President Joe Biden - Kamala Harris Administration

Anyone who believes this is an idiot. Tell me more about vacating planes bc of Muslims.

I wouldn't doubt it. A friend of my wife and I was in Chicago 2 weeks ago and got robbed while walking a block back to her hotel from a concert she had attended. Pretty much the same that woman is still mayor blows my mind.
I wouldn't doubt it. A friend of my wife and I was in Chicago 2 weeks ago and got robbed while walking a block back to her hotel from a concert she had attended. Pretty much the same that woman is still mayor blows my mind.
If you believe people are admitting to murdering children and given a pass then you have a mental problem. You probably bought into pizzagate and Q. If so you need help.
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If you believe people are admitting to murdering children and given a pass then you have a mental problem. You probably bought into pizzagate and Q. If so you need help.

Ok where the heck did that come from? Did I miss something from an earlier post?? All I was saying was crime has gone through the roof with Lightfoot in charge. Maybe you are the one that needs help
I wouldn't doubt it. A friend of my wife and I was in Chicago 2 weeks ago and got robbed while walking a block back to her hotel from a concert she had attended. Pretty much the same that woman is still mayor blows my mind.

If you thought Rahm Emanuel was bad, the city has descended into further chaos under the feekless reign of Beetlejuice.

Warning: Disturbing video in the article.

Chicago man robbed, shot three times in upscale Lincoln Park neighborhood
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There's a lot of parallel between how the CDC handled covid and the FDA is handling a baby formula issue. Seems like everything a government bureaucracy touches turns to crap. Maybe because every bureaucracy the government creates turns to crap first. In all honesty some of the people - the non lawyers - running the FDA, CDC, etc might have been competent until bureaucracy melted their brains. Actually most technical people stuck in either government or corporate bureaucracies eventually wind up with brain damage from repeated contact with walls. Probably a good thing most of us seem to have extremely hard heads.
Would you be willing to say that about the Pentagon?
I wouldn't doubt it. A friend of my wife and I was in Chicago 2 weeks ago and got robbed while walking a block back to her hotel from a concert she had attended. Pretty much the same that woman is still mayor blows my mind.

What Chicago.....and some other cities need is a few Paul Kerseys'. Start shooting the bastards and they will be afraid to rob people.
"I'm hopeful that she's the next POTUS" because she has done such a great job as VP.

Gov. Gavin Newsom Wants Kamala Harris to Run For President .... when this current clown show couldn't get any worse for America, they want to go for the dumbest person on the planet being it's chosen top clown leader. All you'll get from Cackles is more word salads & Cackles. NO solutions to correct such a big F'up job they've already done.
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Ok where the heck did that come from? Did I miss something from an earlier post?? All I was saying was crime has gone through the roof with Lightfoot in charge. Maybe you are the one that needs help

I wouldn’t sweat it too much. That particular poster seems to get his jollies by telling other people how stupid they are, and he’s pretty quick on the trigger. It’s a common theme. Must make him feel better about his own intellect!
Ok where the heck did that come from? Did I miss something from an earlier post?? All I was saying was crime has gone through the roof with Lightfoot in charge. Maybe you are the one that needs help

Yes you seemed to have missed this key part of the story. The story you said you didn't doubt

He also admitted to several other robberies that night as well as a murder of a child. So the cop told my friend if he wanted to testify remotely he could but in all honesty it would be a waste of time. The cop said nothing will happen to the guy. He said one he is black, and because of Lightfoit, the police are powerless.
If you believe people are admitting to murdering children and given a pass then you have a mental problem. You probably bought into pizzagate and Q. If so you need help.
It's too bad that Q turned out to be a psyop. Probably from one of the 3 letter agencies. I was not a follower but the limited drops I've seen were ok and offered hope for the USA and justice for the DC swamp criminals.
It's too bad that Q turned out to be a psyop. Probably from one of the 3 letter agencies. I was not a follower but the limited drops I've seen were ok and offered hope for the USA and justice for the DC swamp criminals.
False hope. Nobody will ever go to jail. Durham and whatever special prosecutor the libtards come up with when we finally get rid of them will just milk the system for several years and then go back to private practice. Oh I am sure some low level nobodies might get sent up for a few years, but nobody of any real stature will. Does anybody really thing that Hillary or Puddinhead will face any jail time? Seriously?
Let’s say the private sector is running the program well.

I’m serious.
Cocktail napkin math follows: I am guessing that if you could find the seedlings, you'd have to subtract probably 25% of that $10B for admin and labor to plant them (seems like a good project for 'homeless' that will 'work for food')... so say $750M for trees at $1-$2 each (I found some for sale in bulk, but probably couldn't get anywhere near the amount needed/required)... giving them (recommended from approx 180 sq feet each would require about 3 million acres or about 4600 square miles... Seems like significant bank for the buck. Of course you have to have the land for that...
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