Praying Before Game WILL NOT BE STOPPED AT UT (merged)


even if you had "faith" that the opposite would least planes actually have crashed. I know it feels good to think you have an imaginary friend following you through life, but don't bring that crap to public forums, especially govt/public ones.

No need to be offended christians...just pray to yourself...making everyone else listen to that silliness infringes upon their rights.

My comment was examples of Faith, which doesn't have to be extraordinary. Two, my imaginary "Friend" is who woke you up, and allows you to spew your ignorant and defiant rhetoric. When you don't have fear of God in you, this is what you sound like. Me, fear, respect, and worship God. I look to the Hills which comes my help, and I know my help comes from the Lord. I can say exactly what I feel on any public forum I wish. You don't like the Truth (Word of God) then leave or block me. Doesn't matter, but I'm peaceful and loving and haven't forced upon you or said anything derogatory to you. If you're offended I apologize, but not for spreading the Gospel. Also, it's your RIGHT not to attend or go to a place where there's pray. Since it's so much torture on you and infringement, why even go to such a place?
The uncertainty principal is a description of our inability to measure/know things. You are reading back into the equation our inability to measure and calling it His inability to plan.

The uncertainty principle is the key to what happened at the big bang - you are right that it relates to hte inability to measure/know things - specifically the inability to at the same time predict velocity and position

once you take things back to the big bang you are starting at an incredibly small starting point - so when you look at what is happening or what could have been known you need to look at the quantum level - thus the uncertainty principle becomes incredibly important - if there were a being that basically prompted the big bang quantum tells you that that entity couldnt possibly have been able to predict both velocity and position of particles - this means they couldnt possibly have know whether matter would take form or in what ways it could possibly form - this takes it back to my comment on what type of God you can really believe in - quantum has severely limited the type of God a rational person can believe in

this is why the Uncertainty principle is so important - not that it could rule out a God or something behind that big bang (however the big bang is when time started so saying a time before that doesnt really make sense to a physicist) - but that it can show us what type of God one couldnt actually believe in

and that God is one that likes to play roulette if you choose to believe in one

i choose not to simply b/c it adds another layer of complexity without adding any more understanding or insight
Nothing wrong with that, so long as you enjoy your time here and treat others with respect, imo.

Some people on both sides of the issue could gain from having a little more respect.

I appreciate the dialog with you, and respect you for not lashing out or being derogatory during out debate. I wish everyone could debate, air differences and still respect each others opinion. A real Christian doesn't judge. If there was some one passing judgement or acting in a manner other than planting seeds, I pray they become more Christ-like in their ways.
I respect that, but I shy away from saying never. Perhaps we can observe other universes with advances in technology. Who knows. That's what makes science and advancement fascinating.

It is fascinating, and I love to follow the advancements.

Perhaps "never" is a big word. Perhaps we suffer from operating with two different definitions of 'universe'. I understand the universe to be all within our current "creation", including the constraints of natural laws as we know them.

If we develop technologies to jump that gap, then there isn't much rounding up needed to arrive at the word "never". It seems almost by definition that we will only be able to observe that which resides in our own universe.

Whichever... It's not pertinent to the original point. :)
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I believe in creationism. I created my kids therefore I am God! I grew up in the southern churches and I know from experience that christians are some of the most hateful people on the planet and none of them do what their beloved bible tells them to do. They just pick out what they like and say.. you do this or you go to hell! thats the way it is and always will be.

There is plenty of hate in the world. Some of the best people I have met were christians and so were some of the worst. Thats a pretty broad brush your painting with.

In some parts of the world they can cut your head of if you dont pray five times a day. arn't you glad you didn't grow up there?
You're not aware of all of the other human like species that evolved from apes over time? If you are a medical doctor that is embarrassing.

In what "sense" DO you believe in evolution?

It's all theories and their theories keep changing as they go.....I believe in adaptation and not evolution
The uncertainty principle is the key to what happened at the big bang - you are right that it relates to hte inability to measure/know things - specifically the inability to at the same time predict velocity and position

once you take things back to the big bang you are starting at an incredibly small starting point - so when you look at what is happening or what could have been known you need to look at the quantum level - thus the uncertainty principle becomes incredibly important - if there were a being that basically prompted the big bang quantum tells you that that entity couldnt possibly have been able to predict both velocity and position of particles - this means they couldnt possibly have know whether matter would take form or in what ways it could possibly form - this takes it back to my comment on what type of God you can really believe in - quantum has severely limited the type of God a rational person can believe in

this is why the Uncertainty principle is so important - not that it could rule out a God or something behind that big bang (however the big bang is when time started so saying a time before that doesnt really make sense to a physicist) - but that it can show us what type of God one couldnt actually believe in

and that God is one that likes to play roulette if you choose to believe in one

i choose not to simply b/c it adds another layer of complexity without adding any more understanding or insight

I will repeat myself, with all due respect.

The uncertainty principal is a description of our inability to measure/know things. You are reading back into the equation our inability to measure and calling it His inability to plan.

To ascribe our finite understanding of reality around us to a supposed infinitely intelligent being is making quite the logical jump. No?

Did anyone claim that a person caused the Big Bang? Or is there a claim that someOne greater than us caused it?
My comment was examples of Faith, which doesn't have to be extraordinary. Two, my imaginary "Friend" is who woke you up, and allows you to spew your ignorant and defiant rhetoric. When you don't have fear of God in you, this is what you sound like. Me, fear, respect, and worship God. I look to the Hills which comes my help, and I know my help comes from the Lord. I can say exactly what I feel on any public forum I wish. You don't like the Truth (Word of God) then leave or block me. Doesn't matter, but I'm peaceful and loving and haven't forced upon you or said anything derogatory to you. If you're offended I apologize, but not for spreading the Gospel. Also, it's your RIGHT not to attend or go to a place where there's pray. Since it's so much torture on you and infringement, why even go to such a place?

It is reasonable to have faith that something that happens thousands of times over and over will happen again. And you are harmless and no I am not offended in the least...I grew up in a church from a young age but was mentally strong enough to reject the brainwashing that tries to put fear into people. For a lot of people it sticks and unfortunately they are not able to. It was for good reason Francis Xavier said, "give me the boy and in 7 years I will give you the man". It becomes entwined with who you are so that rejecting it becomes more and more difficult. It's how scientologists are able to believe crazy things...when you're in the bubble it seems normal.

And it is not incumbent upon me to either (1) go and be offended or (2) not go. It is incumbent upon govt that they not promote belief in a deity/religion. It is the law of the land, and why this will end one by one as challenges are filed. Two choices are available which will make this practice essentially meaningless..a moment of silence or a generic prayer which doesn't mention god or jesus christ which renders it meaningless.
It's all theories and their theories keep changing as they go.....I believe in adaptation and not evolution

are you aware of all of the other human like species (neanderthals died out only 20-30k yrs ago I think for example) that evolved from apes?
Please do tell what is exactly wrong with a secular government? When we infuse Christian morality into the government we become no better than the Islamic theocracies.

Nothing if that is your opinion. However, the first amendment not only states that there shall be no law respecting an establishment of religion, but also to no law prohibiting the free exercise thereof. And also, it says Congress shall make no law. It doesn't state anything about any public institution's rights to do so or not.

U.S. Constitution - Amendment 1 - The U.S. Constitution Online -

Everything else is strictly one's personal opinion--which is far from law.
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are you aware of all of the other human like species (neanderthals died out only 20-30k yrs ago I think for example) that evolved from apes?

You can't prove that humans evolved from apes by smuggling in the claim that Neanderthals evolved from apes.

(Not gonna get into the evolution debate. Just pointing out the slippery logic you are trying to use. :hi: )
You can't prove that humans evolved from apes by smuggling in the claim that Neanderthals evolved from apes.

(Not gonna get into the evolution debate. Just pointing out the slippery logic you are trying to use. :hi: ) lots of other human like species evolved from apes but no way we did...ok

How old do you think the earth is?
I will repeat myself, with all due respect.

To ascribe our finite understanding of reality around us to a supposed infinitely intelligent being is making quite the logical jump. No?

Did anyone claim that a person caused the Big Bang? Or is there a claim that someOne greater than us caused it?

two things. One, why would god have to operate within our understanding of the universe? We have already witnessed things that happen in our universe that our physics can't explain.

Two. The other dude has faith too. his faith is that everything came from nothing. So why do people that belief this find it so hard to belief that that others have faith in a higher being?
Nothing if that is your opinion. However, the first amendment not only states that there shall be no law respecting an establishment of religion, but also to no law prohibiting the free exercise thereof. And also, it says Congress shall make no law. It doesn't state anything about any public institution's rights to do so or not.

U.S. Constitution - Amendment 1 - The U.S. Constitution Online -

Everything else is strictly one's personal opinion--which is far from law.

well this is the law and UT has ignored it since glad you had 15 yrs that they let em get away with it:

In Chaudhuri v. State of Tennessee, 130 F. 3d 232 (6th Cir. 1997), the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals considered legal challenges to the allowance of prayers at univer*sity functions and the recitation of The Lord’s Prayer [5] at Tennessee State University’s (TSU) graduation ceremony. A lawsuit was filed by mechanical engi*neering professor Dilip Chaudhuri, a Hindu. He objected to a custom of prayers being offered at graduation exercises, faculty meetings, dedication ceremonies, and guest lectures at the Nashville school.

In response, TSU officials decided that all such prayers at university events would be generic and nonsectarian.[6] Still not satisfied, Chaudhuri then filed suit in federal district court. After he filed the lawsuit, TSU changed its policy to include a moment of silence, rather than a verbal prayer, at graduation exercises. The district court dismissed the claims
That is the opposite of the point I made.

Does my belief concerning the age of the earth prove that Darwinian evolution occurred?

it would go towards your ability to reason and your level of intellectual it an answer that you are not proud of?

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