well this is the law and UT has ignored it since 1997...be glad you had 15 yrs that they let em get away with it:
In Chaudhuri v. State of Tennessee, 130 F. 3d 232 (6th Cir. 1997), the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals considered legal challenges to the allowance of prayers at univer*sity functions and the recitation of The Lords Prayer [5] at Tennessee State Universitys (TSU) graduation ceremony. A lawsuit was filed by mechanical engi*neering professor Dilip Chaudhuri, a Hindu. He objected to a custom of prayers being offered at graduation exercises, faculty meetings, dedication ceremonies, and guest lectures at the Nashville school.
In response, TSU officials decided that all such prayers at university events would be generic and nonsectarian.[6] Still not satisfied, Chaudhuri then filed suit in federal district court. After he filed the lawsuit, TSU changed its policy to include a moment of silence, rather than a verbal prayer, at graduation exercises. The district court dismissed the claims