I have a small issue with this...... A person spends their whole life in East bumble F88k China and has never seen or heard of your God. How is he supposed to accept him?
I call BS on that story. My guess is the kid is a total jerk and his mom is even worse.
But it's not surprising to see Fox continue in it's efforts of manipulating it's consumers into holding public education in as low regard as possible. That has always been one of their pillars.....and one more thing that they do that ultimately makes the country worse off.
I have a small issue with this...... A person spends their whole life in East bumble F88k China and has never seen or heard of your God. How is he supposed to accept him?
I am 100% certain, if that kid hadn't been white and straight, it'd have been a non-issue. BTW, kids need to be taught that God created man and woman. And everything else is a by-product of mankind.
Problem is, people fail to realize or admit, that separation of church and state in schools, ultimately includes the separation of anti-church and schools. Schools are to be neutral academic sites.
That is not my opinionEven so, it is my choice to have that opinion that I believe there is one god. It's not a contest. It's a belief.
Your belief there is more than one god is also an opinion, and it is your right to have that belief.
Even so, it is my choice to have that opinion that I believe there is one god. It's not a contest. It's a belief.
Your belief there is more than one god is also an opinion, and it is your right to have that belief.
Good Lord.
“Mal”-information. That’s a new one for me.
Mis is unknowingly
Dis is deliberate
Mal - wtf is that?
That is not my opinion
Religion shouldn't be and isn't going to be taught in public schools. Your claim that things that go against your religion shouldn't be taught either is ridiculous. It's also a fight that's been going for a while and those goalposts keep moving as science progresses
If they can make up pronouns, why not pre-fixes? Idiocracy is no longer a fictional movie, it is our new reality.
Islam isn't being taught in schools.You're now twisting the definition of religion to support your cause. What you really want to prevent is something being taught that couple challenge your long held beliefs. That protection doesn't exist unless you pay for itI never said religion should be taught in public schools. There are private christian schools for that if a parent so chooses. I just said you can't ban christian religion from schools, but allow islam, or any other faith, or pseudo beliefs, or socio fads to be in the curriculum. You can't force wokism in schools legally any more than you can force "religion," It is not ridiculous to point out that my belief is banned in public schools but other beliefs are not. "Religion" Comes in many forms and disguises. If you ban one form, you ban them all.
This is what happens when you trade the broom closest for safe spaces.
Islam isn't being taught in schools.You're now twisting the definition of religion to support your cause. What you really want to prevent is something being taught that couple challenge your long held beliefs. That protection doesn't exist unless you pay for it
You can have the opinion it should but the fact is that it doesn't. What you're describing is not a religion. You simply want things you don't like to be banned and are making up definitions to support that belief.Is wokism not being forced in public schools. That is a belief. And, yes I do beleive in equality. So, if teachers are teaching multi-gender crap and all that instead of math, then there should be a religion class down the hall. Freedom of choice, right? The protection that bans religion from public schools, should cover all socio-beliefs. If you have the right to not be exposed to or offended by my belief in public schools, then I have that same right to not be exposed or offended by your secular beliefs as well. It's that simple.
And science? What a joke these days. Science has yet to prove that babies are born transgender. That's why folks have to go through the change. Science couldn't even get masks right.
You can have the opinion it should but the fact is that it doesn't. What you're describing is not a religion. You simply want things you don't like to be banned and are making up definitions to support that belief.
The simple point is that one is a recognized religion and the other is not. Doesn't matter how much you want it to be. The law only addresses religion not every belief a human could have. That would be absurdNo, I'm not making things up. Choosing to change from a man to a woman or vice versa, is a byproduct of a belief system. Anything in the woke agenda is just as much a belief system as a christian belief system. My point, and one that seems to evade you, is a practical argument. Either allow them all to be taught, or none at all. Don't tell me it's ok to teach my kid garbage I don't believe in, but you can't teach my belief that may be garbage to someone else. It is an exteemly simple point and one you should not be struggling with. Any system of beliefs is a religion regardless of whether or not it includes God or a God.
The simple point is that one is a recognized religion and the other is not. Doesn't matter how much you want it to be. The law only addresses religion.
The phrase "Don't tell me it's ok to teach my kid garbage I don't believe in" has been repeated many times throughout the years and those people usually end up looking very foolish.
you're just making up stuff now. The law addresses religion. It's that simple. You're now trying to redefine things you don't like to fit as a religion so they're included. That's a ridiculous exercise. Think of all the teachings in the past 100yrs that would have been banned. Humanities class violate no existing lawsWhy would it matter if one is a recognized religion or not. If public schools are to be legally neutral, which they should be, then they need to be neutral. If you are banning religion, but pushing non-religious beliefs, then you are not neutral. Pure and simple. Public schools should be a NEUTRAL place of academic learning. And that's not happening. When you are indoctrinating kids with schools of thought, you are teaching religion at it's core. Whether it is government defined or not. I'm not arguing for my faith to be taught in schools. I'm arguing that all belief systems are not to be taught in school, if you are going to play the separation of church and state card. You are really struggling with the simplist of ideals here. A humanities class can promote what does exist in the world without teaching any of them in violation of the law.
The simple point is that one is a recognized religion and the other is not. Doesn't matter how much you want it to be. The law only addresses religion not every belief a human could have. That would be absurd
The phrase "Don't tell me it's ok to teach my kid garbage I don't believe in" has been repeated many times throughout the years and those people usually end up looking very foolish.