Praying Before Game WILL NOT BE STOPPED AT UT (merged)

This..thank you. I have been struggling with this and realizing that explaining it can sometimes take quite some time because it took so long for me to understand. So much to learn! :)

Your right. And that in and of itself is a spiritual principle Hebrews 5:12-14 NKJV

"For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the first principles of the oracles of God; and you have come to need milk and not solid food. For everyone who partakes only of milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, for he is a babe. But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil."

Hebrews 5 12-14
It's okay for God to order his chosen, holy people to murder thousands of children because of "the customs in that time"? Think about your own kids, if you have any. Killing them isn't okay if it's "custom."

Agreed. That's why abortion isn't ok even though our current society says it is.
Want to say one thing before I hit the bed. All the religions serve a good purpose for those that need them, but we are on the precipice of a giant leap in the evolution of human consciousness, and holding on to certain practices and belief systems will no doubt hinder ones ability to adapt. Just as the Arian age of Abraham gave us the tools for the growth that was necessary for that time, the age of Pisces (Jesus) is rapidly coming to an end, along with its systems. The 2 principles Jesus delivered was 1. the kingdom of heaven is within, and 2. love is the only law. Everything else from this point forward will serve only as a stumbling block. It's time to remove the blinders that have limited our perspective, and begin to think world-centricly. Open your mind and look at the stars. Have a good night volnation.
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Want to say one thing before I hit the bed. All the religions serve a good purpose for those that need them, but we are on the precipice of a giant leap in the evolution of human consciousness, and holding on to certain practices and belief systems will no doubt hinder ones ability to adapt. Just as the Arian age of Abraham gave us the tools for the growth that was necessary for that time, the age of Pisces (Jesus) is rapidly coming to an end, along with its systems. The 2 principles Jesus delivered was 1. the kingdom of heaven is within, and 2. love is the only law. Everything else from this point forward will serve only as a stumbling block. It's time to remove the blinders that have limited our perspective, and begin to think world-centricly. Open your mind and look at the stars. Have a good night volnation.

I looked up, and a bird took a crap on me, thanks.
Want to say one thing before I hit the bed. All the religions serve a good purpose for those that need them, but we are on the precipice of a giant leap in the evolution of human consciousness, and holding on to certain practices and belief systems will no doubt hinder ones ability to adapt. Just as the Arian age of Abraham gave us the tools for the growth that was necessary for that time, the age of Pisces (Jesus) is rapidly coming to an end, along with its systems. The 2 principles Jesus delivered was 1. the kingdom of heaven is within, and 2. love is the only law. Everything else from this point forward will serve only as a stumbling block. It's time to remove the blinders that have limited our perspective, and begin to think world-centricly. Open your mind and look at the stars. Have a good night volnation.

I can't find the "within" verse you describe.

But good night, and sweet dreams to you.
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I can't find the "within" verse you describe.

But good night, and sweet dreams to you.
I believe he was referring to Luke 17:20-21
King James Version (KJV)
20 And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation:

21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.
I agree with the removal of a formal prayer.

UT is a state supported school.

Separation of church and state is a cornerstone of our founding fathers and our country.

You're welcome to pray (or not pray) to whomever or whatever you like during a moment of silence.
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I agree with the removal of a formal prayer.

UT is a state supported school.

Separation of church and state is a cornerstone of our founding fathers and our country.
You're welcome to pray (or not pray) to whomever or whatever you like during a moment of silence.

The cornerstone was freedom TO worship. The seperation of church and state was a building block on the cornerstone. Those same founding fathers were also known to pray for God's leadership for our country. If a muslim wants to pray to their god they have all the right to. If an atheist wants to take a moment of silence and not pray then they are welcome to. This country from the beginning was based on religious beliefs but no one would be persecuted for having other beliefs and our country needs to get back to that principal!
I agree with the removal of a formal prayer.

UT is a state supported school.

Separation of church and state is a cornerstone of our founding fathers and our country.

You're welcome to pray (or not pray) to whomever or whatever you like during a moment of silence.

Please show us where you find a separation of church and state.
Because if it hadn't stopped at home then it wouldn't have been taken out of schools.

yeah that might be true but there is only two or three people that has mentioned it on this topic..... Im sure that some people do have an active prayer life at home....its just that the overwhelming majority do not.
yeah that might be true but there is only two or three people that has mentioned it on this topic..... Im sure that some people do have an active prayer life at home....its just that the overwhelming majority do not.

No worries....I for one intend to pray at work or wherever the Lord lets me law or not.
You can paint the picture any way you want to but I like others have read all the things you have posted and you and I both know that you have quoted scripture out of context as well as used an interpretation to scripture which suits your argument. It is very obvious from reading your posts that there is hate and disdain not only for God but for anyone who believes in Him.

You have insulted people who have treated you with respect even though their views differed from yours. I respect you as a person and that you have the right to choose in what or who you choose to believe in. Why is it so hard for you to do the same? Hate? Fear? What is it?

It boggles the mind that Powereweep:

(1) Ignores the problem assumptions with carbon dating in favor of trusting the experts in the geological field...


(2) Ignores the experts in the theological field that have explained his issues with the character of God from the OT.
Because you want to blast it over the loudspeaker. You say I have quoted things out of context and yet last night you admitted you found the Numbers passage troubling.

Give me a context since I take it out of context where the Isaac-Abraham sacrifice story can better be understood within the context of a loving god.

Hate? Why would I hate you? I (and others) in this thread have been told that I was going to hell, leading the destruction of this country, its values, eternal damnation, much worse in this thread. Haven't complained once. This is the grown up table.

But no I don't respect your beliefs any more than I respect those of say scientology or Islam or anything else supernatural. But your right to believe and worship as you wish? Fight like heck for just can't do it in this arena.

In the Hebrew, when Abraham answers, he literally says "on this mountain, God will provide Himself as sacrifice." Then, as Isaac was about to die, God gave a substitute.

Much later, on that same mountain, Jesus Christ was crucified. God provided Himself as a sacrifice for humanity.

The Abraham/Isaac story was a Biblical "type" that pointed forward to the death of Jesus Christ-- which Christians believe to be the most loving act in human history.

You asked for it, and there you have it. :hi:

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