after survey shows agnostic/atheistic people to be more knowledgeable about religion and the bible than believers. That should tell you something.

That is because some of us had the bible shoved down out throats by our parents and the church growing up. I am agnostic now, but I was a conditioned growing up to be a hardcore Christian. I am thankful I learn to think for myself and to question everything I been taught. Been agnostic now for about 15 years now.

On topic even if I was still a practicing Christian I would not support forced prayer to a certain God in school or public events. A prayer to a higher being or just an moment of silence I would be fine with.
you know the ACLU represents Christians as well right?


from Christianity Today:

The ACLU Is Not Evil
And neither are many people with whom we disagree.
Stephen L. Carter
[ posted 5/1/2006 12:00AM ]

I would like to say a word in defense of the American Civil Liberties Union. Christians—including me, both in the pages of CT and elsewhere—often criticize the ACLU for advocating separation of church and state in ways that seem less grounded in the Constitution and in history than in an ideological desire for a religion-free public arena. On the other hand, I shudder when fellow Christians blithely dismiss the organization as fundamentally biased against them. Some call it the Anti-Christian Liberals Union or the Anti-Christian Litigation Unit. There are other, less friendly acronyms as well. I think the ACLU is wrong to oppose religious expression in the public square, but being wrong is not the same as being evil.

More to the point, the ACLU is often right about the First Amendment's free exercise clause, taking on fights that others refuse. It might surprise some critics that the ACLU defends the free speech and free exercise rights of, well, Christians.

For example, in 2001, the group interceded with a school district in Michigan that had deleted a high school senior's yearbook entry because she included a Bible verse. In 2002, the ACLU filed a brief on behalf of a pastor associated with Operation Rescue who was prevented from participating in a parade because his pro-life poster showed a photograph of an aborted baby. And last September, the organization joined a lawsuit on behalf of a New Jersey second-grader who was not allowed to sing "Awesome God" in a school talent show. (All of these examples are easily accessible on several Web pages now devoted to defending the ACLU 's record on Christianity.)
What do you think will happen if prayer is removed? Are you not aware that there are many other high functioning societies where few people worship, believe in a god, or say religion is important in their daily lives?

I am of the firm belief that our country has been great for so long in high part because we have always kept God front and center.

Progressives and others want to remove that and as a consequence, America's stature will decline. It's already happening.
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So we are no longer allowed to pray before government functions. And yet we have 'In God We Trust' on our money? Have we changed course somewhere along the journey? the 1950's the McCarthy freaks put it on there to show those commies...and no one really objected

”Today we are engaged in a final, all-out battle between communistic atheism and Christianity,” Joe McCarthy, 1950.
Here is my opinion. I choose to pray, someone else may not. We both chose to go to a function, why should I be told I can't pray when its a voluntary function I am attending? If prayer bothers you that much, why go to a voluntary function that includes prayer?

Also, is it a Church vs State issue when the athletic department is a separate entity from the University? Last I checked it is a free standing enterprise funded through donations, is that not correct?

1) Prayer does not have to be aloud, a moment of silence gives both people a chance to do what they feel is appropriate while not offending opinion is that a prayer for god to protect players and keep sportsmanship and ending it in a "GO Vols" is bordering on blasphemy...I choose to ignore it and let each to his own.

2) If your second point is true, it certainly isn't viewed across the board as such....if it were the STUDENT-ATHLETES wouldn't need to seek admission into the University, worry about grades or even be a student for that matter! But the Football Team, Stadium, Coaches and Prayer answers to the School.
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The ACLU wants to represent Christians about as much as the NAACP wants to represent black conservatives.......they'll do it if they have to, but there won't be anyreal substance behind it.
I am of the firm belief that our country has been great for so long in high part because we have always kept God front and center.

Progressives and others want to remove that and as a consequence, America's stature will decline. It's already happening.

Denmark? Sweden? Japan?

Why aren't these societies collapsing where only an extreme minority are not atheists?

Why are these societies wealthy and free of high rates of crime yet they have rejected god?

What's your best guess?
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I am of the firm belief that our country has been great for so long in high part because we have always kept God front and center.

Progressives and others want to remove that and as a consequence, America's stature will decline. It's already happening.

shock and awe
I honestly do not see the big deal either way, frankly.

As an atheist I have no problem observing a moment of silence at sporting events, or bowing my head during the prayer just to show respect to my fellow human beings who are religious. It just takes a minute, no big deal.

I also do not understand why people get so upset when the official prayer is removed. If prayer is so important, can't you do it before you leave for the game, or even do it at the game by just taking a moment for yourself and God? Why does it have to be on the PA system?

I just don't understand the butt hurt on both sides of this issue.
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Let's quit BSing about this and get to the truth of the matter. How many complaints have there been about the prayer? Who does it offend and how many?

This is an all out assault by a FEW on the culture that has been built in this country for a couple hundred years. It has nothing to do with complaints and has to do with an agenda.

How long has prayer been going on in football any sporting event in this country? How long has the Constitution been around? Why is it just now coming up?

I am actually ashamed at many of you on here. Had the idea come up to your great grandaddy that prayer be abolished at football games....he would have told you and anyone else in ear shot to shut up & mind their own business if they didn't like it. The pussification of America continues trying to please each and every bs interest. Have at it ladies.

I say put it to a VOTE.
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Denmark? Sweden? Japan?

Why aren't these societies collapsing where only an extreme minority are not atheists?

Why are these societies wealthy and free of high rates of crime yet they have rejected god?

What's your best guess?

They are run by pro-market conservatives and not progressive liberals who hate business and freedom?
I honestly do not see the big deal either way, frankly.

As an atheist I have no problem observing a moment of silence at sporting events, or bowing my head during the prayer just to show respect to my fellow human beings who are religious. It just takes a minute, no big deal.

I also do not understand why people get so upset when the official prayer is removed. If prayer is so important, can't you do it before you leave for the game, or even do it at the game by just taking a moment for yourself and God? Why does it have to be on the PA system?

I just don't understand the butt hurt on both sides of this issue.

It has to do less with religion (for me) and more to do with some peckerhead from Wisconsin coming and telling us what we can and can't do at a UT Football game. MYOFB yankees.
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So what % of US citizens think that world on the dollar they have in their pocket means Allah? None...

No but that is how I rationalize it myself. Still I do understand what you are saying.

I strongly disagree with you about God being front and center. I am someone who wished the Republican party went the route of Goldwater. He didn't want them at all to cater to the religious right, but we see what happen. Shame.

You can't put lipstick on a pig bro.

Same thing I would say about the religious right.
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and yet didn't feel the need to include the word "God" in the entire document. Wonder why that is

They never realized so many people would fight to keep it out if they included it, and at the time, everyone felt the same way about God and His divine guidance for America.

My how things have changed.

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