President Donald Trump Signed MAGA Hat

This doesn't mean anything. You just gonna accept a 90-year-old saying FDR was awesome cause you didn't live it? This is what books are for. You lived it and I can promise you that you had no fkn clue about his being a great deregulator, so what good is living it? Your age gives you no authority on the matter.

The entire point is that America sucked during Carter because of what he inherited, and it was better after Carter because of what he did. You're just repeating that it sucked under Carter.
“Inherented” the most overused and inane poltical defense in history. Favorite of Democrats and liberals forever or at least since Truman who had the balls to say “the buck stops here”
You were born and raised in the sunlight that was Reagan. Those who have lived their entire life in daylight should not presume to describe darkness to those who have lived through the night
BTW…..this is NOT the signature of a successful President
View attachment 473457

The average American voter is a complete dumbass and winning election and re-election seems to have no correlation with how good you are at being POTUS.

This is the equivalent of showing Obama's re-election data and saying "See?!! he was great!"
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The average American voter is a complete dumbass and winning election and re-election seems to have no correlation with how good you are at being POTUS.
Stop digging friend….the hole is only getting deeper 😂
So…..what would recommend we replace elections with exactly (assuming we want “good” presidents by your criteria)?
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Stop digging friend….the hole is only getting deeper 😂
So…..what would recommend we replace elections with exactly (assuming we want “good” presidents by your criteria)?

What are you talking about, replacing elections? I don't think you understood the point.
Stop digging friend….the hole is only getting deeper 😂
So…..what would recommend we replace elections with exactly (assuming we want “good” presidents by your criteria)?

The problem... not that anyone asked my the process to be elected President. It looks like hell and it would seem to discourage people who would actually make good candidates from running, There are stories told about how Lee Iacocca and other leaders convinced Reagan to run for Governor of Cali. Basically very few speeches, they took care of the fundraising and just kind of kept all of the bullsh*t off of his radar. Kind of reminds me of how Mal Moore convinced Saban to come back to college (a strict promise that boosters would have zero access) they were to cut checks and stay out of the way. If we want to attract better candidates maybe we should somehow find a way to make the process easier. Otherwise we're going to keep ending up with the same losers. Bright, articulate and honest people have better things to do with their time.
Stop digging friend….the hole is only getting deeper 😂
So…..what would recommend we replace elections with exactly (assuming we want “good” presidents by your criteria)?

The problem... not that anyone asked my the process to be elected President. It looks like hell and it would seem to discourage people who would actually make good candidates from running, There are stories told about how Lee Iacocca and other leaders convinced Reagan to run for Governor of Cali. Basically very few speeches, they took care of the fundraising and just kind of kept all of the bullsh*t off of his radar. Kind of reminds me of how Mal Moore convinced Saban to come back to college (a strict promise that boosters would have zero access) they were to cut checks and stay out of the way. If we want to attract better candidates maybe we should somehow find a way to make the process easier. Otherwise we're going to keep ending up with the same losers. Bright, articulate and honest people have better things to do with their time.
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The problem... not that anyone asked my the process to be elected President. It looks like hell and it would seem to discourage people who would actually make good candidates from running, There are stories told about how Lee Iacocca and other leaders convinced Reagan to run for Governor of Cali. Basically very few speeches, they took care of the fundraising and just kind of kept all of the bullsh*t off of his radar. Kind of reminds me of how Mal Moore convinced Saban to come back to college (a strict promise that boosters would have zero access) they were to cut checks and stay out of the way. If we want to attract better candidates maybe we should somehow find a way to make the process easier. Otherwise we're going to keep ending up with the same losers. Bright, articulate and honest people have better things to do with their time.
How about we simply go back to what the Constitution originally called for, electors appointmented by the State Legislatures?
The problem... not that anyone asked my the process to be elected President. It looks like hell and it would seem to discourage people who would actually make good candidates from running, There are stories told about how Lee Iacocca and other leaders convinced Reagan to run for Governor of Cali. Basically very few speeches, they took care of the fundraising and just kind of kept all of the bullsh*t off of his radar. Kind of reminds me of how Mal Moore convinced Saban to come back to college (a strict promise that boosters would have zero access) they were to cut checks and stay out of the way. If we want to attract better candidates maybe we should somehow find a way to make the process easier. Otherwise we're going to keep ending up with the same losers. Bright, articulate and honest people have better things to do with their time.
I do agree with you wholeheartedly that the current process doesn’t attract the people we most need…
Oh I understood it fine. I don’t think you understood the necessary logical implications of your assertion 😉

OK, what did I assert and what are the implications?

I said we're bad at picking presidents. You wanna argue with that, be my guest.
OK, what did I assert and what are the implications?

I said we're bad at picking presidents. You wanna argue with that, be my guest.
If we want only the best people do be President, and (by your own admission which I will not dispute) we are doing a lousy job at it, then we must needs find a different process. And if Americans persist in being idiots, who then shall make the selection in their stead? I will gladly volunteer to make the choice every four years if no one objects 😂
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If we want only the best people do be President, and (by your own admission which I will not dispute) we are doing a lousy job at it, then we must needs find a different process. And if Americans persist in being idiots, who then shall make the selection in their stead? I will gladly volunteer to make the choice every four years if no one objects 😂

No offense.... but I would just rather Thomas Massie be elected king for a term of 20 years than, you pick every four years. In your defense, I also find that to be a better alternative to the the average American picking too.
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If we want only the best people do be President, and (by your own admission which I will not dispute) we are doing a lousy job at it, then we must needs find a different process. And if Americans persist in being idiots, who then shall make the selection in their stead? I will gladly volunteer to make the choice every four years if no one objects 😂

You're just changing the conversation chasing a squirrel. Nobody cares to pursue that with you. Yes, we need to fix our election process. There is obviously something wrong with it. We're not going to solve it in the Carter conversation, bro.
Ive Never seen or heard that quote before. Thats powerful.
I have seen several nearby variants to the general effect that people who desire power are precisely the people we should not wish to have it
One idea that has always intrigued me is a proposal to select our leaders via a lottery similar to jury duty. Your name gets picked from a giant fishbowl…..congratulations, your off to Congress for a single term!!!
May the odds ever be in your favor
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You're just changing the conversation chasing a squirrel. Nobody cares to pursue that with you. Yes, we need to fix our election process. There is obviously something wrong with it. We're not going to solve it in the Carter conversation, bro.
Sure we can solve it, appoint me as Tsar of the American Republic. I shall be a kind and benevolent leader
Our family struggled under Carter as well. My dad was not a fan. After forced bussing / desegregation came to Nashville schools, they moved out of Nashville between White House and Millersville. I remember we got a wood burning stove to heat the house. Dad was looking into underground housing, solar water heaters, and ethanol for fuel. He and mom got some farm animals. I didn't understand it then but I do now. They were preparing for another depression. They both lived through it as kids.
I am not sure how long they pursued self sufficiency / off-grid living. But I remember very early in the 80s things got better. They gradually harvested the animals or sold them. Dad's business began to improve. I was grateful to not have farm chores as part of my daily life.

eta: I remember "malaise", carter telling people to adjust their thermostat, carter wearing a sweater during a tv address from the white house, AND SNL mocking the 3 mile island issue.

My family prospered during the Carter administration. They didn't like him at the time, but they look at him through a much different lense now. At that time, they were able to lay the foundation for a very successful career and portfolio they ultimately built.
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No, that was Mr Fuddrucker 😉


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